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File 151753580351.png - (23.26KB , 260x260 , logo.png )
30646 No. 30646 [Edit]
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>> No. 30648 [Edit]
Talk about reboots/sequels of older shows, god damn.
>> No. 30649 [Edit]
>Alice or Alice
>two twin sisters both named Alice
The fuck is wrong with their parents?
>> No. 30650 [Edit]
You know things are bad when there's 20 Pokemon movies and the latest one is nothing but a remake of the original first few episodes from the tv series.
>> No. 30652 [Edit]
Suprised to see Amanchu getting a sequel as I don't really remember hearing much about the first season. Do remember seeing the first ep and thinking "meh" only to forget and never pick it back up.

Boku no Hero Academia: something I've been meaning to pick up but have yet to.

The Caligula Effect seems like I'd be worth picking up at the very least for the original concept, but
>its god-like overseer program, a vocal program called "μ".

>Dorei-ku The Animation
How 'bout NOPE.

Did not expect to see more FMP, Galactic Heroes, DxD, or Inazuma Eleven.

Fumikiri Jikan and Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro might be worth checking out as shorts, possibly.

>Mahou Shoujo Ore
welp... might be interesting I guess?

Not sure which of these I'll consider picking, but as I've been focused with backlog stuff for the last while I doubt I'll get around to it near the beginning.
>> No. 30657 [Edit]
File 151754909954.jpg - (119.35KB , 1280x720 , comic%2Bgirls_mp4_snapshot_00_43.jpg )
i want to be anticipating comic girls but i'm really starting to get sick of anime about making anime anime about making anime about making anime about making anime about making anime about making anime about making anime.
like could the writers get any more self-centered and uncreative.
is fuwa from imotou sea ireba il. writing this one?
>> No. 30662 [Edit]
Things get old after they've been done a few times. It is what it is... that's the problem with the majority of shows after all.
>> No. 30663 [Edit]
yeah but a stereotypical harem show in MMO setting or whatever at least doesn't have the stench of their self-reverential anime about anime makers attached
>> No. 30666 [Edit]
>Lupin the III: Part V
>Souten no Ken: Regenesis
Neato potato.
>Steins;Gate 0
Only real must-watch of the season and probably the only want I won't be able to resist waiting until it finishes airing.
>Boku no Hero Academia, Season 3
It's shounenshit, but it's extremely heartful at it, so it's definitely worth a watch.
>Galactic Empire
Seems like nostalgia-leeching. Will wait until it's over to see what's the consensus.
>Vaticanime OVA
What would Jesus do? Watch this, of course.
Yeah. Not even nostalgia will make me watch a Captain Tsubasa remake.
Sometimes parents name their kids the same, but add a second name to differentiate. e.g. Marie Antoniette, Marie Therese.
>> No. 30667 [Edit]
Yeah but twins?
>> No. 30677 [Edit]
It even makes more sense for twins, since they are clones. I've seen/read it IRL with male twins who were firstborn and inherited the father's name.
>> No. 30679 [Edit]
more sense?
It's completely impractical though. What if you need to call over one and not the other?
>> No. 30680 [Edit]
It's also impractical to name your son with your same name, but people have been doing it for like eight thousand years.
>> No. 30685 [Edit]
In the case of giving your son the same name as the father, there's usually a Jr or number attached to it such as James the second or jack jr. Are these girls named alice 1 and alice 2 or something?
>> No. 30687 [Edit]
Maybe they didn't know they were getting twins and since they only had one name prepared they stuck with that for both.
>> No. 30691 [Edit]
Fumikiri Jikan, Gurazeni, Rokuhoudou Yotsuiro Biyori look interesting enough, Oshiri Tantei might be good as well. I hope they do justice to Gegege, the manga is REALLY good. And Sakura of course.
>> No. 31097 [Edit]
What I'll be watching:

Comic Girls
full metal panic
Last Period: Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari
Steins;Gate 0
Uma Musume Pretty Derby

I'm not really feeling this season. There's sequels out the ass from the looks of things. what isn't a squeal or spin off sounds dumb and or unoriginal. Some of them sound like crap I've seen a million times before. First anime on the list for example; 3D girl, that sounds like Kono Bijutsubu, Kami nomi, net juu, and probably others I haven't seen or can remeber. Meanwhile I can't help but sigh a bit every time I see an anime with "virtual reality" in the description. I don't know if I've seen too much anime, anime is going to shit, or if I'm just getting too old for this crap.
>> No. 31098 [Edit]
I'm on the same boat. Will watch the new S;G but otherwise I'm sticking with older shows.
>> No. 31117 [Edit]
File 152325366217.png - (836.80KB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2018-04-08-01h03m52s745.png )
Hinamatsuri had a good vibe, I'll be checking out the 2nd ep for sure

>> No. 31118 [Edit]
That's a rude thing to say. What gives you that impression?
>> No. 31123 [Edit]
These thread always brings out the normies.
>> No. 31153 [Edit]
wotaku is yet another one of these otaku-gets-gf shows where the otaku is portrayed as a retard who is lucky to have a gf no matter how horrible and stupid shit she is. like moe in all the wrong ways where it doesn't even work at all and you just hate her.
>> No. 31154 [Edit]
What's worse is that it's obviously catered towards female audiences, so they're supposed to relate to that awful, irritating girl. It doesn't help that they're blatant riajuu.
>> No. 31156 [Edit]
right, its like they're all straight out of the "hahaha look at me i'm such a nerd i'm watching anime! just like the internet meme says i should hahahaha" crowd from facebook. we used to call people like that posers and it was considered insulting. copslayers were acceptable at comic cons back in the 80s when they consisted of people in star trek uniform shirts and black pants and the occasional dr who with a big hat and long scarf and no bitches.
>> No. 31157 [Edit]
>we used to call people like that posers
I still do. Although last time I did I got called an elitist asshole in turn.
>> No. 31159 [Edit]
>>31156 …but its all been taken too far, turned into a fantasy princess dress up competition for women who bring nothing to the scene but a wet hole and a sense of entitlement and they attract the retards who enable their whorish behavior too. who goes to an animation themed event and gets excited about seeing the 3Ds?

i hit the reply button early by accident on the first half of that post

Post edited on 20th Apr 2018, 12:19pm
>> No. 31160 [Edit]
next time you're called an elitist ask them why 3DPDs think its OK to try in insert themselves into an animation derived medium and take focus away from the artwork and place it on themselves instead. why don't they go and cosplay at a photography convention instead? that would make more sense. the intersection of drawing and fiction that makes these mediums work so well is that pen and paper can be used to recreate scenes from the imagination which don't exist in reality, so when someone does try to recreate those scenes IRL the result is necessarily going to be disappointing.
>> No. 31161 [Edit]
Their responses are and will be things such as;
we're just having fun, free country, anime isn't your secret club, get with the times, who cares ect ect
>> No. 31163 [Edit]
Which is true though isn't? >>31160 is such a bad, bad move. Giving people filled with self-righteous opinions on everything under the sun and eager to talk about themselves an actual cue so they can vomit words all over you? With all due respect anon, are you fucking crazy? It's like trying to put out a fire with gasoline. Don't give people like that even a second's chance to make a speech. Remember, it's what they want. Never give them what they want. What they don't want is less people willing to listen to them. Be that person. Don't look, don't ask, don't listen.
>> No. 31164 [Edit]
Narcissism at it's finest. Resist the narcissist, and he will flee from you.
>> No. 31165 [Edit]
>Don't look, don't ask, don't listen.
This. No better way to defeat attention-seekers than to deny them the one they want from you. And that's the one singular reason why they have taken hold of practically every single community convention.
>> No. 31167 [Edit]
what if its the intention of wotaku to depict the female mc and cosplayers in general so negatively?
>> No. 31168 [Edit]
Giving them too much credit I think.
>> No. 31169 [Edit]
Gurazeni the baseball anime is good, got me hooked completely
>> No. 31188 [Edit]
i wish Isekai Izakaya was good, but it isn't
>> No. 31291 [Edit]
File 152706030698.jpg - (143.64KB , 1280x720 , wat.jpg )
Anyone watching Gundam Build Divers?
>> No. 31292 [Edit]
Thumbnail made that look like a bunny with a huge smile.
>> No. 31331 [Edit]
File 15279001466.jpg - (79.74KB , 800x445 , gurazeni-2018-2-800x445.jpg )
>> No. 31337 [Edit]
you mean "Gunpla Art Online" ?
>> No. 31349 [Edit]
No, I meant Gundam Build Divers. I haven't heard about the one you mentioned.
>> No. 31370 [Edit]
Little joke there.
I like the action and suspense of the fight. However disappointed at the e-sports or yugioh game set-up.

Post edited on 10th Jun 2018, 7:36pm
>> No. 31418 [Edit]
File 153016776316.png - (577.17KB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2018-06-26-02h17m00s018.png )
Has /tc/ formed a consensus pick for AOTS yet?
>> No. 31419 [Edit]
The issue is that most of the good spring anime are two-cour, like Boku no Hero Academia S3 (unironically, at least so far) and Steins;Gate 0. If Megalo Box ends on a good note then it's most likely it will get that title. Also, there was a LOT of anime series this season, more than usual or before, I think. Anyway, kind of an overwhelming season outside the two-cour'd anime.
>> No. 31519 [Edit]
File 153345939479.png - (1.03MB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2018-08-05-01h43m02s445.png )
The Uchuu Senkan Tiramisu OVAs are so good its unreal
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