A cute comedy Sol about lezbos and vampires, what more can you ask for?
That was awesome.
>>31770 You know, even if she is strong enough to lift that thing, balancing it would be a bitch. Besides, the roof would likely collapse.
I like Sophie.
2018 and anime are still making references to Marmite. Son, I'm proud.
Story of my life.
That's a pretty damn big coffin.
>>31773 I haven't seen that in years, thanks. I'll try to keep myself in line.
>>31907 She's just a childsmall girl.
>>31912 Wouldn't she have a childsmall sized coffin then?
hellsing organization shows up in the last episode and wastes everyone unmercifully and with prejudice
>>31969 Just like they did with Jojo, right?
I see Elly's similarities to Claudia were no coincidence.
>>31970 Those vampires are going for a ride on a nice boat, if you catch my drift
Have a nice night and stay dry anon!
I'm going to miss this series. I found it really heartwarming and relaxing. I never felt bored watching it.
This was the only show I picked up and didn't drop this season. It was fun
>>31969 Not this time buddy!
Me too but the ending seemed abrupt.
If you own a freaking mansion with rooms to spare what's it hurt to keep some of this old stuff around? I know the Japanese are neat freaks but this just seems like a waste (and she's not Japanese anyway).
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