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File 154703571284.png - (974.01KB , 1280x738 , this is what a feminist anime looks like.png )
32072 No. 32072 [Edit]
Welcome to Rinshi!! Ekoda-chan, the first feminist anime!
>> No. 32073 [Edit]
>the first feminist anime
I'd like to request a citation on that. I'm pretty sure there have been many qualifying series over the past two or three decades.
>> No. 32074 [Edit]
Most anime is feminist in nature, real feminism not the stuff they push in the west as well. In the west they just demand things and want to be men anyway. In anime they embrace femininity and work hard to get where they want to be.
>> No. 32075 [Edit]
>the first feminist anime!
This is like the thread making equivalent to click bait.
>> No. 32078 [Edit]
I'm not telling you to watch this shit because don't, but its really over the top garbage the likes of which stereotypically would originate from an overprivileged NE liberal arts private school woman's studies graduate. I mean fucking hell, this show sucks, this thread sucks and shit just plain sucks if anime is going to get infected with all the shit that anime fans hate about western media.
On the other hand there is good shit this season thats worth paying attention to and that rotoscoped flowers of evil shit was mainly just a one time thing so far it seems.
>> No. 32083 [Edit]
I can't wait till this gets bumped down a few pages so I don't have to look at that face any longer.
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