moe moe kyun~

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File 169658071014.jpg - (230.06KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 01 .jpg )
37399 No. 37399 [Edit]
This anime seems like a love letter to classic VNs.
Expand all images
>> No. 37400 [Edit]
File 169658077849.jpg - (250.30KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 01 .jpg )
I love metal gay solid.
>> No. 37401 [Edit]
File 169658087816.jpg - (181.61KB , 1280x720 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
>> No. 37402 [Edit]
Hmm I'll give this a shot, thanks for making a thread.
>> No. 37403 [Edit]
File 169658145591.jpg - (249.96KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 01 .jpg )
She sure likes Lycoris Recoil.
>> No. 37404 [Edit]
File 169659079957.png - (1.17MB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 01 .png )
I too love moege.
>> No. 37405 [Edit]
File 169660882127.png - (563.23KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 01 .png )
Love it, but the OP song isn't good.
>> No. 37406 [Edit]
It's almost good but I think the instruments are flat. It's a shame. I really like the intro section though, could've used more of that.
>> No. 37407 [Edit]
I don't have much sense for music but also thought it wasn't that good. Nice to know it wasn't just me.
>> No. 37409 [Edit]
The vocalist doesn't have a good sound and there's no catchy hooks. Instrumentation seems like a poor approximation of old synths, but lacks all the groove those had.

For comparison, here's Air's

To be fair, a lot of VNs have bad OPs.
>> No. 37413 [Edit]
This show makes me miss the 2000s even more than I already do. Not sure if I can take it.

Wouldn't it be funny if the director revealed to have made this on purpose as a nuge to that fact?
>> No. 37414 [Edit]
File 169662684746.png - (649.24KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 01 .png )
>This show makes me miss the 2000s even more than I already do. Not sure if I can take it.
I harbor the same feeling. There's a certain warmth to that period's media, and it's not nostalgia.
>> No. 37419 [Edit]
File 169665116356.jpg - (261.60KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 01 .jpg )
"I'd Buy That For A Dollar!!"
>> No. 37430 [Edit]
File 16967258957.jpg - (129.32KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 01 .jpg )
Truer words have never been spoken.
>> No. 37431 [Edit]
What happens when she looks in the mirror?
>> No. 37432 [Edit]
The universe implodes.
>> No. 37436 [Edit]
File 16969288095.jpg - (112.38KB , 640x480 , 1698.jpg )
I interpret this as the universe's way of telling me that I must read doukyuusei and comic party. I've been putting it off too long. Although Comic Party still isn't translated and I still don't know Japanese!

Why are the normal game names changed but the bishoujo game names are preserved?
>> No. 37437 [Edit]
It's crazy that ComiPa still hasn't been translated. Really need to learn moon.
>> No. 37438 [Edit]
File 169697369136.jpg - (254.64KB , 1203x1737 , 2fef3db8751597fd0cc77cab6ecf383bc427c85d.jpg )
I want to play Comic Party really badly. The anime is one of my favorites, you would think that there would be a translation after all these years, especially with it being a Leaf visual novel.
>> No. 37439 [Edit]
To heart isn't translated either. All the kids want to read nowadays is their garbage yuzusoft games but they have no respect for the classics.
>> No. 37440 [Edit]
>garbage yuzusoft games
Might want to get some private security. Stay safe, anon.
>> No. 37441 [Edit]
I think most people interested just learn Japanese instead of waiting for a tl.
>> No. 37446 [Edit]
File 169730616969.jpg - (125.02KB , 1341x754 , ASW_16bit_Sensation_-_Another_Layer_-_02_1080p_HEV.jpg )
>> No. 37447 [Edit]
What was the original line?
>> No. 37448 [Edit]
It's something like "eh-mo!"
>> No. 37449 [Edit]
File 169732630247.jpg - (280.08KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 02 .jpg )
I think they probably decided to translate it that way to represent the language gap between characters and how much of her vocabulary is pure gibberish to these people.

Post edited on 14th Oct 2023, 5:42pm
>> No. 37451 [Edit]
I'm now considering dropping it. There has to be a better way.
>> No. 37452 [Edit]
I assume that's slang エモい (emotional, sentimental, nostalgic [but presumably with less gravitas than any of those])? (Or maybe it's shortening of emoji?). If it is indeed the former, maybe could have gone with "The feels!" instead, which maybe tries to carry the meaning nuance slightly better than pog?

>the language gap between characters and how much of her vocabulary pure gibberish to these people.
Yeah I can recognize that, I haven't watched the show yet but the translation choices seem at least understandable (although every cell of my being hates it).
>> No. 37453 [Edit]
>There has to be a better way.
Are there any other groups subbing this? (Of course without even checking I know the answer is going to be no, so by "other groups" I mainly mean b-global/muse rips). If the slang is just isolated to sections, it might be an easy opportunity for one to do some edits themselves (the /sub/ board is awfully lonely).

Assuming the slang isn't actually plot-wise relevant (in the sense that other characters react to it or openly address it) then eliding it entirely is an option (pog -> cool [doesn't strictly capture the original nuance though]). But there's probably a middle ground to tone down the slang to something a decade or so back (pog -> feels).
>> No. 37454 [Edit]
File 169733471116.png - (965.24KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 02 .png )
The ED is thankfully better.
>> No. 37455 [Edit]
File 169733485296.png - (714.47KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 02 .png )
Given what we've seen thus far, タバコソフト would be more appropriate.
>> No. 37456 [Edit]
File 169733801857.jpg - (187.18KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 02 .jpg )
So... I'm just going to assume she doesn't have a power adaptor or power bank with her.

It's too bad this girl seems like a bit of an idiot. she's smack dab in the center of the biggest electronics marketplace in the country, she has a treasure-trove of readily available components on hand. It shouldn't be 'That' hard slap together a 5volt 1amp power adaptor or source to charge her devices and prove she's from the future.
Likewise, she could probably just spoil the hell out of upcoming releases, and upcoming coming events.
She could probably even head over to sony HQ and sell them her phone for a few million bucks.
>> No. 37457 [Edit]
yeah but I think she's essentially penniless and her job isn't even paying her. Even if she knew how to assemble something like that, she doesn't have the money to pay for any of it, even if it's cheap it's still expensive for someone with no money.
>> No. 37458 [Edit]
> she's smack dab in the center of the biggest electronics marketplace in the country
I think this would be non-trivial for most people. First most smartphones these days are pretty hard to disassemble. Even if you disassembled it, consider that wiring a usb-c/pd connector is non-trivial, and bypassing that to try to charge a battery directly is far too risky, the only reasonable option is trying to hardwire in the DC power supply (bypassing the battery entirely). Might be difficult for someone who has never soldered before, but someone who's done soldering probably should be able to do it.

In fact just showing someone the PCB would be sufficient to prove future-ness, since the density of components packed there is beyond what was possible in those times.
>> No. 37459 [Edit]
would it help if she had a usb charging cable? I'd assume so but you never know.
>> No. 37460 [Edit]
File 16973427068.png - (303.34KB , 494x507 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 02 .png )
>bit of an idiot
To say the very least.
>> No. 37461 [Edit]
The solution is obvious, power her phone with the strongest alcohol available, failing that strap that iphone to the front of a train.
>> No. 37462 [Edit]
>if she had a usb charging cable? I'd assume so but you never know.
Assuming one end was usb-a then yeah it probably would, you'd just need to strip the cable and figure out which are the +5v and ground wires. Also if it was micro-usb instead of usb-c it'd also be easy since the connector is likewise simple. That being said if you didn't know the pinout beforehand or didn't know the color convention for the wires (red is usually power) then I'm not sure if there's a way to distinguish power from data.
>> No. 37463 [Edit]
she just needs to find a police box and call a doctor to take her back to her own time.
>> No. 37464 [Edit]
Actually just applying 5V DC might not even be enough for some modern hardware. Depending on the model it might just refuse to charge.
PS3 controllers for example won't charge unless the data lines are terminated.
Simply taking off the cover and looking at the PCB would probably not yield much information either, since for most of the components not even some previous version existed back then and even simple power to the hardware also goes through specialized power management ICs nowadays.
So you would need someone with a well equipped electronics lab to take apart and reverse engineer the device to even power it.
Additionally the USB spec only started being developed in 1995 iirc.
The more you think about it, the more realistic that part gets and in 1992 you'd be really screwed with modern devices. I really like to imagine that the Authors went through the same reasoning at some point.
>> No. 37472 [Edit]
File 169767316467.jpg - (506.83KB , 1920x1080 , [ASW] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 03 [1080p .jpg )
My backlog gets bigger every week. Never read played Pia carrot because I couldn't be bothered to install a PC-FX emulator. As for Kizuato, It's still untranslated. Maybe I'll just have to try using getting into text hookers or machine translation again.
>> No. 37473 [Edit]
Pia Carrot was also sold on the PC-FX, with h-scenes.
>> No. 37474 [Edit]
Is this from the same studio who did lycoreco?
>> No. 37492 [Edit]
File 169793079016.jpg - (105.21KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 03 .jpg )
She prepares for time travel, by taking snacks cloths and cash she wouldn't likely be able to use...
Of all the stuff you could take with you into the past...
>> No. 37493 [Edit]
I get the feeling 'something' wouldn't let her take anything better anyway. I think the pool thing was no accident.
>> No. 37496 [Edit]
I think that's the thing, yeah. Circumstances seem to prevent her from bringing anything too significant from the future.
>> No. 37497 [Edit]
File 16980170433.jpg - (147.31KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 03 .jpg )
Could you do it anon?
>> No. 37499 [Edit]
I couldn't even explain the ntsc standard. Analog formats are too clever.
>> No. 37510 [Edit]
File 169828664713.png - (883.82KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 04 .png )
I have questions.
>> No. 37512 [Edit]
welcome to the modern internet anon.
>> No. 37513 [Edit]
Moe is already slang though right? And especially so in English as a loanword. So the "AF" seems quite unnecessary even if the intent was to preserve the slang-ish tone.

Unfortunately b-global doesn't seem to be doing this one, so there's no alternate source for subs. I still maintain it'd be low-hanging fruit to modify the CR ones to tone-down the newfangled speak.

Post edited on 25th Oct 2023, 10:27pm
>> No. 37514 [Edit]
Why is it called 16-bit sensation if the 32-bit i386 had already been released?
>> No. 37515 [Edit]
32 bit was never used in marketing campaigns like 16 bit. It's not iconic sounding.
>> No. 37516 [Edit]
I guess 64bit Sensation doesn't sound as nice?
>> No. 37519 [Edit]
File 169862679562.jpg - (189.55KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 04 .jpg )
how would you translate oni moe? Would you go with super moe or more literal with something like devilishly moe?
>> No. 37520 [Edit]
"fiercely moe"
>> No. 37521 [Edit]
or "wicked moe" or "hella moe". I think the last one is maybe most natural since wicked/fierce are slightly older slang while "hella" is quite common, albeit mainly in california.

Post edited on 29th Oct 2023, 6:39pm
>> No. 37522 [Edit]
File 169863001264.jpg - (93.83KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 04 .jpg )
I like how they don't bother to translate onee-sama while doing their retarded translations.

Wicked moe works pretty well!!
>> No. 37523 [Edit]
How about monstrously moe? Or obscenely moe.

Post edited on 29th Oct 2023, 8:47pm
>> No. 37524 [Edit]
>Wicked moe works pretty well!!
The only issue is that to me it feels about a generation out of date. So having her say "wicked moe" is a bit jarring. "Hella moe" would theoretically be a better fit (since it's still common slang [*]) but it's a bit too California-y, I don't know how it sounds to people outside the region (is it as distinctively marking as a southern dialect?). Since I can't think of any other modifiers that perserves the devil/hell etymology, that only really leaves "moe AF" if you want to keep some form of slang that would in fact be used by someone her age. I personally don't find this as bad as the "pog" one though.

(*) Although its use seems to be declining among younger generations in favor of more "globalized" modifiers. And if you want to be pedantic, hella dates to around 1990s so having the characters be surprised by its use would be a bit anachronistic.

>how they don't bother to translate
Right to at least give some semblance of credit to the translator, it's at least not _overlocalized_ (in the sense of translating things that don't need to be translated). The "emoi", "oni moe", etc. lines did in fact need to be "localized" (in the sense of constructing the closest approximate idiom in English, as opposed to a straight literal translation), it's just that the word choices the translator used are questionable, some more so than others. Given that these are usually single word or single-phrase substitutions (and for dialogue not strictly relevant to the plot), it's at least the "best case" one can hope for in terms of a base script to edit (**)

(**) Seems increasingly unlikely that someone edit-group is going to pick this up though, even though it appears moderately popular. Then again Bocchi the Rock had an order of magnitude more popularity and yet no one bothered to do proper subs for that either.

They work in a literary context, but at least I've never heard someone utter "monstrously X". "Obscenely X" works in the sense that it wouldn't be jarring to hear it uttered, but I don't really consider that slang so I'm not sure it fits in context.

Post edited on 29th Oct 2023, 9:03pm
>> No. 37525 [Edit]
File 169864289491.png - (852.09KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 04 .png )
I really appreciate the thought going into these posts.

That said, the obvious and only solution is providing an annotated PDF containing TL notes for each episode, along with links referring the reader/watcher to relevant resources, and ultimately, a guide to learning Japanese. Anything less must be immediately dealt with by a flurry of strongly worded emails calling for a public beheading of those involved.
>> No. 37526 [Edit]
>annotated PDF containing TL notes for each episode, along with links referring the reader/watcher to relevant resources
That is what I did for uchi no shishou! Sadly I don't think a single person has read them. I don't know why TL notes have faded out of fashion, they're complementary to – not incompatible with – good translations. Plus since translators always seem to want to inject their own opinions or whatever, TL notes are a perfect place to do so.

The OniMai subs done by one /a/non did have TL notes, and that's the only other recent instance I can recall.
>> No. 37527 [Edit]
File 169864526593.jpg - (243.29KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 04 .jpg )
This really did give me some comic party vibes.
>> No. 37528 [Edit]
Adding the suffix like sama, chan, kun and so on is something I miss a lot nowadays. It always makes me happy to see somebody is still doing it.

I would be interested in that PDF. Do you mind sharing? Translator notes were always very appreciated by me. They pointed out so many facts about the translations, information about dishes, festivals, references, meaning of subtle deeds typical for Japan and much more. I really miss them. Another thing I miss are subbed openings and endings. Generally I feel like subtitles and translations in general are not that cared for as in the past. Sure, there was the occasional bad sub and many things that didn't get a translation, but overall there was more passion and care.
>> No. 37529 [Edit]
It's directly baked into the .ass file as commentary events. If you go to the nyaa release there should be a link to download the subtitles separately, and then you can just open in a text editor and grep for "Comment"
>> No. 37530 [Edit]
File 169888632775.png - (793.18KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 05 .png )
Someone just stab me in the throat.
>> No. 37531 [Edit]
i don't understand your comment?
>> No. 37532 [Edit]
Just lamenting that bishoujo visual novels went in the opposite direction as the aforementioned century marched onward despite the promising start.
>> No. 37536 [Edit]
File 169898939099.jpg - (95.29KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 04 .jpg )
<- Me shitposting on imageboards.
>> No. 37548 [Edit]
File 169949098740.png - (789.83KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 06 .png )
A legend is born.
>> No. 37549 [Edit]
File 169993932779.jpg - (86.50KB , 1280x720 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
and then she introduces him to bitcoin, the end.
>> No. 37550 [Edit]
File 169993939935.jpg - (146.67KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 06 .jpg )
Wouldn't it be awesome if he created google?
>> No. 37551 [Edit]
They didn't have altavista? Granted I think maybe for some reason in Japan the idea of search engines never caught on as rapidly as it did in the western world, even today is still immensely popular: basically the same "all in one" directory that it originally was in the west as well but faded into relevance over here when search made "decentralization" feasible.
>> No. 37552 [Edit]
>for some reason in Japan the idea of search engines never caught on as rapidly as it did in the western world
That's how it is with pretty much any technology there.
>> No. 37553 [Edit]
Well I just realized there's probably a few more reasons: Japanese being Japanese requires an IME, and while I'm sure they existed in the late 1990s, they were probably still a bit clumsy to use (compared to modern IMEs which can just store an entire lookup table in memory and throw the kitchen sink at prediction). So that likely stunted consumer adoption of computers a bit, and without a strong market for consumer software no one is going to bother investing the resources to build out a indexing/retrieval infrastructure like Altavista/Google did.

But probably more significantly, NLP on Japanese is an absolute, absolute pain. In English tokenization is basically just str.split(" ") and you've covered 99% of cases. Tokenizing Japanese is an absolute nightmare, you've got to build out a full lattice-based proabilistic model taking into account parts of speech and kana-equivalents. It wasn't until maybe 2005-ish with MeCab that you can have something that works maybe 80% of the time on formal text. It's no surprise that search engines didn't work well on japanese text.
>> No. 37554 [Edit]
File 169997603578.gif - (45.95KB , 607x305 , jpkeyboard.gif )
>Japanese being Japanese requires an IME
Depending on what you would call an IME. Japanese keyboards have a kana to kanji conversion key among others.
>> No. 37555 [Edit]
>Japanese keyboards have a kana to kanji conversion key among others.
Unless you've got a keyboard with a zillion keys, something still needs to translate that string of kana into kanji, which is the "non-trivial" bit I was referring to.
>> No. 37556 [Edit]
File 17000768789.png - (908.27KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 07 .png )
What am I watching?
>> No. 37557 [Edit]
File 170007741991.png - (1.07MB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 07 .png )
She's shitting up the past with Live2D now.
>> No. 37558 [Edit]
Looks like a stacked RPI
>> No. 37569 [Edit]
File 170069056549.png - (0.98MB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 08 .png )
Fucking aliens.
>> No. 37572 [Edit]
File 17008143221.jpg - (188.63KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 08 .jpg )
This sure took an 'interesting' direction.
>> No. 37573 [Edit]
There's no way people seeing it for the first time wouldn't think it's creepy.
>> No. 37578 [Edit]
File 17008975904.jpg - (95.90KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 06 .jpg )
Oh no, I hope she didn't transform from cute to cunt.
>> No. 37579 [Edit]
File 170089834480.jpg - (156.39KB , 1280x720 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Congratulations to whoever sneaked this one in at Silver.
>> No. 37580 [Edit]
I was saddened by that scene, I thought she was going to be a cute friend for Konoha.
>> No. 37586 [Edit]
File 17009618869.jpg - (84.14KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 08 .jpg )
I have some serious new found respect for game makers of old.
>> No. 37590 [Edit]
Her glasses and fatassery said otherwise.

I couldn't imagine doing that. The level of devotion is impressive.
>> No. 37591 [Edit]
File 170096666416.png - (19.33KB , 522x347 , 69cb5ac9e836e526ad15726a4b3ddea8.png )
>Her glasses and fatassery said otherwise.
Hey, I like fatassery.
>> No. 37592 [Edit]
Side note, but I doubt doujin gamedev had nearly as many women in the 90s as 16-bit sensation would lead you to believe. I'd bet at least 90% of people involved back then were stereotypical, nerdy men.

Post edited on 25th Nov 2023, 7:01pm
>> No. 37593 [Edit]
There's more female artists in the industry than you'd think.
>> No. 37594 [Edit]
Next you'll tell me that unlike what New Game!! had me believe, game dev shops don't have yuri-tease bosses.
>> No. 37595 [Edit]
>glasses and fatassery
Megane girls have high appeal!
>> No. 37596 [Edit]
A look at the pc-98:
>> No. 37599 [Edit]
File 170129460952.png - (2.00MB , 1280x1440 , [SubsPlease] 16bit Sensation - Another Layer - 09 .png )
Someone send the terminator after her. Please.
>> No. 37600 [Edit]
Only the worst gacha games disregard symmetry.
>> No. 37601 [Edit]
I didn't even know that was a thing outside of exceptional circumstances and doujin games.
>> No. 37604 [Edit]
I think FGO (which ironically gets advertised in this anime) is probably the best example of this. Many of the characters have very distinct and clashing art styles. Different artists doing different characters is common, but other games at least try to nudge artists in a particular artistic direction.
>> No. 37606 [Edit]
Multiple illustrators would often work on eroge so you would see this to some degree. Mitsumi Misato and Amazuyu Tatsuki (whose stand-ins are here) would share work on games often and you could tell who did which.
>> No. 37607 [Edit]
[ep7 minor spoiler]
I'm disappointed they didn't fully commit to the madoka OP music gag and have it replace the usual OP song
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