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File 159725887277.jpg - (975.54KB , 1200x1350 , EfNnasIU4AEDMp8.jpg )
34509 No. 34509 [Edit]
Apparently they are doing something with Di Gi Charat for this Saturday, some kind of stream show?
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>> No. 34510 [Edit]
File 159725907554.jpg - (660.29KB , 1200x1350 , EfNnbxnUEAA6YMs.jpg )
>> No. 34511 [Edit]
File 159726073128.jpg - (923.57KB , 1200x1580 , EfNncg2UwAEhGrA.jpg )
Last one from official twitter
>> No. 34512 [Edit]
Di Gi Charat is organizing a listen-along where you listen to the "top 10" songs that you can see listed on the last image.
The way it works seems to be that people will get their own CDs/mp3s/whatevers and organize on Twitter using the tag "でしこの同時再生会" which means "Deshiko's synchronized replay meeting"
Apparently you also have to follow @dejiko_15th. I'm not sure why because I don't use Twitter but if I'm going to guess I'd imagine it's because the account will tell you when exactly to play the next song.
You also get prizes, presumably randomly selected from the people posting with the tag. I don't know if there's anymore or whatever but the two listed in the image are a signature from Kogedonbo and a CD.

That art looks cute and getting a CD/signature would be nice (assuming they ship overseas) but I don't use Twitter.
>> No. 34513 [Edit]
That's cool. Sounds like a fun time.
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