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File 149991671050.png - (599.46KB , 853x482 , anime screencap2017-07-12-15h09m33s857.png )
29100 No. 29100 [Edit]
18if seems to be this season's Alice in wonderland inspired psychedelic show. 1st ep was set in like a Rozen Maiden n-field or something, it was pretty good.
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>> No. 29102 [Edit]
No, it was not pretty good, it was pretty fucking terrible. It's a multi-media project but I imagine they're assuming people give a shit about the VR and other parts enough to look up literally anything on this garbage before going through the first episode. Maybe if you're on psychedelics it would be worth a watch but if you're sober and think this is good, you have terrible taste.
>> No. 29107 [Edit]
Your description inspired me to watch it. I'll post my thoughts after I watch it.
>> No. 29109 [Edit]
please stop disliking things that i like
>> No. 29123 [Edit]
ep2 also good
>> No. 29220 [Edit]
File 150085320093.png - (830.66KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] 18if - 01 [720p]_mkv_snapshot_07_40.png )
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