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File 149250130534.jpg - (155.28KB , 1280x720 , [BakedFish] ID-0 - 01 [720p][AAC]_mp4_snapshot_04_.jpg )
28453 No. 28453 [Edit]
Anyone here seen this yet? It's a show about people who use mecha to mine mcguffin materials in space.
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>> No. 28454 [Edit]
File 149250139570.jpg - (131.29KB , 1280x720 , [BakedFish] ID-0 - 01 [720p][AAC]_mp4_snapshot_13_.jpg )
It's worth pointing out the anime is unfortunately done completely in 3d cgi.
>> No. 28456 [Edit]
File 149251358751.jpg - (147.93KB , 1280x720 , but why.jpg )
It makes absolutely no sense to me why people would need to leave their bodies and transfer their consciousness to a robot when they should be able to just as easily remote control them.
>> No. 28457 [Edit]
Because plot.
>> No. 28459 [Edit]
Looks like Zone of the Enders.
>> No. 28536 [Edit]
File 149307754678.jpg - (93.65KB , 1280x720 , [BakedFish] ID-0 - 02 [720p][AAC]_mp4_snapshot_05_.jpg )
If they're gonna make anime in full on 3d cgi, you'd think they could at least release it in 48 or 60fps.
>> No. 28666 [Edit]
File 149380745971.jpg - (117.28KB , 1280x720 , [BakedFish] ID-0 - 03 [720p][AAC]_mp4_snapshot_01_.jpg )
All glory to the space loli!
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