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File 151710777362.jpg - (203.60KB , 400x867 , 9225c0ff8ac78d5aa3034c870ecb4723.jpg )
30558 No. 30558 [Edit]
Why don't real girls dress like Kobato?
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>> No. 30559 [Edit]
They suck that's why.
>> No. 30561 [Edit]
Pretty sure that's an oxymoron OP.
Only a real girl would dress like Kobato. If they don't, then they're not a real girl.
>> No. 30562 [Edit]
Some do, if weather allows.
>> No. 30573 [Edit]
Maybe in japan. Evey where else it's an endless sea of whores in tank tops and jeans.
>> No. 30578 [Edit]
Everywhere else where? Now in winter I often see women dress like OP's pic related when I have the displeasure of having to leave the apartment.
>> No. 31635 [Edit]
File 153597625332.jpg - (46.54KB , 600x885 , 20180903.jpg )
Anime characters should swap clothes every now and again...
>> No. 31642 [Edit]
File 153621947616.jpg - (44.58KB , 190x263 , groo.jpg )
nobody on this site gives a crap about 3dpds
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