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File 149752043068.jpg - (456.15KB , 600x1024 , creamy mami & yu.jpg )
28937 No. 28937 [Edit]
Celebrity impersonator Yu Morisawa has become very famous locally for her uncanny portrayal of Creamy Mami, even fooling people who knew the legendary idol. She seems to have a personal connection to Mami, but what could it be? Yu was just a kid when the singer disappeared!
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>> No. 28939 [Edit]
deathnote slice of life after story set in hell with L, light and ryuk exchanging witty banter around the kotatsu and playing increasingly complicated pranks on each other.
>> No. 28940 [Edit]
That sounds hilarious, and much better than Death Note.
>> No. 34776 [Edit]
File 160196106849.jpg - (131.65KB , 850x1202 , 20201018.jpg )
Why sequel? Make something new from scratch.
>> No. 34846 [Edit]
File 160229171424.jpg - (36.86KB , 580x576 , nz.jpg )
That's not how it works...
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