No. 27645
Seems you're projecting a bit there.
>The entire television broadcasters does not cater to just your taste.
Objectively speaking, anime in general is indeed pretty crappy now that everything halfway decent has been adapted already and we're now scraping the bottom of the barrel.
The majority of anime aired today is highly unoriginal, repetitive, and cliche. When you've logged 2,000+ hours worth of the stuff every 'new' anime feels like something you've already seen before. More often than not that's because it was probably copied from a more popular work that came before.
When you're new to anime however (not necessarily saying that you are here), you have no way of knowing this. Limited exposure to the stuff makes everything fun and exciting and different. When you're green you haven't yet watched as dime a dozen under achiever boy who sites by window at back of class falls on a fashion model grade girl and grabs her tits on the bizarrely empty school rooftop while his dyed hair best friend gets angry and jelly because he can't get any for the billionth time.
Characters tend to lack depth and have shallow cliched personalty traits that define them as a whole with maybe a gimmick or two to separate them from the rest. These lazy over simplified personality types can be classified into a small number of easily recognizable categorizes such as the tsundere, the bookworm, the ojousama, and so on. I shouldn't have to explain the problem with stereotyping people like that. Aside from these unrealistic personality types you also have everyone being literally picture perfect and flawless in every conceivable way. This makes for a very disjointed watching experience, never mind trying to relate to any of these characters because they may as well all be aliens. This might work for comedies or more lighthearted stuff but it all too often finds it's way into material with more serious themes and tones, thus making it hard to take the material seriously. This is one of the reasons why I personally stick to cute/moe stuff mainly, it lends itself better to that sort of thing and is harder to fuck up.
You've also got the general moronic nature of anime in which character expressions are over exaggerated for viewers who can't pick up on subtly. Current events and what characters are doing/thinking get spelled out blatantly to viewers who can't be bother to pay attention. Story and plot lines that make little or no sense while characters make wild insane leaps of logic and ignore what common sense would usually dictate. Horrible fact checking or flat out lies from writers who seem to have a poor grasp of reality.
Then there's poor animation where in half of everything is still frames with with a panning shot, or characters flapping their mouths with two frames of animation. Audio also tends to be an issue with incorporate sounds given to things that shouldn't make such sounds and vice versa. For example how guns rattle every time someone moves them in an anime, while ambient sounds on the other hand are often missing. While VAs do tend to usually do their job well, There's this annoying practice of giving everyone the same exact volume. See when people are further away their voices are supposed to be lower than those who are close up because of the distance, people will also sound differently depending on their environment, what kind of room they're in and so on, yet anime will often use the same exact levels and audio mixing across the board. This can all be chalked up to low budgets and horrible working conditions. Anime movies will typically have better quality animation, writing, and so on, but your average tv anime? There's a reason why so much of it gets aired at 3am during during infomercial time slots and rarely get re-runs.