Anyone else here watching this?
In the middle of a hot summer this drifter shows up in a sea side town to save some girl without knowing who she is and in the process meets up with girls who are cursed in one way or another. Including a blond girl he meets on the beach who's apparently a tad clumsy. The whole thing dates back to a curse from a long long time ago that our MC has to now try to break. ....Is it just me or does this remind anyone else of AIR?
I wonder if this was meant to be a Nyaruko reference considering Asumi Kana, voices one of the main characters.
It never fails to bother me how casual anime can be about women violently abusing men. What part of giving a coworker a running drop kick to the face seems okay? And for just slacking off for a few seconds? really?
Why is it always a remote TROPICAL island? Did Robinson Crusoe start this trend?
>>31667 Because it's fun, Jan!
How hard can it be to make this thing fade into night?
Didn't really expect things to go in this sort of direction... Sigh, also why do so many anime directors think exhibition dumps are a good idea? "After all we live in a world covered in unending winter where we can't live anywhere but the island and everyone's starving while the birthrate plummets. we could really use a hero to help us out..." <- Who the fuck talks like this? come on!
umm, correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the prince rape sleeping beauty repeatedly in her sleep who then gave birth while still sleeping?
I finally got around to finishing this and holy fuck does it get retarded. The last ep just gets more and more insane as it goes along. The anime is nothing great but it almost feels worth it to see how it all unravels.
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