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File 154743899823.jpg - (155.17KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Ueno-san wa Bukiyou - 01 [720p]_mkv.jpg )
32104 No. 32104 [Edit]
A half length romcom anime that pokes fun at how dense male protags can be by taking it to the extreme. Check it out!
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>> No. 32105 [Edit]
It just made me imagine how offensive the gender swaped version would be considered. I might just be a depressing person to be around, feel free to delete this post if its too controversial in the wrong way. I understand about a lot not wanting to bring all that crap into anime, but thats what happened when I watched the first ep. She should really just fuck off if he isn't interested. The guy isn't a retard, he clearly knows whats up and just don't want to be pressured into an unwanted romantic relationship.
Please enjoy this extremely polite sage, I h8 the game not the player and I know that OP is a good poster and nice person and that this is a good thread that I may be besmirching with incelwars material, but I just couldn't resist the opportunity to try and find out if I was the only one who felt that way about the first episode however at the same time I refuse to bump that picture of a hideous female rapist. Just imagine how repulsive her pussy must smell, shes the most desperate skank in all of japan and still nobody wants to go near her. nauseating
>> No. 32107 [Edit]
File 154746317825.jpg - (144.64KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Ueno-san wa Bukiyou - 01 [720p]_mkv.jpg )
>The guy isn't a retard, he clearly knows whats up and just don't want to be pressured into an unwanted romantic relationship.
Of course this crossed my mind when I saw the first ep too. I thought to myself: "what if he's just playing dumb because he doesn't want to offend/hurt her by outright saying he's not interested?" I feel this is giving the guy too much credit however. The impression I got here from the creators is a play on the trope of dense male main characters who don't understand a girl is into him even when she spells it out. I myself have pretended to not notice when girls like me to avoid the situation, but these guys really don't seem to get it.

If he truly had the foresight to pretend to not be interest in order to spare the girl's feelings, then they should also be smart enough to realize how much they're subsequently hurting the girl by playing dumb. Rather than feeling bad about being rejected and moving on, you're instead making her struggle to figure out how to get her feelings across to you. Once it's obvious she isn't going to give up, not saying anything is cruel. You're essentially leading her on and toying with her at that point while wasting her time and letting her make a fool of herself in the process.

>It just made me imagine how offensive the gender swaped version would be considered.
No doubt. Dense or not if the tables were turned it would be very fucked up to see a guy try to make a girl drink his pee or look at his dick when she's not interested.
>> No. 32113 [Edit]
I dunno, I thought it was pretty cute. I don't really care either way, I don't think humor should be taken so seriously. I just hope it doesn't end up to be like a ton of parody anime and become what it was trying to satire.
>> No. 32118 [Edit]
>If he truly had the foresight to pretend to not be interest in order to spare the girl's feelings
This phrase jumped out at me when I was reading your post because it excludes the possibility that the boy is genuinely disinterested. Feigning disinterest seems to be his only option according to that phrase.
>> No. 32120 [Edit]
Then why not say so?
>> No. 32133 [Edit]
in order to avoid making some crazy bitch into your enemy accidentally would be one possible reason

Post edited on 16th Jan 2019, 9:49pm
>> No. 32138 [Edit]
This is fair. She does seem like a nut who would hold a nasty grudge.
>> No. 32283 [Edit]
File 154959308488.jpg - (147.27KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Ueno-san wa Bukiyou - 02 [720p]_mkv.jpg )
Repeatedly slapping a girl's ass raw while assuming it's what she wants seems like an odd way of "Feigning disinterest".
>> No. 32284 [Edit]
File 154959332338.jpg - (96.03KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Ueno-san wa Bukiyou - 02 [720p]_mkv.jpg )
Also, playing with a girl's underwear and making fun her for it, or bulling her about how much her socks stink after sniffing them, seems like a poor way to "avoid making some crazy bitch into your enemy."
>> No. 32313 [Edit]
File 154979828120.png - (687.81KB , 1280x738 , realplayer2019-02-10-03h29m37s548.png )
lol bitter
>> No. 32378 [Edit]
File 155083419240.gif - (1.25MB , 600x330 , UenosanwaBukiyou-Episode7-Omake-3.gif )
Taking out his frustrations huh?
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