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File 149142574626.png - (1.80MB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2017-04-05-13h21m20s618.png )
28272 No. 28272 [Edit]
Romakoak Records school uniforns are pretty nice
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>> No. 28370 [Edit]
File 149198874278.png - (0.97MB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2017-04-12-02h16m38s034.png )
i like the low waist on that skirt, especially with the exposed abdomen. really wonderful uniforms
>> No. 28462 [Edit]
File 149254400396.webm - (206.54KB , 1492228133777.webm )
The female uniforms are a retarded hodgepodge of fetishes thrown together.

The main character's personality is the lazy and unmotivated, over-powered jackass/comedy fantasy lead archtype, with the jackass taken to the extreme in an attempt to make him unique.

only, the part that was supposed to make him unique goes away when the plot needs to move.

I'm sure the figures and the LNs will be the only things making sales for this show.
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