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File 155372489066.jpg - (3.27KB , 144x144 , LimewireGoatse.jpg )
32646 No. 32646 [Edit]
can someone please give me a lucky star torrent that doesn't literally take over 200 hours to download? I would stream it with kodi but streaming is for normalfrens
>> No. 32647 [Edit]
There are plenty on nyaa, if it's taking a long time to DL it's probably your internet being the problem.
>> No. 32650 [Edit]
there is an ever increasing trend on the internet of people who refuse to do things for themselves and instead come to public forums and demand that others pay attention and do their bidding for them. i'm sure op was hoping someone would post a link or a torrent in exchange for him doing us the great favor of posting a thread with no interesting content, and its just as likely that he would never download or watch the anime and would probably just complain about the gift that was offered.
>> No. 32652 [Edit]
Haven't noticed any 'trend' and requests are nothing new. They were literally always there. I'd have answered OP if I had the relevant information but I didn't know so I kept my mouth shut. It baffles me why someone would get mad about this. Answer if you know, move on if you don't. You're complaining about lack of content so next time maybe try adding something of value instead of posting hollow rants.
>> No. 32653 [Edit]
I think it's only really unwarranted when the information being asked for is easy to find (as it is in this case). Course it would be reasonable to ask about something that might require a great deal of effort that somebody else may have already gone though. However in this case the thirty seconds it took to make the OP could have instead been spent checking common torrent sites or possibly checking if port forwarding/upnp is enabled on their router/torrent client. That being said, not everyone knows the intricacies of torrent clients or what upnp even is, so whatever.

Post edited on 28th Mar 2019, 7:11pm
>> No. 32654 [Edit]
It's especially annoying when there is already a thread for requests >>29466
>> No. 32655 [Edit]
I highly doubt OP bothered to look.
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