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File 154841079684.png - (595.56KB , 6372x4100 , Ki-43.png )
32206 No. 32206 [Edit]
I checked out Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai because I like old airplanes and the first episode started off with a group of arrogant male being show up in combat by the cute teenage girl group. Somehow the girls' Ki43s with little 1100hp engines outrun a 1800hp J2M which was historically well over 100km/h faster. I guess girls are just better pilots.
Theres a bunch of other female supremecist shit in other shows they're pushing on us this season too.
Might as well mention that no pilot with even a stitch of training would rely on an in cockpit fuel gauge as a source of preflight information because those gauges are notoriously unreliable and you can just look into the fuel tank directly and see how much is in there before you get seated. Instead she stepped on the fuel tank, sat down in the pilot's seat and read the gauge while the aircraft was parked and the nose tilted 20ยบ away from horizontal.
I really like that whole steampunk air combat bullshit so maybe I'll watch more of this hate filled Japanese propaganda.
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>> No. 32207 [Edit]
I really like it. It's the best thing I have seen this season so far.
>> No. 32211 [Edit]
>It's the best thing I have seen this season so far.
Thank you for using that phrase. I get irrationally angry about people using 'anime of the season' despite watching maybe 5 shows. And having seen 1-2 eps of those.

As for Hikoutai it's been a slight let down for me. The show is dialogue heavy but the dialogue feels badly written - it's not funny and not particularly informative. It does convey the personalities of the characters but it accomplishes little else and I've found myself not focusing on a couple of lines. This is coupled with the fact that there's a fair share of world building for what does not look like a particularly interesting setting.

I was pretty surprised to find out this is directed by a veteran with a storied career (Mizushima Tsutomu). The direction feels amateurish at times, there are a lot of awkward cuts; I was left wondering what the point of prologue of ep 2 even was. Taking on a role of both series director as well as music director isn't working out at all, though that is easier to understand cause he has little experience with music direction.

Switching between 2D and 3D is puzzling, it'd be one thing if it was just a matter of not making 3D models for mob characters but even the protagonists are 2D in some scenes. It switches all of the sudden, with no warning.

As for the dogfights I did hear somebody who actually knows a thing or two about planes bash them for being completely unrealistic but since I don't know jack about that myself I have no problem with it.

>Theres a bunch of other female supremecist shit in other shows they're pushing on us this season too.
Yes, I'm sure the show is driven by a hidden feminist agenda.
>> No. 32212 [Edit]
File 154843193334.jpg - (573.11KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai - 02 [10.jpg )
I actually like the dialogue and find it funny, if anything it is a bit fast but that can be a good thing too, many of the rebuttals catch you of guard and seem quite witty that way(although you can miss much of what is being said). The world building is not that bad or intrusive so far either. I would say it's not intrusive enough, there should have been a brief overview at the beginning.

I don't get the switches in dimensions either. I still don't mind that though, it's just strange.

I don't know anything about planes either. They all kind of look the same to me so I find it hard to be too interested in them.

There are a lot of nice screenshots in the anime too.
>> No. 32215 [Edit]
File 154850137462.jpg - (20.86KB , 410x402 , kimura3.jpg )
why is a minor side character like kimura-sensei no longer acceptable, but tsubame kamoi pedo MC is completely ok in the contemporary zeitgeist? whats changed in the past 15 years?
my opinion is that misandry has become increasing acceptable because of the well publicized crimes of a few male individuals which large segments of society self-servingly accept as evidence of the guilt of all males and that contemporary anime reflects that sentiment and that it contrasts strongly with earlier eras and is something worth taking note of instead of ignoring. i also understand that you disagree.
>> No. 32224 [Edit]
File 154865041587.jpg - (71.76KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai - 01 [72.jpg )
I found it super distracting how the guys were done in 2D and the girls in CG. It wouldn't be so jarring if they did CG all around, but I guess they didn't want to bother making character models for characters who might not be around long. Seems like that in itself acts as an unintentional spoiler. One can assume if they're 2D, they're going to die or not be seen much. CGI aside I thought this was pretty good. I knew there were going to many inaccuracies, but if the presentation is good and they're not 'too' glaring I can overlook them. I don't know why they'd bother lamp shading some of these issues however such as the girls doing better with crappier planes. See, your average viewer wouldn't know the they weren't as good if you didn't point them out in the show. One might think it's impressive that they can do more with less, but in reality things don't really work that way so it just came off as a needlessly distracting detail we could have done without. After all, aviation nuts are going to know it's BS lampshade or not so why ruin it for casual viewers too? That stuff aside I found this genuinely entertaining to watch, even if I was thinking to myself "what the fuck are you doing?!" a lot during that dog fight, it was still a better dog fight than what's shown in a lot of other anime (looking at you girly airforce).
>> No. 32225 [Edit]
File 154865186783.jpg - (187.20KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai - 01 [72.jpg )
>I guess girls are just better pilots.
Theres a bunch of other female supremecist shit in other shows they're pushing on us this season too.
This feels like a weird statement to make, but I can sort of see where OP is coming from. I assume OP has seen their fair share of anime and/or read their share of manga, so one would think he'd know this is obviously just a case of eye candy in an industry known for this sort of thing. I'd say less female supremacist and more giving guys something cute and moe to look at to draw in more viewers and it's not like this is anything new... But the way it's handled in this anime could have been a bit better I admit. The 2d/3d stuff creates a strong contrast between the males and females here more so than they would in any other anime. I think it's logical that groups would stick to members of their own genders, but within context of ep1 it does indeed feel a bit like women vs men and women showing up men. One could even argue that using under powered planes is a metaphor for women typically being smaller and weaker than men. Typically most anime/manga will have a pretty decent reason why the female characters are so much better than males and steel the spotlight like how they're some magical alien robot or some shit, but here as far as I can tell they're just really good? I gotta admit that does seem a bit thin when they're already being handicapped by subpar planes. That's all just overthinking things anyway, like I said before I'm pretty sure it's just so otaku can watch cute girls doing cool things.
After all if this guy from the first ep was the main character, how many otaku would buy his figs?

Speaking of, one anime from this season I actually have noticed some troubling themes of female supremacist shit from is Kemurikusa. Three ep into that and the female lead is still dragging a useless boy around by a leash when he's not being threatened with death or sat on like some piece of furniture.
>> No. 32226 [Edit]
There have been submissive male protagonists in anime for like 30 years (mostly in romcoms), why is this one a case of female supremacy?
>> No. 32227 [Edit]
I said the first half of your post and answered the second half of it in the post you're responding to.
>> No. 32228 [Edit]
I think you are overthinking things. Lets pretend the protagonists were all male for a moment.

>the 2d/3d stuff creates a strong contrast between the males and females here more so than they would in any other anime.
The protagonists are always going to get more 3d attention. It has nothing to do with gender.

>but within context of ep1 it does indeed feel a bit like women vs men and women showing up men.
The protagonists are always going to show up random introductory characters, that is part of why random introductory characters exist.

>One could even argue that using under powered planes is a metaphor for women typically being smaller and weaker than men.
The protagonists are often using inferior equipment, it creates an underdog.

>Typically most anime/manga will have a pretty decent reason why the female characters are so much better than males and steel the spotlight like how they're some magical alien robot or some shit, but here as far as I can tell they're just really good?

They don't though, look at Megolo box. Why is he beating everybody in a robot enhanced boxing league without being robotically enhanced? No reason, just because. That happens often in anime, or the reason they give is something ridiculous like the power of friendship.

All of these things affect characters regardless of gender. They just happen to be girls in this case because girls are cute and girls sell.
>> No. 32238 [Edit]
i hate the look of the 3d
the difference is not as noticeable in 480p, but in 1080 its awful
100% non kawaii
>> No. 32254 [Edit]
File 154923860394.jpg - (124.20KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai - 02 [72.jpg )
The inconsistency between 2D and 3D is super annoying. EP1 made it seem like all of the main characters would stay 3D all of the time, but ep2 has them randomly jumping back and forth from 2D to 3D. Jesus guys just pick one and stick with it! I'd understand if they used 3D just in wide/establishing shots where characters are not in focus, or even in more technical action focused scenes but that's not the case here, it really does feel random.
>> No. 32266 [Edit]
File 154935642188.jpg - (105.74KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai - 03 [72.jpg )
Wouldn't it have been a better idea for the towns people to pretend they'll take the offer, keep some units in hiding, then gun down the pirates when they're out of their planes?
>> No. 32267 [Edit]
But then you don't get a cool dog fight!
>> No. 32268 [Edit]
Not necessarily. The pirates probably wouldn't land all 40 planes, so you could have some friendlies in the air flying in pattern behind some nearby mountains ready to to advance when given a sign.
>> No. 32269 [Edit]
There's no way that would work. They'd probably recon the general area before an attack. Once they see that blimp anyway they'd know the town has some sort of aid there. Besides, they came from the opposite direction remember? If they tried to hide they would have just been spotted right away.
>> No. 32273 [Edit]
File 154953562015.jpg - (116.12KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai - 03 [72.jpg )
If they're such great fighter pilots, why did she hesitate?
>> No. 32409 [Edit]
File 155151763451.jpg - (117.32KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai - 04 [72.jpg )
Holy fucking kawaii!
>> No. 32410 [Edit]
File 155151774050.jpg - (131.62KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai - 05 [72.jpg )
How the hell are humans surviving?
>> No. 32417 [Edit]
How would anything is what I'd like to know.
>> No. 32700 [Edit]
Well I was not too pleased with this as a whole although it was not awful. The world was interesting(but severely under utilised), the idea was sound but the plot was not really there. As the credits rolled on the final episode my thought was 'what was the point of all that?'.
>> No. 32711 [Edit]
Thanks for summing it all up for those of us who dropped it.
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