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27170 No. 27170 [Edit]
List your top 5 anime. They can include movies and ova's.

Mine are:

5)Kaze to Ki no Uta SANCTUS
4)Revolutionary Girl Utena
3)Fullmetal Alchemist (2003)
2)The Rose of Versailles
1) Berserk (1997)

Btw, no need to mention Cory in the House, It's such a good anime that there is just no need to state the obvious.
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>> No. 27172 [Edit]
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In no particular order:

Kokoro Library
Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu Ka
Cardcaptor Sakura
Rozen Maiden
>> No. 27175 [Edit]
ichigo mashimaro
little witch academy
>> No. 27178 [Edit]
1. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai
2. Azumanga Daioh
3. Aria
4. She and Her Cat
5. Genshiken
>> No. 27179 [Edit]
1. Utena
2. Evangelion
3. Sailor Moon
4. Genocyber
5. Gurren Lagann
>> No. 27390 [Edit]
1. Azumanga Daioh
2. Kill la Kill
3. Kaiji
4. Paranoia Agent
5. Monster
>> No. 27402 [Edit]
This is always hard but if i must to choose five

4)Sket Dance
3)Fate stay/night
2)Azumanga Daioh
1)Gundam (original, Z, ZZ)
>> No. 27406 [Edit]
In no order:

Code Geass
Banner of the Stars
School Rumble
Lucky Star
>> No. 27410 [Edit]
kiss x sis
green green
hyouge mono
b gata h kei
yurikuma arashi
           …and anything with "ichigo" or "strawberry" in the title
>> No. 27431 [Edit]
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Only five allowed?
>> No. 30755 [Edit]
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Too many to narrow it down to five...
>> No. 30757 [Edit]
in no particular order:
>Serial experiments lain
>the Monogatari series
>yuru yuri
it's very hard to narrow it down.
>> No. 30774 [Edit]
Making a top 10 would be much easier but narrowing it down to 5 is quite difficult. No specific order:
Haruhi series (can't choose between the second season or the film)
Yuru Yuri♪♪
Welcome to the NHK
Sora no Woto
Clannad series (I always considered them to be one show rather than two different seasons anyway)
>Hyouge Mono
Great taste, probably the most underrated anime of at least this decade.
>> No. 30782 [Edit]
Yuru Yuri
Shojo Shumatsu Ryoko
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Samurai Flamenco
Cardcaptor Sakura

I have no idea why I liked Samurai Flamenco so much because its the only somewhat obscure one in my ten or twenty and I know a lot of people hated it.
>> No. 30820 [Edit]
>Shojo Shumatsu Ryoko
Kind of strange to consider a show that just aired one of your all-time favourites, I assume you haven't seen many anime yet?
>> No. 30821 [Edit]
>Kind of strange to consider a show that just aired one of your all-time favourites
Not them, but why is it strange?
>> No. 30822 [Edit]
Modern seasonal shows lack quality and the type of shows that tend to stand out the most to people are often one of the earlier ones they watched.
>> No. 30825 [Edit]
I learned Japanese mostly for anime and have watched hundreds of them. I have been following the manga since the start. Honestly I don't think shows I watched when I first got into it had more of an influence on me.
Saying modern shows lack quality is an unfair blanket statement. Have you watched SSR and if so what did you think of it?
>> No. 30828 [Edit]
No idea what this refers to.
>> No. 30829 [Edit]
(S)hojo (S)humatsu (R)yoko
>> No. 30832 [Edit]
I would have thought this was obvious because you specifically replied to me asking about Shojo Shumatsu Ryoko. My mistake.
>> No. 30847 [Edit]
No, that's alright, I thought you were reffering to some other show. I did watch it but I didn't like it at all, the CG at the start already made me sick of it because I can't stand it when that is used in anime regardless of the reason for it or how it used.
>> No. 31463 [Edit]
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people like you are the reason i come here. i'm giving you both high-fives via the internet.

totally agree. hyouge mono is incredibly underrated. yuri kuma arashi is another seriously underrated anime; its more flawed than hyouge mono , but truly unique (which is a rare quality in the anime world...)

in no particular order

1. is the order a rabbit (first season)
2. legend of the galactic heroes
3. ghost in the shell movie
4. yurikuma arashi

are my "tier one" favorites

i have a bunch of other favs like kaiji, hyouge mono , and sakura trick, but they aren't on my top list because i don't treasure them the same way. the four i mention are my absolute favorites, and all the other animes i love can't compare to these four for me, which is why i don't have a fifth on my top five animes list lol
>> No. 31639 [Edit]
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Gurren Lagann
Princess Mononoke
Spirited Away
>> No. 31646 [Edit]
The first that come to mind in no particular order

Cat Soup OVA
Serial Experiments Lain
yokohama kaidashi kikou
Castle in the Sky
>> No. 31647 [Edit]
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5. Violet Evergarden
4. C******
3. Koe no Katachi
2. Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka?
1. Kill la Kill

This is definitely going to change. I do have to rewatch some anime to really be able to decide on a top 5 or top 10.

btw. If you don't count Koe no Katachi because it's a film, my place 6 is Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
>> No. 31648 [Edit]
I'm gonna spice mine up a bit by adding some flavor text/ mini reviews

5) Fune wo Amu
very unusual subject matter (it's about a team making a japanese dictionary), handles its characters beautifully, and avoids my most hated kind of epilogue ending (everyone has kids, I HATE that trope). only reason it's not higher is that the subject matter and relatively realistic presentation can easily bore people if the characters dont resonate with them

4)scorching ping pong girls
this got overlooked during the season it's in for having a more moe-looking art style, but it's more like a hype sports anime than a slice of life based on ping pong, and is probably my favorite one in spite of the fact that it's an incomplete adaptation because I loved the soundtrack and direction so much. highly underrated.

3) Sega Hard Girls
it's hard to find a "fanservice in the non-ecchi sense of the word" show than this one. it's 12 episodes of pure sega goodness with a ton of fun easter eggs and actual sega characters along with a genuinely emotional ending. bonus points for how the more I learn about sega the more fun it is to watch, leading me to watch it more than once.

2) New Game!
this one's about a bunch of cute girls working to make video games, but every once in a while it ditches the fun humor for a more serious take and it usually does so quite well. helps that the guy making it used to work in video games.

1) No Game No Life
it's funny how this show is the embodiment of what a lot of people hate about anime (wish fulfillment, isekai, ecchi, the list goes on) but for my money it's one of the most well directed and well written of these isekai shows with a whole cast of characters that I enjoy. I can't think of a single one that got on my nerves that much, even the "annoying little girl" ended up being more endearing than annoying in the end, with her subtle misunderstandings of social norms. and the shiritori battle is one of the best things committed to TV Animation to me.
>> No. 31649 [Edit]
>4. C******
What's this?
I actually didn't like Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume BECAUSE it was too much of a SOL show. The ping pong matches were a lot of fun to watch but the show only had a few of them and most of the show is just the characters standing around and talking to each other about either technique or trivial things. It's the sports equivalent of a shounen series; the pay-off battles at the end of an arc is the only thing that makes it worth watching but to get there you need to sit trough a lot of boring shit.
God-tier OST though.
>> No. 31652 [Edit]
Not them, but "Clannad" fits.
>> No. 31658 [Edit]
it probably helps a lot that I actually liked the characters and their struggles (especially Desu/Death and scorpion girl)
>> No. 31665 [Edit]
>Sega Hard Girls
Never thought I'd see this on anyone's list. One would think most people would have hated it if they didn't completely overlook it due to it coming across as a low budget advert for sega and it's games. If I remember correctly, weren't those "actual sega characters" completely silent due aside from some stock audio clips due to having no VAs? Or was that just sonic and eggman?
>> No. 31666 [Edit]
from what I can recall, the only character a voice actor would have even made sense for outside of sonic and eggman is maybe lala. the rest never speak, even in their own games, outside of stock audio clips. I actually thought it added to the humor when jeffrey showed up and *still* only said "I win" all the time.
>> No. 31724 [Edit]
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Is he embarrased that he likes Clannad as his top 5? Haha
>> No. 31726 [Edit]
>mononoke no hime
>shinsekai yori
>nagi no asukara
>ghost in the shell (1st ver)
>tamako market

I can't really think of an exact top5, some are completely different genres and I like them for different reasons, so it doesn't make sense to say one's better than the other.
>> No. 34452 [Edit]
How about your fave per genre?
>> No. 34470 [Edit]
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In no particular order.
K-on S2
Sora no woto
Haibane Renmei
>> No. 34658 [Edit]
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Lupin III
>> No. 34660 [Edit]
Mushishi (First season)
Kino no Tabi The Beautiful World (2003 version)
Aria the Animation
Haibane Renmei
Shinigami no Ballad
>> No. 34662 [Edit]
5) Comic Girls
4) Mobile Suit Gundam 0079
3) Lucky Star
2) The Demon Girl Next Door
1) Girls und Panzer & Gochiusa TIE
>> No. 34668 [Edit]
>Kino no Tabi The Beautiful World (2003 version)
How'd you like the latest adaption?
>> No. 34674 [Edit]
I dislike The Animated Series because of several reasons, the biggest is probably the choice of colors. The show is bright and vivid which is a huge difference to the 2003 version. There the colors are washed out and even kinda dull. This contributes a lot to the atmosphere which I love and admire. Due to the change The Animated Series feels different, honestly I would go so far to call the coloring generic and boring.
Furthermore The Animated Series contains way more action, thanks to that increase in violence it gives off a very shounen like vibe. Overall I am disappointed and I dislike it.
>> No. 34683 [Edit]
I'm a bit sad that you dislike it so as I feel it still did well in immersing one into Kino's journeys; however, there were some episodes that were too action heavy, I must agree with you.
The 2003 series fit quite well with the time in which it aired, and I feel the newest adaption is the same in this regard (e.g. the color palette, designs). Further, I think it's nice they didn't try to mimic the original (as it's certainly something special), and instead they tried to create an animation that stands on its own. Anyway, thanks for giving me your answer, anon! I can only hope there will be future adaptions.
>> No. 34684 [Edit]
Not him, but I really liked the new series because it adapted a wide range of stories from the novel. Apparently other people didn't care for this aspect as much.
>> No. 34777 [Edit]
Break it down per genre:

Slice of Life - Azumanga
Isekai - Escaflowne
Mecha - Macross
Fighting - Hero Academia
Horror - Berserk
>> No. 35281 [Edit]
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Shoujo Romance ~ Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun
Shonen Romance ~ Kanojo, Okarishimasu (Rent-a-Girlfriend)
>> No. 35744 [Edit]
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Hill Climb Girl
Over Drive
Nasu: Summer in Andalusia
Idaten Jump
Yowamushi Pedal
>> No. 35746 [Edit]
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In no particular order:
Slayers (including movies and first three seasons)
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu
Hidamari Sketch (all seasons)
Azumanga Daioh
Touhai Densetsu Akagi
As others have stated, limiting it to five is pretty tough. Broadly, I like a lot of CGDCT and slice of life, as well as a couple other mahjong anime.
>> No. 35774 [Edit]
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Such rankings never work, because often different works are not comparable.
So, allow me to cheat a bit.

Top 20s

Top 5 10s
Mahou Shoujo Madoka☆Magica
CROSS ANGE: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo
Attack on Titan

Top 5 00s
Rozen Maiden: Ouvertüre
Jigoku Shoujo

Top 5 90s
Taiho Shichau zo: You're Under Arrest
Cowboy Bebop
Initial D
serial experiments lain

Best Movie

Honorable Mention
Thunderbolt Fantasy

Best Western Franchise
The Animatrix

Best Music Animation
Interstella 5555: The 5tory of The 5ecret 5tar 5ystem
>> No. 35876 [Edit]
Code Geas
>> No. 35928 [Edit]
Elfen Lied
Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne
>> No. 36263 [Edit]
ashita no joe
first gundam
>> No. 36369 [Edit]
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How about rank it per genre you're interested in?
Say shonen, mecha, sports, shoujo-ai, isekai, slice-of-life, swords&sorcery?
>> No. 37227 [Edit]
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Date A Live
Jujutsu Kaisen
Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid
Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation
Yuru Camp
>> No. 37233 [Edit]
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In no particular order,
Yu☆Gi☆Oh! (1998 Toei anime)
Galaxy Angel
Teekyuu 2
Kemono Friends
DiGi Charat
>> No. 37234 [Edit]
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Sora no Woto
Made in Abyss
Girls' Last Tour
>> No. 37330 [Edit]
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Skip & Loafer
>> No. 37339 [Edit]
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Fate/Strange Fake
Jujutsu Kaisen 2nd
Mushoku Tensei II
Undead Girl Murder Farce
>> No. 37780 [Edit]
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Top 5 anime?

The Boy and the Heron (Japanese: 君たちはどう生きるか, Hepburn: Kimitachi wa Dō Ikiru ka, lit. 'How Do You Live?')

Girls und Panzer

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (Japanese: 葬送のフリーレン, Hepburn: Sōsō no Furīren, pp. "Frieren, the Final Farewell to the Dead")

Delicious in Dungeon (Japanese: ダンジョン飯, Hepburn: Danjon Meshi, lit. "Dungeon Meal")

Fluffy Paradise (異世界でもふもふなでなでするためにがんばってます。, Isekai de Mofumofu Nadenade Suru Tameni Ganbattemasu, lit. "I'll Try My Best So I Can Pet and Pat in Another World")
>> No. 37819 [Edit]
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Death Note
Dragon Ball Z
Samurai Champloo.

I feel as though my favourites would be considered very entry-level and pedestrian by others. That is fine. I still enjoy other anime like Serial Experiments Lain, Darker Than Black, Lodoss War, Rozen Maiden, etc, which are a little more 'obscure'. The important thing that I realised is to be earnest and have fun.

Honourable mentions: Haruhi, Lucky Star, Yuru Yuri.
>> No. 37820 [Edit]
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Two of your favourite anime haven't finished airing. What makes you so sure that they're your favourite?
>> No. 37824 [Edit]
1) Haibane Renmei
2) GTO
3) Higurashi Kai
4) NieA_7
5) Kino no Tabi
>> No. 37828 [Edit]
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Cos I already like the manga it's based on or have enjoy it so far to the point that I'm invested.
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