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File 148357061136.png - (0.96MB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2017-01-04-14h54m24s829.png )
27628 No. 27628 [Edit]
akiba's trip has no less than 5 pantsus in the first 30 seconds
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>> No. 27629 [Edit]
As someone who loves seeing girls in cute cloths the concept behind akiba's trip kind of bothers me...
>> No. 27635 [Edit]
I don't remember the game being like this at all.
>> No. 27637 [Edit]
File 148360256677.png - (1.28MB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2017-01-04-23h47m43s031.png )
i hope this type of philosophical discourse is regular feature
>> No. 27639 [Edit]
File 148370328583.jpg - (64.11KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Akiba's Trip The Animation - 0.jpg )
The figures are from Sore ga Seiyuu, which starred the members of Earphones who also star in Akiba's Trip and perform the OP. SgS was also produced by Gonzo.
>> No. 27644 [Edit]
Nice find, but I thought Ichigo's VA was all washed up and failed as a voice actress?
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