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31712 No. 31712 [Edit]
Only 9 minutes until the next ep of Angolmois - Genkou Kassenki
>> No. 31713 [Edit]
How what is?
>> No. 31714 [Edit]
it had a talking shark
>> No. 31728 [Edit]
I really wanted to like this as a history lover but the blatant lack of animation in a story setup that is primarily action driven is really killing it for me. There must be less budget here than a Naruto filler episode.
>> No. 31731 [Edit]
yeah its shit, could have been a good historical series, but instead its the standard manly tears bullshit with a love story on the side.
i'd rather have just watched hyogue mono again than spend time on this series.
i'm usually pretty quick to drop shitty anime, but i wanted this one to be good because it was so potentially interesting and i ended watching the whole thing and now i regret it.
>> No. 31732 [Edit]
>Hyouge Mono
Man seldom do I see a series I want to marathon, but that was one.
I didn't even expect much from Angolmois and it still disappointed me. I should just focus on VNs
>> No. 31736 [Edit]
It's impressive that a show about teaware was so addicting and emotional to watch. Any anime director who wants to make a historical series should really watch that first to know how it's properly done.
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