not sure if this is the type of show that has onsen ep or not
How does this relate to the movie thing before? same story, sequel, what?
>>27708 i have no idea
I enjoyed this a hell of a lot more than I expected to, which was not much at all.
>>27726 It is Little Witch Academia, after all.
Sucy is moe.
Why so cereal?
Who needs quidditch when you got broom races?
please end the bullying to akko
>>27828 But what else can you do with such a useless and energetic girl?
>>27995 She's not useless because she's cute.
>>27995 Akko is for loving, not bullying.
God I hate rich people.
>>27996 Seems pretty useless to me. Six ep in and they still stuck at just about everything with no signs of any improvements.
I'm not expert, but unless the water was disinfected using chlorine or chloramine, or has salts, it should be fine for the fish. Although they do say bacteria can grow in it after bottling, so it's best to open the bottle and let it sit for a while before giving it to the fish. ...But if they're somehow managing to live in a tiny fish bowl like the one the teacher was in, I doubt they'd be that picky about ph levels and what not.
my favorite is the kuudere one
The star wars reference was amusing, the silent hill reference was quite entertaining... but this Akira reference crosses the line.
Who took that photo and when?
>>28078 The terrified local.
It puts the shoe on it's head or it gets the hose again
Twilight references and a myspace parody.. when was this written?
Far as I can tell Trigger seems to have a raging boner for western media and animation styles. This anime doesn't feel like it would be all that out of place airing on nickelodeon or cartoon network.
>>28149 I really, really like it. It's a nice break from the same art style everyone's been using since like 2010. And you're right, it is pretty Western-y, but in a good way, reminiscent of French cartoons.
>>28150 It's a little too western for my liking, but it's not enough to prevent me from enjoying it.
birdbrain looks at a bird. And now that we are almost half way through the series, the plot moves one notch forward.
Sucy liked getting swallowed by that thing. What the hell, Sucy?
new opening contains many spoilers.
>>28352 I hate it when they throw spoilers in the OP. It's the worst. However, I am glad to see that the anime is continuing because I like Akko and i like watching her succeed.
With cute facepaint like that, it almost makes you want to KISS them doesn't it?
>>28355 "Oh, I'm sorry, Arai-san. Your anime's over there."
>>28355 Do you think they rock and roll all day and party every night?
Dirty Red + glasses is best chariot.
>>28446 That scene was pretty awesome. Is she going to tell Akko who she really is or is Akko going to figure it out for herself and feel betrayed?
>>28447 >is Akko going to figure it out for herself and feel betrayed? If she hasn't figured it out by now, she isn't going to without someone/something spelling it out very blatantly for her.
>>28447 >or is Akko going to figure it out for herself This, but after Red DIES
>>28460 I hope not. My heart couldn't take that.
>>28460 That sounds very plausible.
>>28464 >>28461 I honestly hope not, but I sense a Madoka-esque grimdark approaching.Post edited on 18th Apr 2017, 6:59pm
>>28468 That's a pretty horrible comparison. It would take a lot more than chariot dying to reach those kinds of levels.
Chariot isn't gonna die. She and Akko are going to team up to use a special spell at the end of the show to do the stuff for the UNLIMITED magic. Maybe. If we're lucky, those two will become lez and end up together. That is what I want.
>>28483 I second your wants except for the lesbians part.
>>28483 >If we're lucky, those two will become lez and end up together. That would be awesome, but no way that would happen. Chariot is someone Akko idolizes, not someone she wants to fuck.
>>28485 >>28483 I'm a huge yurifag, but that would be like Chekhov fucking Captain Kirk.
>>28488 I don't really get that analogy. Is it because Chariot is like her superior? All the same, fat old men fucking is gross regardless and not very comparable to yuri I think.
>>28490 Partly that, yes. But also because, while there is mutual respect between them, Chekhov really looks up to Kirk and aspires to be like him. I just feel like that's a really icky dynamic for people boning.
wait what? How did they break the rules? The thing still ate them all the same. Was there a rule saying they couldn't break the curse? That prize/tittle seems like a bunch of BS anyway if they make it impossible to win unless you're lucky and land one of the few good roles in the ceremony.
>>28530 Akko's the class screwup, so the Man found an excuse to crush her dreams like so many rutting ladybugs under the jackboots of authority.
That's some Autistic subbing right there. wow...
>>28646 They did an outstanding job there. Why do you feel the need to insult it?
>>28647 Would you prefer OCD subbing?
>>28646 >>28647 That's extremely cool as a demonstration of subbing prowess, but ultimately kind of pointless.
>>28647 newer users seem to enjoy any opportunity to throw around exciting new buzzwords that they recently picked up
New ep is out!
>>28713 And it's awesome! Witches dig giant robots.
good times.
Best Girl gets a two-episode arc.
What kind of servant do you think Akko would summon?
>>28757 Berserker?
>>28749 Looking forward to it. Is that going to be after the current Diana story arc?
umm, I'm just gonna leave this here...
Why inverting it?
>>28764 Because presumably it kind of looks like the KKK when the robes are white?
>>28765 This.
I've been on the fence about this anime for a while but I thought this ep was great, and then it went from great to awesome by the end. Easily my fav so far and I'm glad to see that character got some time in the spot light. I had been curious about them for some time now.
>>28787 It was definitely a great ep.
I can't say I am happy with this episode. It goes full circle and nothing fucking happens. I would've been satisfied with the evil aunt having a change of heart in the end, but nothing is shown or hinted at. She's just going to go back to her ways once Diana is out of sight and sell off everything the family owns to fuel her vanity.
>>28790 Actually, the aunt did change. The way she said her line wasn't meant as an insult but a compliment to Diana in being that she believes that Diana could return the Cavendish name into what it once was and acknowledges that Diana should be the one to do so. She says it directly to the maid, who then gasps and smiles in agreement. I'm not sure how you missed that.
>>28791 that's a bit of a stretch.She wasn't being a snobby bitch as she was whenever she was talking to Diana, but it's not like she said that directly to Diana. If anything, I assume she would use that as justification to maintain her lavish expenditures. After all, Diana should be able to clean it all up sometime in the future. Selling off objects isn't destroying them, and Diana can work to reclaim them.
wow, now I really want to see the creators of this anime do a mecha series. oh, right...
I didn't expect that at all.
>>28889 Me neither man, who would have thought that URSULA WAS ACTUALLY SHINY CHARIOT HOLY SHIT
Let's now confront the evil mastermind behind all the evil acts and sending the world into war and harvesting the peasants as if they are lifestock with---SQUIRREL! GOTTA CHASE THE SQUIRREL!! ...why did we come here again? oh well, it must not have been very important anyway. Let's leave.
There ought to be a limit to how best a girl can be.
>>28929 I hated Diana in the first season, but now I love her so much! I could talk to her for hours and feel comforted.
oh my Nuclear Launch Detected.
Well that could have gone better... yikes..
That was a pretty great ending. You know, I was really on the fence about this anime with it being too western feeling, but I started to enjoy it by the second half when the plot finally kicked in. That said, the second half could have used a lot more sucy.
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