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File 149947178372.jpg - (98.59KB , 1280x720 , Made in Abyss.jpg )
29057 No. 29057 [Edit]
When you look into the darkness of the abyss the abyss looks into you.
Expand all images
>> No. 29058 [Edit]
Best anime of the season.
>> No. 29069 [Edit]
File 149954097223.jpg - (140.08KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Made in Abyss - 01 [1080p]_mkv_snap.jpg )
This is giving Dennou Coil vibes.
The credits are quite diverse. I certainly wasn't expecting see that they hired a european orchesta group for the OST, but they did a wonderful job.

It's off to a fantastic start, but let's not jump to conclusions just yet.
>> No. 29077 [Edit]
File 149956464189.jpg - (84.02KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Made in Abyss - 01 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
Really good first ep. It actually feels kind of creative and a bit original. Truly a nice break from the same old same old that most anime these days seem to provide. I'm excited to see where they go from here. The character designs are a bit odd, but I feel like something more standard might be too boring.

To me it felt more like Ichigo marshmallow meets Ico. In fact I'm wondering if the horned helmet and windmills aren't a nod to Ico.
>> No. 29079 [Edit]
That sounds epic.
>> No. 29080 [Edit]
This anime will definetely show some absolutely epic environments inside the abyss.
>> No. 29083 [Edit]
I hear the manga involves tons of pain, suffering, and tragedy. not sure if I want to keep watching this now.
>> No. 29084 [Edit]
It does.
I bet that some things will definetely get toned down for this comic to TV anime transposition but if you're sensible to any kind of violence and tragic events you better not read/watcj it.
>> No. 29115 [Edit]
File 150007509055.jpg - (71.05KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Made in Abyss - 02 [720p].jpg )
Next episode is the start of the journey.
>> No. 29129 [Edit]
File 150025811263.jpg - (790.60KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Made in Abyss - 02 [1080p]_mkv_snap.jpg )
>I bet that some things will definetely get toned down for this comic to TV anime transposition

fairly safe bet.
>> No. 29130 [Edit]
I assume you mean this scene was more fucked up in the original work?
>> No. 29132 [Edit]
That scene (chapter 1 of the manga) is pretty much the same as you saw it in the anime.
>> No. 29146 [Edit]
File 150036932044.jpg - (128.06KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Made in Abyss - 02 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
They couldn't have told her this before?
>> No. 29148 [Edit]
No because there's more to it.
>> No. 29151 [Edit]
File 150040811485.jpg - (811.84KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Made in Abyss - 02 [1080p]_mkv_snap.jpg )
He didn't need to tell her at all, but the writers wanted the viewers to know her backstory.

Poor writing choices in providing exposition shouldn't be something new or unexpected.

the "you probably don't remember, but [...]" is only slightly better than a main character with amnesia and a narrator providing the information.

Please don't make excuses for the poor choices on behalf of the writer/director.
>> No. 29152 [Edit]
What excuses and excuses, there's more to it to that story and if I remember correctly he knows about it, that's a fact.
If you don't like it that's not my problem, I mean I personally don't have anything against this kind of things.
>> No. 29164 [Edit]
If you think a compass that always points down is something special, I also have a bridge to sell you.
>> No. 29216 [Edit]
File 150084668652.jpg - (2.86MB , 2102x3000 , 1500777845115.jpg )

but that compass is pointing up.
>> No. 29217 [Edit]
File 150084996243.jpg - (0.97MB , 1731x2460 , 0005.jpg )
>> No. 29218 [Edit]
Same difference.
>> No. 29254 [Edit]
File 150146318221.jpg - (158.41KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Made in Abyss - 04 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
Things should start to get interesting now.
>> No. 29262 [Edit]
File 150188915425.jpg - (41.77KB , 1280x720 , ozen.jpg )
Ozen finally appears.
>> No. 29289 [Edit]
File 150249012596.jpg - (693.66KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Made in Abyss - 06 [1080p]_mkv_snap.jpg )
The OST so far has been stellar.

And the monster design is starting to get inspiration from francis bacon.
>> No. 29334 [Edit]
File 150385375520.webm - (520.20KB , 1503842624580.webm )
>> No. 29355 [Edit]
File 150437847622.jpg - (42.23KB , 853x482 , 128928383534.jpg )
Great things remain for the great, abysses for the profound, nuances and shudders for the refined, and, in brief, all that is rare for the rare.
>> No. 29363 [Edit]
File 150490685498.jpg - (348.32KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Made in Abyss - 10 [1080p]_mkv_snap.jpg )
That was quite a bit more gruesome than I was expecting.

deus ex fluffy tail

Post edited on 8th Sep 2017, 2:41pm
>> No. 29414 [Edit]
File 150535121622.jpg - (56.90KB , 1280x720 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
So... is the abyss supposed to be a gateway to hell or something? That's kind of the impression I'm getting here.
>> No. 29426 [Edit]
File 150569009777.jpg - (665.61KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Made in Abyss - 11 [1080p]_mkv_snap.jpg )
>> No. 29427 [Edit]
File 15056918968.jpg - (115.09KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Made in Abyss - 11 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
>> No. 29455 [Edit]
File 150613421273.jpg - (748.21KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Made in Abyss - 12 [1080p]_mkv_snap.jpg )
Looking forward to the final episode.

should be a blast.
>> No. 29458 [Edit]
Prepare tissues.
>> No. 29460 [Edit]
File 150618351575.jpg - (42.88KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Made in Abyss - 10 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
It's a shame its only one cour.
>> No. 29467 [Edit]
File 150630079264.jpg - (160.01KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Made in Abyss - 12 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
bunnies gonna do what bunnies do best.
>> No. 29506 [Edit]
File 150680925147.jpg - (884.91KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Made in Abyss - 13 [1080p]_mkv_snap.jpg )
Riko's VA is amazing as usual.

It looks like the production almost crew came to terms with the shit sales killing all hopes for a second season, as well as end on a fairly high note.
>> No. 29507 [Edit]
Tragic and yet beautiful final episode.
>killing all hopes for a second season
I think it was pretty clear from the start that this was a ''once and done'' project.
Leaving aside the fact tgat there's enough material for a second season but there's no point where to safely end it (like for this episode), you have to remember that it's not like production committees greenlight ulterior seasons of TV anime just because TV shares are high, sales of home releases are good and/or the sales of the original sources increase.
If there are intentions of extending the anime project you would see them regardless of the immaediate results, I think.
>> No. 29510 [Edit]
File 150692761537.jpg - (102.46KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Made in Abyss - 13 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
Whelp, that was fucked up. Didn't get any waterworks from me but did make me a bit uncomfortable. Almost felt over the top though. As if the writer was going out of his way to create the most cruel and fucked up scenario possible. reminded me a lot of FMA to be honest.
>> No. 29511 [Edit]
How is over the top when that's just normal life in the abyss.
When the narrator (Lyza) kept telling the viewers that life in the abyss is actually a nightmare she wasn't joking, like at all.
>> No. 29512 [Edit]
File 150703209793.jpg - (164.82KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Made in Abyss - 13 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
Within the confines of the story/universe sure, it fits but that goes without saying. Anyone can make anything fit into a world they created.
>> No. 29513 [Edit]
So what's your problem with the atricities showed here?
Because you're saying that thet fit in with the story.
>> No. 29514 [Edit]
Theres an evil hole in the ground that makes you sick, that is full of dangerous monsters and people send orphans down there. It has a rather dark premise and if anything the chirpy main character is out of place.
>> No. 29515 [Edit]
>It has a rather dark premise and if anything the chirpy main character is out of place.
Not really, no.
Riko would be out of place is she was a naive child saying stuff like ''What the hell is this place? Nobody told everything would be this dangerous!'' but she's not like that, she's a energetic kid that wants to explore that hellhole BECAUSE it's a hellhole.
She wanted to explore that infernal pit even before the story began so there you have it, she's a freak adventurer in line with pretty much the rest of the other whistles and general cast.
>> No. 29516 [Edit]
>Riko would be out of place is she was a naive child saying stuff like ''What the hell is this place? Nobody told everything would be this dangerous!'' but she's not like that, she's a energetic kid that wants to explore that hellhole BECAUSE it's a hellhole.
Consider why the main character is a child at all instead of a macho man tough guy. The series was going for nice characters in a not so nice place and I think it did it quite well.
>> No. 29517 [Edit]
>Consider why the main character is a child at all instead of a macho man tough guy.
Because the author wanted to show the experience of a youtful novice adventurer in the abyss and not the one of a veteran or hardly looking guy?
What kind of silly question is that?
>The series was going for nice characters in a not so nice place and I think it did it quite well.
Riko is NOT very nice, Reg is.
Riko is a good girl when she's dealing with other characters but she can do some pretty unfair and cruel things (especially to the animals that will become her meals) and act like a very tough individual, like when she was injected with poison.
>> No. 29518 [Edit]
File 150717733269.jpg - (48.91KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Made in Abyss - 13 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )

The fact that she remains so bright and positive, while being fully aware of the dangers of the abyss, is what makes her a bit off-putting. She's purposely written that way when you put her beside Reg, who is much more grounded in comparison, despite not even being human. Also, keep in mind that no one has tried to stop her from going down, even though she's just a kid. There must a reason for that.
>> No. 29520 [Edit]
>the main character is a child at all instead of a macho man tough guy.
Yeah because that's so rare for modern anime right?
>> No. 29522 [Edit]
>The fact that she remains so bright and positive, while being fully aware of the dangers of the abyss, is what makes her a bit off-putting.
Are you repeating this again?
I already told you why she's fine like this and she's not out of place.
>She's purposely written that way when you put her beside Reg, who is much more grounded in comparison, despite not even being human.
And is that supposed to be a problem?
They complement each other perfectly, that's what I call a good combo of protagonists.
> Also, keep in mind that no one has tried to stop her from going down, even though she's just a kid.
Their friends were divided about it (Nat was against it, Shiggy not so much) and Habo was clearly a bit reclutant in letting them go.
Jirou let the two depart only if they managed to reach the second layer without getting caught by him and the the orphanage president would have skinned 'em alive if she knew about their plans.
>There must a reason for that.
No secret escape in the tightly controlled first layer of the abyss means no start of the journey, it's pretty obvious.
>> No. 29530 [Edit]
File 150743554980.webm - (2.02MB , 1507433938573.webm )
>> No. 29555 [Edit]
File 15077694548.jpg - (177.49KB , 1920x1080 , Made_in_Abyss_12_02_49.jpg )
Several times along the series it reminded me of Future Boy Conan, in the sense of seeing through the lens of joyful innocence that a bleak and cruel world can nevertheless be beautiful, exciting and engrossing, and that exploring and adventuring is wholly youthful and energizing (which might very well be the intention). Despite of my own affinities and aversion to travel, I completely agree with this sentiment. With this anime I have felt something that I had not in a very long time: The desire to know absolutely everything about the world it takes place in. Sometimes I'll wonder about the surroundings of a story, but never to this degree. I want a gigantic catalogue, with all the plants, the animals, the composition of the layers to its most miniscule intricacy. This anime is amazing and it's truly a pity it did so bad so far regarding sales, which all-but-dooms the chances for a second season. I already caught to date to the manga, but the anime is just outright superior.
>no one has tried to stop her from going down
There are a couple of allusions to this, mainly the one in the flashback between Ozen and Lyza mentioning that Riko is naturally drawn to the abyss, with her first physical destination was to crawl in the same direction as soon as she was able to get off her back as a baby.
>> No. 29844 [Edit]
>> No. 29845 [Edit]
Amazing! I heard the anime sold like shit. Did the manga sales explode or something?
>> No. 29853 [Edit]
I don't know precise numbers, but it seems it didn't do as bad as thought at first and ended up around 4k sales per BD. No clue about the manga sales, but the author said S2 was entirely dependant on sales, so I assume the numbers reached the expected threshold.

I loved this anime and its world, so I'm very glad it's getting a continuation.
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