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File 148387763097.png - (735.33KB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2017-01-08-04h00m11s966.png )
27660 No. 27660 [Edit]
look at how cute this sidekick character is
Expand all images
>> No. 27661 [Edit]
File 148387766539.png - (732.24KB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2017-01-06-02h31m21s191.png )
>> No. 27662 [Edit]
All the girls are cute. CUTE!

I want a cat donut.
>> No. 27701 [Edit]
File 148438742317.png - (677.88KB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2017-01-14-00h36m48s514.png )
just acres and acres of quality pantyshots in 2nd ep
>> No. 27769 [Edit]
File 148525633681.png - (1.07MB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2017-01-24-03h10m00s930.png )
this nerd got owned pretty hard
>> No. 27771 [Edit]
Is that some Cure White cosplay I see there?
>> No. 27848 [Edit]
File 148620207587.png - (1.24MB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2017-02-04-01h53m04s134.png )
disproportionate hands
>> No. 27893 [Edit]
File 148681291234.png - (1.02MB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2017-02-11-03h33m29s654.png )
>> No. 28031 [Edit]
File 14880829668.jpg - (234.80KB , 1072x1435 , C18VQLPUcAAltyl_orig.jpg )
What the hell are those white thins on Koiwai's head?
>> No. 28032 [Edit]
Hair clips maybe? I honestly have no clue.
>> No. 28035 [Edit]
I dunno but that's god damn cute.
>> No. 28183 [Edit]
So, there's no way in hell they're gonna wrap this up neatly in one more episode, right?
>> No. 28185 [Edit]
it wrapped up pretty nicely a few weeks ago when i decided that this show has too much drama and not enough bitches getting put in their place face down ass up.
>> No. 28203 [Edit]
For a non-ending, that wasn't so bad. It's a little weird how they pretty much just ditched fat fuck after making a big deal out of him the last few episodes. Seemed like they were teasing a second season, which is just mean since it's probably not gonna happen. Guess I'll have to read the manga.
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