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File 15410131991.jpg - (611.86KB , 1600x1200 , Jigoku_Shoujo_full_55414.jpg )
31788 No. 31788 [Edit]
I will be waiting for you at midnight.
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>> No. 31790 [Edit]
File 154106799926.jpg - (217.16KB , 1280x1024 , Enma_Ai_full_360543.jpg )
What did you do on Halloween, tc? I didn't do much different from any other day. But I am in the mood for some 'scary' anime. Any recommendations?

Jigoku Shoujo is an episodic anime where you can send someones name to their website only open at midnight and they will be banished to hell, likewise will you, after you die. Not scary but fits the Halloween mood.
>> No. 31791 [Edit]
File 154113826537.jpg - (151.35KB , 919x919 , __larva_and_miyu_vampire_princess_miyu__0dc13d2f94.jpg )
I was handing out candy, but almost nobody came so I have tons of leftovers.

I'm not sure how much it qualifies as "scary", but I enjoyed the Kyuuketsuhime Miyu OVA.
>> No. 31793 [Edit]
File 154120020369.jpg - (141.99KB , 850x850 , Kulk.jpg )
Pumpkin themed costumes for me...
>> No. 31812 [Edit]
File 154157456897.jpg - (172.91KB , 1134x1200 , Dq27cGBUwAEXU9W.jpg )
Closest thing to a 'Halloween anime' I can think of would be Shiki. Though I have seen plenty of Halloween episodes across many other anime.

Post edited on 6th Nov 2018, 11:21pm
>> No. 31817 [Edit]
I'd say ghost stories. It's well known for it's dubbing that went off script and mocked the story, but I unironically thought the original version was decent.
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