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File 157801305356.jpg - (3.41MB , 2000x2708 , BFEiv3t.jpg )
33831 No. 33831 [Edit]
Here's something you guys might find interesting. 5ch and 2ch's top 30 anime from 2001 to 2019
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>> No. 33832 [Edit]
It's kind of what I expected from them really, with the exception of this and last years top anime(not that Machikado Mazoku was bad, I just didn't expect them to vote it so highly).
>> No. 33833 [Edit]
File 157801655064.jpg - (188.11KB , 500x600 , __persephone_greek_mythology_drawn_by_tenni_noboru.jpg )
What the fuck is the Familar of Zero doing on there? Why is Psycho-Pass 2 on there? Where is Your Lie in April? Why the hell is Haruhi higher than Welcome to the NHK AND Death Note? Why is Stand Alone Complex so low? I don't even know what bullshit Tatami Galaxy is behind. Is this just based on popularity?
>> No. 33834 [Edit]
Yeah I liked Machikado Mazoku, but I wouldn't call it anime of the year material. 2019 seems to be a mess on that chart.
>> No. 33835 [Edit]
I might do but I didn't think others would. It makes even less sense when even the heavy hitting SoL like Is the Order a Rabbit and Yuru Yuri don't make it to the top but out of nowhere this does.
>> No. 33836 [Edit]
There's no The World Only God Knows, but there is High School of The Dead and Oreimo. Umaru-chan is higher than Parasyte and Osomatsu-san.
>> No. 33838 [Edit]
>Is this just based on popularity?
I feel like 2017's Kemono Friends should have obliterated anything in that year on popularity alone, and to my understanding Made in abyss was a financial flop so I don't think it's sakes? It was popular but not Kemono levels of popular. Little witch was probably much more successful that year but placed a fair bit lower. Maid dragon from the same year was hugely popular but sold horribly and is much lower on the list. I just don't understand.
>> No. 33839 [Edit]
That actually does make sense to a degree, Kemono Friends is hugely popular among many but there are many that also don't like it where as Made In Abyss is probably more appreciated by a Wwder Audience. Same with Maid Dragon, there are many that don't actually like it. These things tend to be either loved or hated(or at least ignored).
>> No. 33840 [Edit]
>there are many that also don't like it where as Made In Abyss is probably more appreciated by a Wwder Audience.

Yeah I can see the wide audience appeal of watching children be tortured and mutilated in monster filed caverns. Who wouldn't like that?

Post edited on 2nd Jan 2020, 8:50pm
>> No. 33841 [Edit]
Riko's nudity would probably be a bigger issue, sadly.
>> No. 33842 [Edit]
File 157807862260.png - (1.62MB , 1280x720 , [De_us] Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu (1280x720 h_.png )
> Why the hell is Haruhi higher than Welcome to the NHK AND Death Note?
Because that's correct. NHK would have been better if it was closer to the novel though.
>> No. 33843 [Edit]
>Because that's correct
A boring, slice of high school life show adapted from a light novel, which only got popular because of a gimmick and aged horribly, is not better than two of the best(at least the first half of Death Note), most endlessly rewatchable seinen from the 2000s.

Post edited on 3rd Jan 2020, 11:18am
>> No. 33844 [Edit]
File 157808482863.png - (1.11MB , 1280x720 , [Delicio_us] Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu - 20 (BD 1.png )
I do think NHK is a great series but the anime-original arcs really weigh it down compared to how direct and hard-hitting the novel is. I don't see how Haruhi aged poorly either, I feel it holds up rather well.

Also, Death Note is not seinen. It literally ran in shounen jump.
>> No. 33845 [Edit]
>I feel it holds up rather well.
Please tell me how a show that's not funny where nothing happens, and the non-story doesn't go anywhere, is better than shows that actually have shit happening in them? What do you actually like about Haruhi?
>It literally ran in shounen jump.
Yeah, and K-ON is seinen. Jojo switched from Shonen-jump to Ultra-Jump. Publisher doesn't matter that much.

Post edited on 3rd Jan 2020, 1:18pm
>> No. 33846 [Edit]
Not the same anon but did you watch the chronological order or the broadcast order?
>> No. 33847 [Edit]
File 157808689216.png - (1.36MB , 1280x720 , [Delicio_us] Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu - 03 (BD 1.png )
>K-ON is seinen
Yes it is, because it's published in Manga Time Kirara.
>Publisher doesn't matter that much
It's the only thing that matters, with this distinction. It's not a genre, nor a description.
>What do you actually like about Haruhi?
Aside from loving the direction and animation, the character interactions are the main draw of it for me. My favourite parts of the series are the part where they make the home film, the battle against the computer society, Disappearance and the Christmas episode. They show off the personality and relationships of the cast the best. It's not a plot-driven series, and that's fine, since the characters are lively and entertaining, and the primary focus of the series. I guess you don't seem to agree on that view though, which is fine, just a difference in what you look for in stories.
>> No. 33848 [Edit]
This was my thread. I explain my feelings in depth here.
>> No. 33849 [Edit]
File 157808800237.gif - (83.86KB , 400x800 , __suzumiya_haruhi_and_kyon_suzumiya_haruhi_no_yuuu.gif )
>the character interactions are the main draw of it for me
>It's not a plot-driven series
>the characters are lively and entertaining, and the primary focus of the series. I guess you don't seem to agree on that view though, which is fine, just a difference in what you look for in stories.

All of the above could be said of NHK, and I think to a far greater extent. The only interesting characters to me were Haruhi(who was throughly unlikable and stays that way) and Kyon. Mikura was completely cookie-cutter and her dynamic with other characters amounted to Haruhi groping her and Kyon getting flustered about it. Itsuki is one the blandest characters I've ever seen. Nagato worked okay as a plot device. They don't develop except Kyon(and not really for the better) and Nagato, both mostly in the movie. Their interactions are repetitious and frustrating.

NHK's characters don't fit archetypes nearly as cleanly. Their interactions are both very entertaining, and develop over the course of the show. They don't just bounce off each other, they shape each other through their interactions. Every single one of them develops in a way that related to the theme of the show. I haven't read eithers source material, but I don't need to to compare their adaptations.
>> No. 33850 [Edit]
With NHK, I still don't like how the anime makes Satou getting a part time job to be the ending to his story. That's a bit of a hangup I have with the adaptation since the novel places this scene near the start of the third act, which changes the whole tone of the scene.
>> No. 33852 [Edit]
Exactly. I checked MAL(not the best comparison to Japanese tastes but still) and it rates 8.83 from 304,419 users to Kemono Friends 7.65 from 22,774. It's far more appealing to a wider audience.

It would be a bigger issue in the west and yet still that doesn't seem to have had much of an impact.
>> No. 33853 [Edit]
I found a Japanese site like MAL ( and it supports my previous posts. 4.2 stars from 1521 reviews for made in Abyss and 3.7 stars from 1057 reviews for Kemono Friends. Made in Abyss actually ranks 5th on the whole site(Kemono Friends is 288).
>> No. 33855 [Edit]
File 157810887315.jpg - (863.04KB , 1920x1620 , DShuF9BVAAEV0RE.jpg )
These polls vary wildly in their results since the response count is usually so low; the most I would be confident in saying about them is that the top five or so reached some reasonable popularity threshold.
>> No. 33856 [Edit]
True, it also varies depending on where it takes place, image boards tend to have a different taste than other sites and even then different image boards will have differing tastes again.
>> No. 33857 [Edit]
Tangential: OP's image shows the ranking from the 5ch textboard. I'd be interested to know futaba channel's (imageboard) rankings, since that site is less mainstream.
>> No. 33858 [Edit]
I still find it hard to believe Made in Abyss can beat kemono friends in terms of popularity. Made in Abyss was critically well received sure, but kemono friends was a smash hit that took the industry by storm. It spawned a wave of games, merchandise, a sequel animation, manga, collaborations across japan from zoos to themed cafes, there is fan made content out the ass, and even multiple live stage adaptations. Last time I went to comiket they still had multiple aisles dedicated to just kemono friends, And you're telling me it lost to Made in Abyss, a series that flopped so hard they had to release slapped together recap movies to recoup losses? yeah, no. You don't have to be a fan, but to deny it's monumentous popularity is ignorance. This would be like if Utawarerumono beat Haruhi in 2006, it's that backwards. Kemono Friends was on track to reach touhou levels of popularity across the country before Kadokawa fucked it all up. My only guess is that the drama that came about from the director being fired is still leaving people pissed off and looking back on the original negatively.
>> No. 33860 [Edit]
The Games and Manga came out before the anime(well most, there is the recent game and A la carte that have come sense).

Yes it is immensely popular but it's popular amongst a certain group of people, as I keep saying, it's not as agreeable to the wider population. The people that love it really do love it but they are not the majority of the Japanese population.
>> No. 33861 [Edit]
>Yes it is immensely popular but it's popular amongst a certain group of people, as I keep saying, it's not as agreeable to the wider population. The people that love it really do love it but they are not the majority of the Japanese population.

I would have said the same about Made In Abyss.
>> No. 33862 [Edit]
Well evidently that isn't true. Which makes sense as most people are more likely to watch a show about adventuring down the abyss than a CGI anime about a girl and a cat driving a bus and meeting animal girls. To make things clear I actually prefer Kemono Freinds, it's just not realistic to thing that broader society would.
>> No. 33863 [Edit]
Call me crazy if you want, but I just don't believe the numbers here and feel that there's something wrong and something more going on here.

>people are more likely to watch a show about adventuring down the abyss than a CGI anime about a girl and a cat driving a bus and meeting animal girls.
When you describe things in an overly simplistic way while glossing over negatives of one and highlighting the negatives of another, you can make anything sound more appealing.
For instance I could say, people are more likely to watch a family friendly show about adventuring across a mysterious island zoo with cute animals than watch kids get physiologically and physically tortured in some big hole in the ground so they can see what's at the bottom.
You also say that about broader society, but again I must point out all the events kemono friends had. You can't tell me the colabs with zoos across japan were just for otaku alone, or that sega making Kemono friends arcade machines was just to appeal to a small handfull of people.
>> No. 33864 [Edit]
Aho Girl made it, huh. I have nothing against it, but I thought of it more as a guilty pleasure.
>> No. 33866 [Edit]
I'm both happy and confused to see Milky holmes get the top spot in 2010.
>> No. 33872 [Edit]
What's this one from?
>> No. 33874 [Edit]
AT-X subscriber poll
>> No. 33875 [Edit]
Good to see Isekai Shokudou doing well in a ranking.
>> No. 33884 [Edit]
I expected Zombieland Saga to be 1. All that hype that was generated from it.
>> No. 33941 [Edit]
Does anyone know what the second to last on the very bottom right is? Pink hair and green glasses?
>> No. 33942 [Edit]
Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan
>> No. 34166 [Edit]
so surprised to seed doki-doki school hours winning in '05. i had no idea japan was sophisticated enough to enjoy DDSH so thoroughly.
first half of the top row is majority non-moe, 2nd half is mostly moe. was ping pong the animation really that long ago?
good pic
>> No. 34195 [Edit]
Are you confusing doki doki school hours for poni poni dash?
>> No. 34561 [Edit]
File 15983454152.gif - (85.30KB , 200x112 , aboom.gif )
I haven't even seen half of these...
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