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37729 No. 37729 [Edit]
Gushing over Magical Girls

Seems there's a lot of buzz around this anime this season.
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>> No. 37731 [Edit]
Been waiting on this since last summer. I hope they don't censor it too much for the TV release. I'm debating on if I should watch it now or wait for the BD
>> No. 37734 [Edit]
Seems ADN is releasing an uncensored version(if nyaa releases are anything to go by). Think the situation is kinda like Redo of Healer.
>> No. 37736 [Edit]
I watched the first episode today and it is really good. The humor is good and the lewd scenes are nice.
>> No. 37745 [Edit]
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>> No. 37746 [Edit]
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For those asking about censors
>> No. 37749 [Edit]
Guess I should wait for the BD release. I'm looking forward to this one.
>> No. 37750 [Edit]
Wonder what "partial deregulation" means.
>> No. 37754 [Edit]
partial censorship.
>> No. 37755 [Edit]
It seems all the webrips are the "partial uncensored" version as well.
>> No. 37781 [Edit]
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Saw the first episode of this yesterday and I feel strange. This entire night I couldn't sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I couldn't stop thinking about Utena. I couldn't stop thinking about Utena because she feels like a reflection of myself from half a decade ago when I realized how fucked in the head I am.

I'm partially terrified, partially amazed and partially grateful on just how accurate they show having that intoxicating adrenaline rush. Her heavy panting, her shaky voice, that uncontrollable gleeful smile, the postures indicating her body feeling all weak, the feeling of lost control or things not being real, her mind blanking out so much she has to be told she can move and do things. It gets so much of those details right.
>> No. 37784 [Edit]
"Ecchi nano wa ikenai to omoimasu!"
>> No. 37809 [Edit]
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>> No. 37814 [Edit]
she has some perky tits for a 14 year old.
not that I'm complaining

this was a bit of a lame reference
>> No. 37815 [Edit]
The webrips are already pretty uncensored, and apparently this was only _partial_ censorship on the video side? What more is there to expose: Are they going to remove the panties entirely on the bluray version or something?
>> No. 37833 [Edit]
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Watched the first episode. It's an ecchi. Everything that happens serves to put something sexy on the screen. Nothing too interesting so far, and I'm getting the sense the plot wont be a major focus. I feel like this kind of show would blend into the background 10 years ago, like To Love-Ru. Will keep watching though, maybe I'm wrong.
>> No. 37834 [Edit]
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This was a 10/10 already for me but somehow the more I see the better it gets? I love that she becomes gentle and soft to her subs once they've been put to the ringer. You can feel that she loves them from heart and finds beauty in them being broken and helpless instead of just being turned on by it all. Those little controlling touches too, playing with Kiwi's lips, stroking her butt, caressing her chin. It's so... accurate. How the FUCK do they keep doing this?!
>> No. 37835 [Edit]
Right I do like that in the second episode she made sure to point out that the candle wax wouldn't actually burn them, so that the subs themselves wouldn't be fearful.
>> No. 37841 [Edit]
Due to the Popularity of the 'Gushing Over Magical Girls' Limited Edition Blu-ray, a 2nd Batch Will be Produced and is now open to Pre-order

Link is $250 version comes with a figure that is in the link, but the regular version is 70 USD for 4 episodes, which is normal for anime, this type of merch are for the big supporters after all
>> No. 37843 [Edit]
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You know what I'd like to see from this series? You know what is something that would make this anime really godlike? A proper aftercare scene!

A part that can really show off Utena's hidden side. Like, Kiwi messing up Haruka particularly bad and taking her prisoner, only for Utena to show up and nurse her back to health in her cold, rocky cell instead of the usual beating. No clothes ripping, instead calm requests to remove them. No whips and chains, just balms and creams. No bondage, just a feeling of it just being the best course of action for now. Utena would still control the act, but it would be a very soft kind of control, guiding Haruka's gaze back to hers, keeping a hand on top of hers, that sort of stuff.

Not necessarily that, but something among those themes. You get the picture.
>> No. 37845 [Edit]
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Some of the animation in episode 4 seemed a bit off to me. Maybe it was the same in past episodes and I just didn't notice, but I can't help but wonder if they're running into production issues. It's not bad enough to be excessively noticeable, but it stood out to me in a few scenes such as when Kaoruko was standing outside the konbini.

That'd be pretty nice. I do really like when Utena's more caring yet still a tad perverted side shines through, like >>37834 mentioned.
>> No. 37846 [Edit]
Cutting corners mid-season isn't unusual.
>> No. 37848 [Edit]
Indeed, and Asahi Production's not exactly known for high production value shows which is why I'd be curious to see their production situation. Ars no Kyojuu a few seasons back comes to mind.
>> No. 37849 [Edit]
Also as per >>37841 , blue-ray disc will probably fix it up.
>> No. 37897 [Edit]
I was sort of waiting for this in the episode where they introduced Kiwi, since unlike Alice and Basier, Kiwi seems bent on actually hurting/destroying the magical girls instead of wanting to "play" them. Was a bit disappointed they didn't go down that route.

I'm actually still not sure how Kiwi fits into their trio. If it was just Basier/Alice then one could make the case that they aren't actually "evil" (in the sense of inflicting suffering beyond what the girls can handle); We know Basier cares about the girls in her own perverted way, and Alice too never does them any actual harm, she just wants to "play" with them (the scenarios related to motherhood/nursing, paired with the fact that her own mother seems to be away a lot of the time and she didn't have any friends underscore that).

But Kiwi seems like the odd one out, with her only motivation being hatred.
>> No. 37898 [Edit]
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>I'm actually still not sure how Kiwi fits into their trio.

Yeah, I really don't like Leopard as a character either. She sticks out like a sore thumb. Even just design-wise: Baiser has a graceful succubus mistress like design to her that's a darker, sexier copy of Tres Magia's outfits, which makes sense. Alice has a doll-like theme that's also very magical in terms of aesthetics, and that also makes sense. Then there is Kiwi who is... a military general that can spawn gunbeds and is named after a tank.

I get they wanted to mix up the roster but why a tank girl when it's a mahou shoujo series?
>> No. 37920 [Edit]
I like this anime. Just the childlike simplicity of their emotions, how they all seem so happy all the time and in ecstasy from simple things. Its kind of like a child's anime except with lewd.
>> No. 37921 [Edit]
>simplicity of their emotions, how they all seem so happy all the time
A lot of Kirara are like that, it's why I love them so much: they highlight the joy in everyday (2D) life, and render every moment as a precious one.
>> No. 37941 [Edit]
what is kirara
>> No. 37942 [Edit]
>> No. 37943 [Edit]
just want to say that I love krr too for the same reasons you mentioned.
>> No. 37944 [Edit]
As >>37942 noted they refer to any anime/manga that has been serialized in the magazine bearing that name.

They are all generally SoL/CGDCT-ish; but calling them merely CGDCTs doesn't do them justice. Every single kirara show essentially sets the bar in terms of what a CGDCT should be: warm friendships, deep emotional bonds, and caring characters. What sets kirara shows apart is the way they're able to depict these: a CGDCT lives and dies by its ability to highlight the beauty in everyday life, and here kirara shows are basically on a stage of their own in terms of their ability to portray subtle emotional nuances that make the characters almost tangible in their earnestness.

That's not to say that non-kirara shows have never been able to do this; but the consistency with which kirara shows manage to do it is really remarkable. And moreover despite this consistency no two kirara shows are alike in the same way: though the underlying elements of kindness, gentleness, and sincerity never change, they manifest themselves differently in the struggles of each show. Though they may be superficially similar in being portrayed as "shy characters", the anxiety of Hana in Slow Start isn't quite the same as the insecurity of Kaos in Comic Girls, nor is it an exact match for Umika's inhbitions – these are all subtly different types of emotional issues that can't simply be lumped together as "shyness" and each respective show goes to great lengths to highlight this.
>> No. 37958 [Edit]
Ep7: I don't really like the direction they went here. Basier recognizes that Azure has been out of her element lately, and even mutters that it's perhaps because she was too hard on her. Given that Basier genuinely cares about the Tres Magias and previous episodes indicate she doesn't actually want to hurt them (physically or mentally), you'd think that the rest of the show would show how Basier deals with this issue in terms of "aftercare", and that she might be more sensitive to Basier's limits. But instead this issue is basically forgotten about and she goes to the exhibit and cinema instead.

And then in the duel scene, we end with a closeup of Azure's face where we see she's crying; possibly in pain or pleasure, but it's definitely not one that indicates she's comfortably "enjoying" the situation, like all the other previous times. You'd think that Basier would take notice of this and ease up, but instead she doubles down, to the point of "breaking" Azure. And then the kicker is that after she's done this, Basier effectively just abandons Azure. I just don't thematically see how that meshes with her love for them: you would think she'd show some concern and help nurture Azure to regain her strength so can she can handle more perverted things. But not only is there no aftercare, it's effectively negative as she makes it clear that even she doesn't want to be around Azure anymore.

In one fell swoop the show seems to negate everything that it has built up to this point.

(Also tangential but the subs for this episode seem more liberal than before, not sure if there was a new translator for this episode?)
>> No. 37959 [Edit]
>Also tangential but the subs for this episode seem more liberal than before
The subs have been generally bad the whole series but definitely get worse in the latter half. "sus", "OMG", etc. HIDIVE's not really known for employing good TLs and it certainly shows.
>> No. 37960 [Edit]
Don't want to derail with another sub discussion (especially since there's things to actually discuss), but I diffed Chihiro subs (which seem to be the only other choice) and they at least edit out the valley-girl dialogue ("get your shit together" -> "pull yourself together", "next time more kicking ass" -> "next time put your heart into it"). I've usually been disappointed by previous Chihiro diffs but at least on the surface this one seems to be a minor improvement.
>> No. 37961 [Edit]
I think it works well, actually. Utena's vision of a magical girl have been over a decade of fangirling over them as the stereotypical inpenetrable heroic bulwalks they are. She had no clue of Azure's depression or even her masochism up to this point.

So Azure giving up and begging to be enslaved comes completely out of the blue for her with all the heartbreak, disappointment and anger one can imagine. Best course of action? No. Understandable? Yes.

But even a mistress makes mistakes sometimes.
>> No. 37966 [Edit]
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I encountered this page in a recently translated doujin. It mentions the difficulty in transmitting tone while also staying completely faithful to the actual words' meaning.
>> No. 37967 [Edit]
Hm it's a nice thought, but using swearing to convey rudeness feels like laziness the majority of the time. English isn't such a coarse or crude language as to have no mechanism other than swearing to modulate tone. It requires more thought and careful consideration, but almost surely there will exist a way to do it.

Also there is one significant difference between manga and anime: with anime you can hear the tone of their voice, which is a significant side-channel of emotion. In many cases it may turn out to be unnecessary to explicitly convey rudeness because the tone with which it's said will do it for you. Since this doesn't exist in manga the translation choices between the two medium may not map 1:1. So it would be perfectly understandable if swearing was needed in a manga translation, but I feel one should really think hard about using it in anime translation.
>> No. 37969 [Edit]
It looks like today's "translators" did a shitty college course or played Duolingo on their phone, and then took an online N4 test and are happy with that.
Japanese does not really have "swear words" like western languages do, words are "good" or "bad" depending on the context and social factors. クソ is the closest thing to "swearing" and it's still equivalent to something like "damn", and アホ is out of the question.
俺 and お前 are not "rude" unless you're speaking to someone unfamiliar or socially lower than you (though that may be the case in that eromanga, I don't know, I didn't read it).
Anyway, translations are fundamentally fucked and I think that if it's not "jelly donut"-tier it's mostly the same thing whether they insert "swear words" or remove honorifics or whatever. If people have time to nitpick this they have time to learn Japanese.

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