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37189 No. 37189 [Edit]
We all know dubs are shit, but have you ever wondered what exactly makes them so bad?
I heard something recently with a bad dub, a short scene with a guy trying(but not very hard) to sound angry and I noticed something. It wasn't just how he was saying his lines, but the lines themselves just seemed really awkward. I always thought the problem was localizers hiring cheap unskilled voice actors who have no passion for the stuff they work on. Now I think that's only half of it, with the other half being poor translations that don't fit what English speakers would actually say. I think there's just no effort at all put into trying to make the dialog sound natural.
It then reminded me of a conversation I had with someone who insisted P&SG had a great dub, with their reasoning being that the characters actually swear. Then I got to thinking, anime that are said to have good dubs, like samurai pizza cat and ghost stories, both take some extreme liberties with the source material, allowing the voice actors to go nuts.
It got me to thinking. Can dubs actually be good if the translations become much less literal? Should they be? or do you think that's too offensive to the source material, and translations should be kept as closely as possible to the original meaning regardless of how weird it might sound in another language? Do you think the same holds true for subs as well?

Post edited on 4th Jun 2023, 6:12pm
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>> No. 37194 [Edit]
Yes you mentioned the two main reasons, poor VAs and the fact that in order for things to sound natural in English you have to compromise on the quality of the translation. So they end up being even more liberal (sometimes even in a political sense!) than subs. You can get away with a lot of things when subbing that you can't get away with when dubbing, since when subbing you match the rhythm and cadence of Japanese dialogue, even though doing so would sound weird spoken aloud.

>Can dubs actually be good if the translations become much less literal?
It's certainly possible, but given the extreme liberties needed for this, I'd call that an adaptation instead of a dub.

>or do you think that's too offensive to the source material
If you try to pass of your dub as equivalent to the original, I think that's offensive to the author of the original. If you make it clear that it's an adaptation, then I don't see an issue. I've seen enough great shows butchered by terrible subs, we don't need to make that problem worse.

>as possible to the original meaning regardless of how weird it might sound in another language? Do you think the same holds true for subs as well
For subs, 80% of the time it's a false dichotomy: Usually it's perfectly feasible to create subs that read naturally and retain as much of the cadence and nuance of the original JP dialogue as possible. The edge-cases are usually puns or cultural references; for the former, if you think hard enough there's usually a way to square the circle. For the later, closest-approximation followed by TL note (and more detailed info in out-of-band TL notes) is the best option.
>> No. 37200 [Edit]
The actual talent goes into Hollywood, TV, Broadway, etc., not voice acting (unless it's for a Pixar movie or something). The west doesn't value voice acting like Japan does.
>> No. 37204 [Edit]
There's typical problems in every dub since trying to match stuff that was going on in an entirely different language is fairly difficult. Then there's the problems that hold true almost entirely only for the English anime dubbing industry, like voice directors who don't give a shit and third rate talent who couldn't do their roles even if they did. It's telling that in the English sphere a lot of people still prefer the original Japanese over English dubbing and typically watching English dubbed anime is either a sign that you're a toonami kid or just don't watch anime very often in general, while in Japan dubs are enjoyed by audiences and have very good voice acting, often only sounding awkward when poor translations come into play.
There's clearly tons of nepotism in this industry too, most notably to me at least was Kira Buckland from Newgrounds actually getting big roles like 2B in N:A (maybe in the anime too?) and recently getting to voice Jolyne in the new Jojo series. The only reason I can imagine someone whose only talent was having a vagina when nobody else did being able to get an actual voice acting career was because one of her Newgrounds buttbuddies got their foot in the door and let her in, and the directors simply didn't give a shit because none of them like anime and just want to get a paycheck. She botches every single one of her roles because the only voice in her range is "generically bipolar bitchy", just look at N:A in particular it's like night and day difference. Maybe this wouldn't be too notable to me if she wasn't part of the reason I don't like to watch English dubs, but still.

I'd be hard-pressed to figure out exactly what the problem is but it's pretty obvious that English anime dubs are just terrible even for dubbing standards. The literal nature of the translations has very little to do with it, if anything the farther it starts to deviate from the original script the worse it gets.

>Ghost Stories
Ghost stories is an awful dub and people only like it because it's like an abridged dub making fun of the original series. Granted if you put aside any attempt at enjoying the series itself it can make for an amusing parody, definetly way better than any of the actual attempts at abridged anime dubs. This dub that people know the entire series for aired like once on TV and then got replaced with an actual dub right after.
I imagine if it were made today around 50% of the script would be comprised of making fun of Donald Trump and everyone would shit on it.
>> No. 37205 [Edit]
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>I'd be hard-pressed to figure out exactly what the problem is
I think you nailed it on the head. It's a combination of factors. People watch dubs, because they're either lazy or ignorant. The former will often try to justify it with other things; like, "Fullmetal Alchemist is about Europeans, so it feels weird when they speak Japanese".

Post edited on 20th May 2023, 6:32am
>> No. 37206 [Edit]
I guess I'm just mostly confused on why "industry experts" don't seem to give a shit about the quality of their work. Maybe they're like videogame journalists and see this as a stepping stone to something more """refined""" like working on Disney films or being on the big screen, but they're capped by being talentless so all they can do is perpetually seethe and get angry at anime fans.
All of the dubs people mention as being good is all just shit they watched as kids. Everyone else who watches dubs just does it because they're massive normalfags who go 'eww japanese language ewwww'.
>> No. 37207 [Edit]
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>"industry experts"
They're obviously not that. How could they be? It's like if tattooists called themselves dermatologists. They have no involvement with the actual production of anime. What they do, is pretty much pointless. It's also not like bad Japanese dubs don't exist. Look at ATLA's.
>> No. 37208 [Edit]
>a stepping stone to something more """refined""" like working on Disney films or being on the big screen
I wonder if this is still as much of the case as it once might have been. Big screen western animation has gone down the drain this last decade. Pixar was putting out instant classics one after another, but now it's nothing but ugly poorly written trash. Do these voice actors really aspire that much to get a small voice roll on the next Minions movie? Sure the pay would be better, but is voicing a farting troll really that much better of a thing to brag about?
>> No. 37209 [Edit]
Also I forgot to mention it before but video games rarely had this same problem with dubbing. It might be becoming more frequent in recent years, I think Funimation is getting a hold in the videogame dubbing industry which might be the cause of the problem. Also the issue of bad localizations in general but that's aside the point.
>It's also not like bad Japanese dubs don't exist. Look at ATLA's.
Yeah but when they do suck it's an exception and not a rule. It's the polar opposite for anime dubs.
>I wonder if this is still as much of the case as it once might have been.
Normalfag motives are genuinely baffling.
>> No. 37210 [Edit]
Ghost Stories (original/subbed) is decent if you like 2000s anime.

>I imagine if it were made today around 50% of the script would be comprised of making fun of Donald Trump and everyone would shit on it.
The dub felt like it was made by Seth McFarlane, so whatever the modern equivalent of that is.
>> No. 37211 [Edit]
>Ghost Stories (original/subbed) is decent if you like 2000s anime.
It's perfectly fine but everyone treated it like it was some sort of complete failure that was only saved by the dub. If anything its reputation has been completely ruined by it.
>The dub felt like it was made by Seth McFarlane, so whatever the modern equivalent of that is.
Then it'd probably be exactly as I imagined. Those kinds of writers at least had the balls to make insensitive jokes back then but now they all have a specific template of shitty squeaky clean political jokes to make. You can look at the reception of almost any western "adult" animated series for how people might think of a modern Ghost Stories joke dub with the added criticism that the localizers are destroying the intent of the original creators.
>> No. 37213 [Edit]
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I have to say, I like the Cromartie High dub. Yeah, I watched it for the first time as a kid, which is probably a factor, but even most clips you'll find are in english. Maybe that's an era thing, but I think it's indicative of its unique quality. In any case, I don't want to watch it any other way. The tone and inflection of those VAs is seared into my brain. Sometimes I find myself thinking in that style.

Post edited on 21st May 2023, 8:51am
>> No. 37216 [Edit]
Reminder that the recommended encodes on nyaa only feature the dub.
>> No. 37217 [Edit]
>recommended encodes
For which show? And recommended by whom?
>> No. 37218 [Edit]
I can't understand this at all. I can't imagine anything in the English version could be as funny as Norio Wakamoto making motorcycle sounds.

Side not but I'm quite amused by the Toheart parody there.

Post edited on 21st May 2023, 11:47pm
>> No. 37219 [Edit]
I watched it before hearing anything about the dub. I thought it was a perfectly decent anime, maybe not a classic but also nowhere near as terrible as people might look at it now. It made me kind of sad to hear later that most people only saw it as something to mock.
>> No. 37220 [Edit]
I usually only watch dubs if it's from a series I watched dubbed as a kid
>> No. 37221 [Edit]
For an extreme example of the difference in rhythm and content, see the example that is Yoasobi's English cover of their Yori ni Kakeru [1]. Admittedly using a song is pushing it, but I think even regular dialogue in shows have a sense of meter and timing that won't work well in another language.

You can see in their English cover of the song that 1) the translated phrases are barely coherent English, which is not an artifact of poor translation but rather because the original JP phrases [and more generally songs in JP] are more like raindrops of statements whose connections have to be inferred, rather than a coherent stanza. And 2) the stress and timing is all off such that it's a bit hard to interpret the audio as English without the words present.

You can see that even with this situation where you have the same singer between the JP and English version, the English version is a bit uncanny.

>> No. 37222 [Edit]
I'm surprised that there so many people that have nice things to say about the Cromartie dub. I've never actually seen Cromartie, but it doesn't come off to me as the kind of series that would work with english voices, even compared to other anime.
>> No. 37223 [Edit]
Not at all. It's a gag anime which are probably the worst things to dub.
>> No. 37229 [Edit]
Dubfag here, been working on dubs for almost a decade now. Can confirm that most people don't phone in anime dubs because they see it as a stepping stone to "something better"-- a lot of them just think that they're God's gift to anime and don't put in proper effort. With some actors, getting a good performance out of them is like pulling teeth. Similarly, a lot of script writers we test will just turn in absolute trash. I specifically only hire actors and script writers who give a shit in an effort to make my dubs as good as possible, but you'd be amazed how often I run into the stumbling block of occasionally ending up with a script writer or actor who just think they're hot shit and are decidedly not. It's exhausting, but a director who actually cares can sidestep those issues more often than not by being really selective. The issue, as some have already proposed in this thread, is nepotism. Directors who don't give a shit giving jobs to their friends who also don't give a shit perpetuates a cycle of shitty output. You can follow most bad anime dubs back to the same handful of directors over and over again.
>> No. 37230 [Edit]
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Do you watch your own dubs? Also, do think dubs have any value to people who aren't blind/illiterate, or is it just a source of income for you?
>> No. 37231 [Edit]
I do, I rewatch them with whatever friends or family members want to see my work and take note of their reactions. What stuff they get confused about, if they laugh at the localized jokes, shit like that. I take note of what I can do better next time or if I notice any mistakes on the 3rd or 4th rewatch, I remind myself not to make similar mistakes in the future.

As for if dubs have value aside from for accessibility reasons? I'm of two minds about it. On one side, I hope that the dubs I make are at least good/interesting enough to warrant a rewatch from someone on a show they might've thrown aside after the seasonal cycle. Right now, anime feels so disposable and a lot of shows just die on the vine after their season is over, so I do enjoy the tiny surge in conversation when a dub drops and people actually like watching it & talking about it. But on the other side, I recognize that that's a shot in the arm that most popular shows don't need because they don't become corpses after their season concludes. Which means that super popular/current shows don't really need dubs as much as smaller, overlooked titles. But of course, the dubs of the biggest shows are the ones that get the most attention, which can be frustrating. But I hypothesize that a lot of that stems from accessibility. You can go to your local bugerland convention and see the English voice actors pretty easily, while the seiyuu usually are only available sometimes, and with big lines and even bigger autograph price tags. So I guess you could say dubs have value in being the more easily accessible way for English-speakers to interact with their favorite show, but that does make English VAs sound like the Value Meal(tm) of anime. That's because we are, though, I have no illusions of not being that. I guess it depends on if you see that option existing as inherently valuable or not.

Only once or twice have I produced a dub and gone, "No, this is actually better than the Japanese version and it's good that we made it," and that's usually when the Japanese version has definite problems like the music being mixed too fucking loud to even hear the voices or something like that (which has happened on shows I've worked on). So, six of one, half a dozen of the other, I guess.
>> No. 37374 [Edit]
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>actual talent goes into Hollywood, TV, Broadway, etc., not voice acting
So true. The current Hollywood actors and writers strike is going to show everyone who is talented and who is there due to connections.
>> No. 37375 [Edit]
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>usually when the Japanese version has definite problems like the music being mixed too fucking loud to even hear the voices or something like that

I've dropped some anime because loud/idiotic music. It was like "this is good but i just can't take this anymore". I kinda wish anime would be like VNs where i can turn down the music and even voice of annoying characters.
>> No. 37566 [Edit]
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A seperate audio track for speech, sound fx and music? I would hope that blue-rays have that option in the menus.
>> No. 37614 [Edit]
>All of the dubs people mention as being good is all just shit they watched as kids
I only realized this until recently. But I run into an issue: most DVDs are dub-only. I mention DVDs because I'm a DVD collector and want to publicly call out whoever was in charge of distributing classic anime in Europe during the DVD era and made the decission to not include Japanese and subs as an option. This is a major flaw in many classic anime DVDs regardless of country. For example my British version of Moomin lacks Japanese, just like my Spanish version of Heidi and Akage no Anne. There's no Japanese in these DVDs and I feel terrible about it. Of course, it's easy to find the Japanese version with subs online on Nyaa but the fact my DVD collection will be incomplete unless I go out of my way to buy Japanese DVDs makes me feel bad. Wouldn't be an issue if I knew Japanese. Maybe it's time to finally learn.

Post edited on 5th Dec 2023, 11:12pm
>> No. 37615 [Edit]
>I'm a DVD collector and want to publicly call out whoever was in charge of distributing classic anime in Europe during the DVD era and made the decission to not include Japanese and subs as an option.
Pretty sure this is because DVD pricing has always been very different in japan vs the rest of the world. Those dubbed DVDs were likely sold much much cheaper than their Japanese counterparts. If they were sold at the same price as they are in japan, English speakers would never buy them. If the same content was given to English speakers, there was concern the Japanese audience would buy and import those instead. We're talking about something that costs 6,000+ JPY for a single 2-3 ep volume disk, while English speakers wouldn't pay that much for a full season set.
>> No. 37616 [Edit]
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You're right, I honestly would think twice before spending so much on just a couple episodes. If that was the price of a single season then I could maybe afford it. But japanese DVDs get more and more expensive each passing year, some of them like Rozen Maiden I have seen going for +$100 on eBay. As a NEET, it is a bit depressing to not be able to afford collecting as much anime as I wish, but I will do my best to build up a collection over the years, one DVD at a time.
>> No. 37617 [Edit]
>We're talking about something that costs 6,000+ JPY for a single 2-3 ep volume disk
I honestly wonder how this model could ever be sustainable. Is it fueled purely by fan's passion for supporting a studio? Is that there that much money among otaku? They have to know its a terrible deal. Recording a television broadcast has been possible for decades now. Sure you have to wait until after the series finishes, but you can also buy full seasons off Amazon in Japanese now for that price. Not to mention how much space that takes; for a 2 cour show, that's 8 to 12 discs.

Post edited on 6th Dec 2023, 8:57am
>> No. 37618 [Edit]
The main appeal of those releases is that they come with extra stuff. Fancy packaging, bonus CDs and staff interviews, etc. It's for particularly dedicated people.
>> No. 37619 [Edit]
>The main appeal of those releases is that they come with extra stuff.
In that case, why would they worry so much about Japanese buyers importing foreign releases, they'd exclude Japanese audio from them? Foreign releases don't come with that extra stuff.
>> No. 37622 [Edit]
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bit related to the direction this topic went, I got a few BD in the mail today in fact. Noticed some of them had the original 6000 prices printed on them. (bought this three pack for 800 yen) Not a great comparison to typical anime since this is kind of bargain bin stuff 'most' people wouldn't want but thought it was interesting none the less.
>> No. 37623 [Edit]
It's well-known by now that the state of the anime industry is quite dire, very little of the money trickles down to the people actually working on it. For the fans, paying those prices are the only way they can ever hope to see their favorite series having even a minute chance of getting a sequel. Jashin-chan is an example of a series being kept alive by fan money.
>> No. 37624 [Edit]
Didn't funding from local government play a part in that as well? Which I think they failed to get for their latest project?
>> No. 37625 [Edit]
I'm not sure if the funds from the local government is tied to the crowdfunding or separate but I believe it was resolved somehow. As a matter of fact, they had another successful crowdfunding campaign for a 4th season and a separate local funding for a single episode special airing later this month.
>> No. 37626 [Edit]
what show are you guys referring to?
>> No. 37627 [Edit]
Jashin-chan, check it out sometime it's pretty decent. It's like a modern version of dokuro-chan
>> No. 37713 [Edit]
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USA localisers are adding their own spins to the translations. At this point, it might as well be AI-translated....
>> No. 37714 [Edit]
I've heard that's starting to become a thing, and translators are NOT happy about it. I've seen these people try justify their changes by claiming most viewers wouldn't know the translations aren't accurate anyway.
You have you be a real piece of shit as a person to think deceiving people is fine as long as the person is able to be deceived. I won't loose any sleep over people like this loosing their jobs.
>> No. 37715 [Edit]
For subs (as opposed to dubs)? Do you have a particular example? I have not seen this to be the case, at least for the shows I watch. There are shows with _incorrect_ subs, and shows with poor attempts at localization, but I have not yet seen one where "their [the subber's] own spins" replace the original dialogue.

In fact I'd actually say that for recent shows, "official" subs will usually tend to be the better option over the "fansubs (or rather official-sub-edits)", since the only remaining "fansubbers" usually go in the direction of adding _more_ localization rather than less.
>> No. 37716 [Edit]
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>> No. 37717 [Edit]
Fair enough, and looks like original dialogue of
could be translated 1:1 so there's no reason to localize at all, let alone do what they did. Apparently this was hidive's doing. They usually tend to be the worst out of the corporate subs.
>> No. 37719 [Edit]
Always happened, robotech, 4kids, prison school all examples from decades past.
>> No. 37725 [Edit]
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How is FRIEREN's dub?
>> No. 37730 [Edit]
Modern "fansubbers" are fucking awful and gatekeep access to leechers to prevent better groups from gaining a following. I released something for the first time in 10 years a couple of weeks ago. You wouldn't believe the bullshit I went through.
>A jew drops a release of the same anime within minutes of ours hitting public tracker
>he has to issue a v2 within 12 hours because his v1 was so shitty
>they lied about our script and claimed we were the ones putting out memesubs
>their script was CR+trollsub OP+ED
>they spread rumors that we put .exe files in the video files
>they found a hidden txt file and quoted it out of context
>called me a Nazi for some reason and claimed I was crying about not having any friends
>the txt files were mostly extra details about how we produced the release along with some stuff we put into the files for fun
>was supposed to be a fun puzzle for people to discover and solve
>they dumped all the information in the nyaa comments and ruined any fun to be had
>they come to threads about the show on imageboards and try to pick fights with us when we aren't even around most of the time
>they tried to get our release banned from the public tracker and attempted to list it as a re-encode
>they made shit up claiming we destroyed the video track with filters we didn't even use
>some guy keeps posting comments under our release claiming he hasn't thought about us in years (wtf? it's like a stalker ex-girlfriend)
>these idiots compiled their own version of x265 just so it'll say "Star of David edition" in mediainfo
>their bloated release is twice the size of hours but the quality is shit
>ours included 10+GB worth of extra content

Guess which one has more seeds. I don't care about the stats but it's kind of depressing that these are the people that get to put out "fansubs" (read: CR rips) while real groups are denied access.

I was hopeful I could hook up with the few groups still out there and make fun things together. But all this autism has probably put them off working with me simply by association now. I still plan to put out some stuff on my own and with the help of one or two anons but we all have jobs and it's hard to find time for it. Meanwhile these people are uploading 100 shitty encodes/rips a day and flooding out anything of quality. By the time my release hits a public tracker everyone has already seen the shitty release with bad translation and video quality.

People will lap up shit if you serve it to them on a platter and defend whomever served it. They'll even talk shit about the guy across the street serving real food to discourage passerby's from trying it. I don't understand why these people feel the need to inject politics into everything. The only thing that set them off with this last release was the fact that we did a faithful translation that didn't inject western identity politics into the scripts. It's a GB show that pokes fun at girls and women. The official western script reads like it's a show about trannys. The faithful translation is just good old GB fun and poking fun at MC that's turned into a girl.

>> No. 37732 [Edit]
> The west doesn't value voice acting like Japan does.

That's not entirely true. Anime companies are too cheap to hire union talent (whether they could afford to do so is a different debate), so union talent works for places which aren't: Hollywood, TV, Broadway... There's no reason to work for less money and compromise your negotiating position if you're a talented voice actor, and few are otaku enough to do it for the passion.

Everyone is paid poorly in the Western anime industry, except the C-suites. For many, more lucrative areas of work are available that can rely on their knowledge of Japanese. In the end, this means there may be few people competing for the jobs, so companies will be reluctant to fire poor performers - better to release a controversial translation than to not release any translation.

To those who put their hopes in AI: I don't think it will solve anything. Many people criticize "more literal" translations just as much as "more localized" translations if they don't fit their preconceptions of what the script is - the Netflix re-subtitling of Neon Genesis Evangelion is evidence enough. At the same time, AI regurgitates that which it consumed, operating on statistics and probability. It often conjures things out of thin air, albeit in really believable ways. Overall, I think using LLMs for anime/manga translation will just lead to increasing the number of translation controversies, except this time there will be no human left to pinpoint blame against - well, the MTL verifiers can be put in that position for now, I suppose. But hey, at least the C-suites will be able to pocket more money.
>> No. 37733 [Edit]
I don't think you're being honest.
>> No. 37737 [Edit]
This is the OniMai release isn't it? Thank you so much for your work on that, I'm planning to watch it next week. I'm surprised to see that you're on TC!

>I was hopeful I could hook up with the few groups still out there and make fun things together.
I don't know if you're the subs-anon or the release-anon, but either way I'd love to do something if there's a show that might be worthy of subbing in the future (for reference I did some stuff for Shippo Na, check /sub/. Another encoder was kind enough to typeset the subs, but there'll undoubtedly be more stuff in the future).

(To be clear I'm not that anon), but why did this post warrant a ban? If it's for the mention of "nazis" and other identity politics, it's actually not off-topic, if you look at the comments of that show you will find that this isn't just rambling but they're actually valid concerns.

It actually is. I find it really hard to believe myself, but it's absolutely true, look up the MiyosMiyos onimai release.
>> No. 37738 [Edit]
>why did this post warrant a ban
Excessive green texting while quoting no one.
>> No. 37739 [Edit]
>why did this post warrant a ban?
It is probably for greentexting.
>> No. 37740 [Edit]
Fair enough, although I'd really like to appeal to the mods (on his behalf) for a reversal of that since I'd love to discuss more with him.

>dumped all the information in the nyaa comments and ruined any fun to be had
Well they only posted passwords for like 4 episodes, and if they didn't mention I in fact wouldn't have even known about it. People usually don't include comments in sub tracks these days, let alone dedicated non-font attachments, so their comments probably allowed more people to stumble upon them. (There was still some meta-fun in figuring out to coax ffmpeg into extracting it. Apparently they don't support attachments as normal streams, you have to use some dump_attachment function. What a mess their CLI is.)
>> No. 37741 [Edit]
>It actually is. I find it really hard to believe myself, but it's absolutely true, look up the MiyosMiyos onimai release.
Good lord, I almost regret looking into it. This is why we can't have nice things.
>> No. 37742 [Edit]
>If it's for the mention of "nazis" and other identity politics, it's actually not off-topic, if you look at the comments of that show you will find that this isn't just rambling but they're actually valid concerns.
>look up the MiyosMiyos onimai release.
I am, and what I'm taking away from it, is that the release did have extraneous, schizo nonsense in it. Can't comment on its quality, or whether anybody tried to take it down.

Post edited on 4th Jan 2024, 3:12pm
>> No. 37743 [Edit]
If you're referring to that screencap in the comments, I think it's taken out of context. I'm not sure which episode's sekrit file that one is from (I have the first 3 on hand and it's not in those) but the contents of the sekrits file basically consist of the following sections in NFO style

Facts Section: Sometimes related to onimai, other times political stuff.
Encoding / Work notes: Nice commentary on the encoding process, people don't usually like to discuss it for some reason (maybe they like to "gatekeep"?). It seems the encoding settings were tweaked for each individual episode which is a lot of dedication.
Blog Posting: Miscellaneous rants or life-stories from the author.

I suppose you could call the first and last sections extraneous, but I personally don't see the issue: this compressed txt attachment doesn't meaningfully increase the size of each episode, and if one gets offended at content (completely unrelated to the episode) that they have to go out of their way to see, that's on them.

>AI regurgitates that which it consumed, operating on statistics and probability. It often conjures things out of thin air, albeit in really believable ways.
This oft-repeated "stochastic parrot" argument is tiring: first because it succumbs to the cartesian dualism inherent also found in the "chinese room" argument that "human intelligence" is somehow something that can never be replicated via chains of arithmetic operators. Secondly because it uses the (real) issue of LLM "hallucination" as evidence that it can't be well-suited for any task. In fact transformers were basically invented for the purpose of NLP/MTL (and before that, RNNs, LSTMs, etc.). In terms of BLEU score gpt4 basically already obliterates more specialized models (like as seen in gtranslate). Gpt-4 is especially good in high-implicit-context languages like japanese where gtranslate utterly falters. I suspect a more specialized model specifically RLHF'd for purpose of translation would be SOTA here.

I also don't see why it would create more controversies. The real divide is still literal vs liberal translation, and if LLMs do replace human translators for subbing then they'll probably prompt it for liberal translations because that is what the majority of consumers want.

Post edited on 4th Jan 2024, 3:51pm
>> No. 37744 [Edit]
Jashin-chan does crowdfunding and tourism promotion deals. It's not just BD sales keeping the series alive.
>> No. 37752 [Edit]
>argument that "human intelligence" is somehow something that can never be replicated via chains of arithmetic operators
Not really, but I believe a lot more work is required to get to a state where AI can actually act as a broad stand-in for human intelligence - and the field of AI is known for having a major breakthrough followed by years, if not decades of largely iterative progress. I will admit that I should probably have qualified my statement with something like "this decade", rather than issuing a blanket statement; though personally, I am more skeptical than that still.

>I also don't see why it would create more controversies. The real divide is still literal vs liberal translation, and if LLMs do replace human translators for subbing then they'll probably prompt it for liberal translations because that is what the majority of consumers want.
Mostly because I suspect that the first years of anime/manga MTL will be done by merely feeding the script into an LLM - this omits access to visual and/or auditory cues that a human translator could pick up on. In addition, limitations of current LLMs lead me to believe picking up on cultural context and/or preserving consistency across episodes or volumes will be far from guaranteed. This leads to my belief that, in the end, people will still argue over commercial script quality, just without having a human to pinpoint blame on and thus hassle on social media for it.
>> No. 37753 [Edit]
>will be done by merely feeding the script into an LLM
Multimodal LLMs are starting to appear, but they'd probably be too compute intensive to readily use in the future. As for cultural context I disagree, that's one area where LLMs implicitly pick up the resulting of their training data and so would have learned relevant context. Anything show-specific can be included as prompt context. Consistency is probably a valid issue, stochastic sampling also means the results are also not deterministic. There'll probably need to be a human in the loop just to QC things.
>> No. 37801 [Edit]

It's hard to read something like this and not view this Marchi person as being an all around disgusting excuse for a human. Honestly, how does someone that vulgar and spiteful still have a job?
>> No. 37802 [Edit]
Surely the pinnacle of the internet: fox businesses providing their commentary on the ways AI translations of Japanese media will upset the liberal order, with the lead image featuring localizations of an ecchi anime. If we add in blockchain in there we'll have summed up the decade.
>> No. 37803 [Edit]
I love being alive.
>> No. 37804 [Edit]
Weird to see this discussion breaking containment into more major spheres.
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