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File 129621008128.jpg - (5.65KB , 256x393 , 59755.jpg )
299 No. 299 [Edit]
Figma #100 is almost here guys!
What character is it gonna be do you think?
This is the only image I've found for it.

The official announcement should be real soon.
Expand all images
>> No. 300 [Edit]
>> No. 302 [Edit]
File 129624352230.jpg - (66.31KB , 600x600 , I wonder.jpg )
They wouldn't announce it like this if it wasn't finished, so that means the final color scheme is probably what you see in the image. If you zoom out a lot, it looks like the Kagura figma, as it seems to have black knee socks/boots, a navy blue skirt, white shirt, and brown hair. However, it also could be black pants, a silver chest piece, and the white thing on the side is a cape.
>> No. 321 [Edit]
Just a wild shot in the dark here, but Ryogi Shiki?
>> No. 353 [Edit]
File 129679042054.jpg - (278.49KB , 500x462 , Togame1296734643.jpg )
So it seems according to a leak, it's Miku append.
Can't say I'm surprised, I was kind of expecting something a little cooler and well, unexpected, but it's better then Disney character I guess.
>> No. 354 [Edit]
Lame. Well, at least I was on the right track!
>> No. 355 [Edit]
File 129686215367.png - (245.45KB , 483x256 , getdown.png )
>it's Miku
>> No. 356 [Edit]
Seems someone got it.
>> No. 366 [Edit]
File 129702576355.jpg - (107.61KB , 600x902 , Miku append figma.jpg )
The leak turned out to be true, here's an actual photo from WonFes.
>> No. 367 [Edit]
File 129702581292.jpg - (73.70KB , 665x1000 , Miku append figma 2.jpg )
It's disappointing their big announcement was yet another Miku figma, but it still looks great.
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