No. 37843
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You know what I'd like to see from this series? You know what is something that would make this anime really godlike? A proper aftercare scene!
A part that can really show off Utena's hidden side. Like, Kiwi messing up Haruka particularly bad and taking her prisoner, only for Utena to show up and nurse her back to health in her cold, rocky cell instead of the usual beating. No clothes ripping, instead calm requests to remove them. No whips and chains, just balms and creams. No bondage, just a feeling of it just being the best course of action for now. Utena would still control the act, but it would be a very soft kind of control, guiding Haruka's gaze back to hers, keeping a hand on top of hers, that sort of stuff.
Not necessarily that, but something among those themes. You get the picture.