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File 154974250328.png - (1.00MB , 1280x720 , fireworks.png )
32300 No. 32300 [Edit]
Rumors are that Maid Dragon is getting a second season.
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>> No. 32301 [Edit]
File 154974366853.jpg - (644.78KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon - .jpg )
Kamisama Dolls had an official message at the end of the final episode confirming a 2nd season, and just look how true that turned out to be.
>> No. 32302 [Edit]
As much as I'd love to see that, didn't season1 bomb?
>> No. 32303 [Edit]
Of course there are rumors Maid Dragon is getting a 2nd season, it’s popular and there are always are for popular stuff,
>> No. 32304 [Edit]
File 154974584342.png - (878.35KB , 1280x720 , 1538996902467.png )
Particularly Crunchyroll DE & ES announced S2 on twitter (and subsequently deleted it).
>> No. 32305 [Edit]
God I hope not
>> No. 32306 [Edit]
Why not?
>> No. 32307 [Edit]
I thought it was quite popular. It seemed talked about often in the west and there was a lot of fan art made of it in the east.
>> No. 32311 [Edit]
I don't know what gave you that idea. It's quite popular and I think it had good sales.
>> No. 36476 [Edit]
Iruru steals the show......
>> No. 36477 [Edit]
I've been meaning to watch s2, although my enthusiasm has been dampened by the massive popularity of s1. I don't know if anyone else feels the same way but it somehow feels nicer to spend the time watching an underappreciated or less known show than it is to watch a massively popular one.
>> No. 36497 [Edit]
Watch what you like. Don't see how popularity lessens its quality...
>> No. 36785 [Edit]
It doesn't affect the intrinsic quality of the show itself, but I've found popularity to be a heuristic inverse indicator for how much I'll end up liking the show: the things I look for in a show tend to be orthogonal to what the masses seem to end up liking. Shows that get popular also usually tend to play things safe and aren't too unorthodox, whereas I tend to like shows that take risks (and which usually end up falling through the cracks) because they tend to have more passion behind them.

Back on topic, there seem to be two main sub lineages for season 2, official and damedesuyo. Quickly skimming through archived threads, latter supposedly has better typesetting, but possibly heavy localization. E.g. per an archived post on 4/a/ (which I can corroborate), DDY uses "On a scale of one to based, \Nhow superlit am I now?" where the official uses "am I cool now." (s2e6 23:26). Does whatever character this is referring to actually talk in such a way as to warrant this heavy handed localization?
>> No. 36787 [Edit]
Answering myself, official subs for this seem perfectly fine. Shame since the typesetting effort for the DDY release seemed quite intricate (of course one can always trivially mix/match but it doesn't seem worth the effort).
>> No. 36792 [Edit]
>s2e6 23:26
Here Shouta in the next episode preview imitates how Takiya speaks when Takiya goes into otaku mode, but I think the way Shouta imitates Takiya might be off. I would expect Takiya to say, 「どうでヤンスか?」「かっこいいでヤンスか?」 instead. With that in mind, I can sort of see what DDY might have been going for, but I don't find it to be a very good fit. On the other hand, CR's English script doesn't seem to bring across the difference in Takiya's otaku-mode speech at all.
>> No. 36793 [Edit]
Thank you for responding. To confirm, what does the ヤンス here mean? Dictionary says やんす is a dialectical/archaic form of "to be", which would fit with how you described it should have been used. What's the association between that and otaku though?
>> No. 37782 [Edit]
Iruru is in. All's right in the world.
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