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File 154732315269.jpg - (109.33KB , 624x800 , dnssqh_v4aadcrc.jpg )
32091 No. 32091 [Edit]
Cute girls in fighter jets vs aliens or something.
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>> No. 32092 [Edit]
I only made it as far as the OP but I checked out Girly Airforce, and it sucked. I could see right away where it was going and what it was doing. In just those first five minutes I could tell it was laughably cliche and unoriginal, and that it's going to be a moronic clusterfuck to the end. I thought to myself: "If that jet lands next to this guy and he runs/swims out alone to save the pilot, I'm done, I'm fucking done." and sure enough...
Bonus points for the girl kissing him at first sight and saying something weird before passing out. I've seen this shit enough times already, I don't need to see it again.
>> No. 32093 [Edit]
File 154733371687.png - (3.01MB , 1920x1080 , [MaverickSubs] Third Aerial Girls Squad (Shirobako.png )
I dropped it at soon as I saw a male main character. I'm disappointed that no anime about planes will ever live up to my dream of a full Third Girl's Aerial Squadron anime.
>> No. 32094 [Edit]
That's something I would kill to see.
>> No. 32095 [Edit]
File 15473353568.jpg - (87.91KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Girly Air Force - 01 [720p]_mkv_sna.jpg )
The lack of originality would be fine by me if it was at least done well, but that didn't seem to be the case here. It didn't look very good or was well animated, and the creators seem to have a real lack of understanding for how planes behave.
<- No. Just no.
I also found myself wondering, if missile can't track the targets, why wasn't the military using standard projectile based guns instead? The battle ships shown in the opening fight should have been equipped Gatling guns such as this Those alien ships can move, but these sort of weapons have the ability to track fast moving air born targets (such as incoming missiles), calculate trajectory, and compensate for distance wind speeds ect.
I also found it strange that the fighter pilots didn't try to eject once they were obviously boned, but I guess you could toss that up to not reacting quick enough.
>> No. 32097 [Edit]
File 154736172728.jpg - (113.12KB , 1920x961 , 20190120.jpg )
After seeing the 1st ep, it seems that the video-game Ace Combat 7 seems to have a more compelling plane-focused story than this one. *sigh*
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