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File 149230847332.jpg - (454.17KB , 1280x720 , [RH] Sin Nanatsu no Taizai - 01 [Uncensored] [96FE.jpg )
28421 No. 28421 [Edit]
It's a healthy christian version of queens blade. Except for gluttony, the token little flat girl.
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>> No. 28422 [Edit]
Do you mean that the girls will fight and have their tits pop out as they fight and I'll be able to fap to it just like Queen's Blade with Minimal to no male characters shitting up the screen, or do you mean that it's just a bunch of girls fighting to be the queen and number 1 and all that stuff?

This is important.
>> No. 28423 [Edit]
Well, his filename does say [Uncensored] so I suspect it's perhaps the former.
>> No. 28432 [Edit]
File 149237486716.jpg - (430.56KB , 1280x720 , [RH] Sin Nanatsu no Taizai - 01 [Uncensored] [96FE.jpg )

Though the fighting generally takes a back seat to the girls groping each other.
>> No. 28611 [Edit]
File 149349661366.png - (766.00KB , 1280x738 , Spoiler Picture.png )
So after forgetting about this show, I've decided to watch it. It definitely has a Queen's Blade feel, so much so that I'm not even sure if it was created by the creator of Queen's Blade or was inspired by it.

I like it. Although it's definitely good fapping material, I'm also a little interested in what Lucifer is going to do. I also happen to think that all of the girls are beauties.
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