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File 158207598231.jpg - (134.33KB , 755x1500 , Nakahara_Komugi_full_3797.jpg )
34105 No. 34105 [Edit]
What are some good Mahou Shoujo animus? I've watched ones like Moetan and Nurse Witch Komugi, and I want to watch something similar.
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>> No. 34106 [Edit]
Alien 9
>> No. 34111 [Edit]
Majokko Tsukune-chan is good.
>> No. 34113 [Edit]
So more comedic stuff? Watch PuniPuni poemy then.
>> No. 34114 [Edit]
I'm open to something more serious as well.
>> No. 34120 [Edit]
Don't suppose you've ever considered precure? or is that a bit too long?
>> No. 34125 [Edit]
I never really could get into it, I did try.
>> No. 34126 [Edit]
Does Nanoha or Yuuki Yuuna sound like what you're looking for in terms of seriousness?
>> No. 34139 [Edit]
File 158295849828.jpg - (71.76KB , 840x926 , 66601500_p0.jpg )
Watch Card Captor Sakura if you haven't already.
It's more serious than the shows you listed but it's one of the best magical girl shows out there.

Also, it's not 100% Mahou Shoujo but, you'd probably like Magical Pokaan.
>> No. 37766 [Edit]
File 170459404258.gif - (328.16KB , 200x111 , 2024.gif )
I have a soft spot for Magical Knight Rayearth.
>> No. 37825 [Edit]
File 170572159848.jpg - (134.62KB , 850x598 , 2000__shimada_arisu_katyusha_boko_nina_and_alina_g.jpg )
Is PreCure still ongoing?
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