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31985 No. 31985 [Edit]
Who wins a war between Kotobuki Squadron and Girly Airforce?
>> No. 31988 [Edit]
Are they seriously releasing two Made In Abyss movies at the same time?
>> No. 31989 [Edit]
I'm really looking forward to Endro.
>> No. 31990 [Edit]
Looks pretty shit to be honest.

They're just recaps of the series.
>> No. 31991 [Edit]
Can't wait for Mob Psycho 2
>> No. 31992 [Edit]
Yeah they say as much, but why two at the same time?
>> No. 31998 [Edit]
No idea. Why they had to make movies is beyond me. I can't even see it being commercially viable either.
>> No. 32002 [Edit]
When I first saw them the first thing that came to mind was that this is their attempt at recouping losses from the TV series. If they're recap movies there's a good chance they might reuse a lot of the content from the tv series. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if the movies are made up of nothing but recycled and edited together content from the tv version, maaaybe with a few new scenes mixed in.
>> No. 32013 [Edit]
One way or another, Kemono friends 2 is going to create one hell of a shit show among fans. I'll be sure to have my chair and popcorn at the ready because "dis gon b gud".
>> No. 32014 [Edit]
date a live getting a third season lol
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