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File 147974396289.jpg - (288.22KB , 800x720 , 1421940495650.jpg )
27420 No. 27420 [Edit]
I am having withdrawal from the strong lack of imouto anime and manga. Imouto anime was the major reason I became interested and obsessed with anime.

Bill 156 is fucking killing me. This isn't fair.
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>> No. 27423 [Edit]
Now that you mention it OP I haven't noticed much of the stuff lately. Was it a passing phase?
>> No. 27425 [Edit]
File 147978493216.png - (971.50KB , 1280x720 , 1421834502730.png )
I doubt it. We still see remnants of it in some newer anime, they just never go in depth.
There was some government shit that went through in 2010. Along the lines of 'won't somebody please think of the children!'.
>The definition of harmful material is expanded to include "any manga, animation, or pictures that features...sexual or pseudo sexual acts between close relatives whose marriage would be illegal, where such depictions and / or presentations unjustifiably glorify or exaggerate the activity".
>> No. 33478 [Edit]
File 156923561130.jpg - (250.55KB , 900x1200 , 20190922.jpg )
Best imouto coming thru
>> No. 33639 [Edit]
File 157181526225.jpg - (306.52KB , 1200x850 , 7peroni.jpg )
Miho is best imouto.
>> No. 34410 [Edit]
File 159167092865.jpg - (111.20KB , 841x1500 , 20200609101528-yande.jpg )
>> No. 34497 [Edit]
Rosehip is fast but I don't think she's an imouto
>> No. 37882 [Edit]
Only people who never had younger sisters want one in anime. Ewww.
>> No. 37884 [Edit]
File 170725455031.png - (3.90MB , 1920x1200 , 345772.png )
Take this statement back or else bad things will happen.
>> No. 37885 [Edit]
File 170725740512.png - (198.49KB , 640x678 , 1526431121644.png )
I take it back on his behalf as someone who has a younger sister and likes seeing them in anime.
This is an old post but I didn't know about this. It could be the reason why I've noticed more platonical depictions of it compared to before.
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