No. 29555
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Several times along the series it reminded me of Future Boy Conan, in the sense of seeing through the lens of joyful innocence that a bleak and cruel world can nevertheless be beautiful, exciting and engrossing, and that exploring and adventuring is wholly youthful and energizing (which might very well be the intention). Despite of my own affinities and aversion to travel, I completely agree with this sentiment. With this anime I have felt something that I had not in a very long time: The desire to know absolutely everything about the world it takes place in. Sometimes I'll wonder about the surroundings of a story, but never to this degree. I want a gigantic catalogue, with all the plants, the animals, the composition of the layers to its most miniscule intricacy. This anime is amazing and it's truly a pity it did so bad so far regarding sales, which all-but-dooms the chances for a second season. I already caught to date to the manga, but the anime is just outright superior.
>no one has tried to stop her from going down
There are a couple of allusions to this, mainly the one in the flashback between Ozen and Lyza mentioning that Riko is naturally drawn to the abyss, with her first physical destination was to crawl in the same direction as soon as she was able to get off her back as a baby.