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File 15014069761.jpg - (917.14KB , 1920x1080 , Acchi Kocchi opening.jpg )
29248 No. 29248 [Edit]
This is shown in the opening of Acchi Kocchi. Is that pedobear with a suspicious man, conspiring together?

Great anime, by the way - so cute! I'm really loving it, so far. What other animes are just like it?
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>> No. 29249 [Edit]
File 150140801138.jpg - (1.02MB , 1920x1080 , Acchi Kocchi 3.jpg )
I wonder, is pool cleaning by the students something that is done frequently in Japanese schools? I guess it would indeed be a good way for young people to learn how to clean, early on.
>> No. 29250 [Edit]
Yes I believe so. Someone's gotta clean em, might as well make it the students.
>> No. 29251 [Edit]
File 150143402251.jpg - (1.05MB , 1920x1080 , Acchi Kocchi 4.jpg )
They are celebrating Christmas with a Finnish flag...! Nice.

Oh, by the way, it seems the intro thing not necessarily had to do with pedobear, but who knows.
>> No. 29257 [Edit]
File 150160170231.png - (116.45KB , 246x405 , Faust_Guilty_Gear.png )
I've been meaning to watch this for over three years now. Looks cuter the longer time passes.
As for the man with the paper bag on his head, it's a reference to Guilty Gear.
>> No. 29260 [Edit]
This is one of my main shows that I put on my laptop when I go to sleep. It's incredibly comfy and cute.
>> No. 29265 [Edit]
I wanted to like this show when it aired and thought it was kind of cute, but it was hard to.
It brought up some issues with anime that made me and many others at the time feel very uncomfortable, but that we don't like to admit to being an issue.
Basically it's hard to enjoy a cute and moe anime when two of the main characters are dating. It can be sweet seeing love blossom and how they get together. On the other hand when they're already in a relationships it makes things awkward. Almost feels like being a third wheel. Besides, there's something off-putting about girls when you know they're already taken. It makes it weird to take them as a waifu or anything else really. There's a reason why girls are always single in moe anime.
"but this is a romcom!" you might say, and to that I say it doesn't feel very romantic when it's just a dating couple hanging out with a couple of their friends.
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