How does the newly planned Code Geass - Fukkatsu no lolouch for 2017 make you guys feel? Does it make you reminisce of when CG first aired in 2006 or whenever you first saw it? Are you excited? Apparently, it's a sequel to the events of r2, featuring Kallen, Orange, and Suzaku as the main characters. I'm also hoping this ends the notorious "lolouch was actually alive" argument once and for all.Post edited on 28th Nov 2016, 5:41am
It could be the biggest thing since R2 or flop hard if it doesn't have lolouch and C.C. The main characters were such a driving force in that show's popularity, I just can't see it being as big without them. Kallen and Suzaku are not the most interesting characters, after all. Although Kallen has those tits and Suzaka has dat ass.
well.. i dont know how are going to continue a story that already told everything but im excited just for the hope that Kurururururugi Suzaku finally to die between terrible suffering
lolouch didn't die?
I feel pretty much this: >>27461 >i dont know how are going to continue a story that already told everything Seems to me like the only point (emphasis in "only") is to make money and story, characters and consistency all be damned. I'll wait and see though, but so far I have from zero to negative expectations.
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