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File 149859322049.jpg - (136.57KB , 1280x738 , Kanon.jpg )
29005 No. 29005 [Edit]
So I really liked all the anime that was made from Key's stuff. Kanon, Air, Angel Beats, maybe even Clannad. Do you guys know anything similar to these? Drama, supernatural stuff, actually good story, multiple storylines, etc. I don't care if the video quality is poor or something as long as it has a similar vibe to those. If it's a similar VN thats good too.
>> No. 29011 [Edit]
I assume you've checked out Charlotte too? You could also try Kimi no Na wa or Boku dake ga Inai Machi.
>> No. 29012 [Edit]
I will check out Kimi no Na wa, I saw the other two already. Thanks!
>> No. 29014 [Edit]
Canvas 2
Kakyuusei 2
H2O: Footprints in the Sand
>> No. 29017 [Edit]
Fruits Basket
>> No. 29023 [Edit]
I think Sola is also worth mentioning.
>> No. 29065 [Edit]
>maybe even Clannad
Did you watch Afterstory, which is a tearjerker masterpiece?

You could also check Princess Tutu.

I second, given your parmeters, Fruits Basket and Sola.
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