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File 155519313491.jpg - (131.02KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Strike Witches - 501-butai Hasshin .jpg )
32786 No. 32786 [Edit]
This is a half length comedy anime that takes place along side the first season of Strike witches and follows the daily life of the 501.
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>> No. 32787 [Edit]
File 155519450055.jpg - (107.58KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Strike Witches - 501-butai Hasshin .jpg )
This was like watching a drama cd that someone uploaded with fan art and animation to accompany the audio. I wasn't expecting a lot here but this came across like it was made with the bare minimum amount of effort put in. There's not much animation so you'd think the still frames would be better, but many of them look jarring and derpy. At least it's funny at times.
>> No. 32788 [Edit]
Honestly it feels like a DVD special. I like the character focused comedy, although it's definitely not much to look at.
>> No. 32792 [Edit]
File 155528247697.jpg - (117.27KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Strike Witches - 501-butai Hasshin .jpg )
>> No. 32793 [Edit]
File 155530143874.jpg - (119.74KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Strike Witches - 501-butai Hasshin .jpg )
Is it just be or did the character introduction segment at the end feel a bit... inaccurate?
>> No. 32798 [Edit]
She hasn't met them.
>> No. 32802 [Edit]
That makes perfect sense.
>> No. 32852 [Edit]
File 155642521326.jpg - (158.55KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Strike Witches - 501-butai Hasshin .jpg )
It might be ugly, but it's pretty fun.
>> No. 32919 [Edit]
File 155816779163.jpg - (112.44KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Strike Witches - 501-butai Hasshin .jpg )
In retrospect I think the crappy art only adds to the humor, and there's certainly no shortage of good humor to be found.
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