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File 147633792911.jpg - (132.74KB , 431x600 , 80588l.jpg )
27130 No. 27130 [Edit]
Lets make some doujin games!
Expand all images
>> No. 27131 [Edit]
File 147633858743.jpg - (163.96KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Stella no Mahou - 01 [720p]_mkv_sna.jpg )
Tell me about it...
>> No. 27143 [Edit]
File 147638255045.png - (1.21MB , 1280x720 , [Ohys-Raws] Stella no Mahou - 01 (AT-X 1280x720 26.png )
Oh my god, this is cute. I needed this in my life.
>> No. 27144 [Edit]
File 147638762740.jpg - (102.99KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Stella no Mahou - 01 [720p]_mkv_sna.jpg )
It sure is.
>> No. 27151 [Edit]
File 147647350756.png - (1.23MB , 1280x720 , [Ohys-Raws] Stella no Mahou - 02 (AT-X 1280x720 x2.png )
It's a good thing this show doesn't have a complicated plot. I'm so blinded by Tama-chan's cuteness that I can barely focus on anything else as it is.
>> No. 27152 [Edit]
File 147647477240.jpg - (7.81KB , 130x197 , hitoha_marui_11310.jpg )
So I see Hitoha stopped carrying porno mags everywhere with her and decided to get into programming.
>> No. 27155 [Edit]
File 147650640931.jpg - (423.29KB , 1000x1000 , 786fe83d68eec021fb9d046d115eef7f_jpeg.jpg )
>> No. 27182 [Edit]
File 147682569772.png - (1.30MB , 1280x720 , [Ohys-Raws] Stella no Mahou - 03 (AT-X 1280x720 x2.png )
>> No. 27205 [Edit]
File 147702246666.jpg - (41.54KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Stella no Mahou - 02 [720p]_mkv_sna.jpg )
This has a great ED.
>> No. 27217 [Edit]
File 147716209483.png - (1.39MB , 1366x768 , Screen Shot 2016-10-22 at 11_44_31 AM.png )
for me, this has been one of the only watchable animes this season. i've been dying for a little moe goodness and stella no mahou has been a good balance of adorable and adult commentary.

a lot of moe anime is so banal: cliche characters and contrived fan service that doesn't relate to the plot or characters. a good example would be New Game! from last season. it was the only half way watchable moe anime that season, but was so dull to watch. yes the characters are cute looking, but their antics are so inorganic and unoriginal. i just didn't care about anyone in the anime.

stella no mahou has enough to define its characters (particularly its protagonist) making them more than just the usual caricatures.

Tamaki Honda is so adorable! her love for her shonen male characters is awesome. every time she gets all flustered over them i just want to scoop her up in my arms and cuddle her forever!

it really is a a wonderful end theme.
>> No. 27220 [Edit]
File 147716590724.jpg - (51.34KB , 640x360 , IhuHTub.jpg )
What do you suppose happened that made Kayo go from making game music to doing game character designing instead?
>> No. 27230 [Edit]
File 147734490338.png - (1.14MB , 1280x720 , [Ohys-Raws] Stella no Mahou - 04 (AT-X 1280x720 x2.png )
Things are taking a turn for the cute.

>> No. 27240 [Edit]
MC wants to please older men
>> No. 27254 [Edit]
File 147771308232.jpg - (85.83KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Stella no Mahou - 03 [720p]_mkv_sna.jpg )
ewwww, they got Aqours in my Stella.
>> No. 27257 [Edit]
File 147777635228.jpg - (109.09KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Stella no Mahou - 03 [720p]_mkv_sna.jpg )
Did they give her a new monitor too?
>> No. 27267 [Edit]
Why are there anime with girls in game creation popping up everywhere suddenly?
>> No. 27277 [Edit]
File 147795733534.png - (1.15MB , 1280x720 , [Ohys-Raws] Stella no Mahou - 05 (AT-X 1280x720 x2.png )
Now imagine this is how your waifu treasures her framed picture of you.
>> No. 27279 [Edit]
This is much nicer than I was expecting. I was completely ready to dismiss it after the bad taste New Game left in my mouth, however, I'm glad that I didn't.
I like that the game-making is at least somewhat central to what the characters talk about. Honda's Elektra complex is also very cute, and not something you see very often.
>> No. 27281 [Edit]
>> No. 27282 [Edit]
The Electra Complex in the main character makes a certain amount of sense for a seinen anime; a means of endearing her to anime's demographic, isn't it?

.... she's so fucking cute!
>> No. 27300 [Edit]
File 147831897327.jpg - (95.17KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Stella no Mahou - 04 [720p]_mkv_sna.jpg )
After seeing this I can die happy.
>> No. 27331 [Edit]
File 147855850034.png - (1.13MB , 1280x720 , [Ohys-Raws] Stella no Mahou - 06 (AT-X 1280x720 x2.png )
If you thought cat ears were good, just wait till you see Tama-chan with bunny ears!
>> No. 27336 [Edit]
Bunny ears are pretty fucking wonderful
>> No. 27344 [Edit]
Six episodes in and they've already made and sold the titular game.
I'm enjoying that things are progressing at a good pace, but the rest of this season better not just be SOL outings.
>> No. 27405 [Edit]
File 147949418545.png - (1.49MB , 1280x720 , [Ohys-Raws] Stella no Mahou - 07 (AT-X 1280x720 x2.png )
What a cliffhanger!
>> No. 27421 [Edit]
File 147976834839.png - (1.12MB , 1280x720 , [Ohys-Raws] Stella no Mahou - 08 (AT-X 1280x720 x2.png )
Life as a computer programmer epitomised in a single image.
>> No. 27448 [Edit]
File 148024698027.jpg - (89.02KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Stella no Mahou - 06 [720p]_mkv_sna.jpg )
Dat some kiniro mosaic I spy with my little eye?
>> No. 27466 [Edit]
File 148071084999.png - (852.44KB , 1278x720 , Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 12_31_20 PM.png )
i keep worrying that this show wont be able to keep up the quality, but my worries are always laid to rest!

nice catch lol
>> No. 27483 [Edit]
File 148106282912.png - (1.15MB , 1280x720 , Spoiler Picture.png )
Oh my.
>> No. 27504 [Edit]
File 148158329733.png - (0.97MB , 1280x720 , [Ohys-Raws] Stella no Mahou - 11 (AT-X 1280x720 x2.png )
Well, at least it's possible to vicariously cuddle Tama-chan. I suppose that's the best any of us can hope for.
>> No. 27543 [Edit]
File 148227841541.jpg - (52.46KB , 1280x720 , [Ohys-Raws] Stella no Mahou - 12 END (AT-X 1280x72.jpg )
...And it's over already!

Well, it was certainly a heartwarming experience. It's going to be tough getting through the cold winter months without Tama-chan's smile to look forward to each Monday.

Although, I am sort of inspired to try making my own game now...
>> No. 27548 [Edit]
i think most of the posters are waiting for the subs to come out. you seem to be the only person watching the raws.

stella no mahou really has been a delight; im really looking forward to the final episode. too many moe animes are so cookie-cutter in their plot and characters, then have the audacity to cram in cliched fan service that does not stem from the plot. stella no mahou is wonderfully crafted: heart warming and cute because it is earnest, its fan service is organic stemming from plot and character development rather than contrived scenarios, and, like the fan service, i thought the humor was much stronger than other series' slice of life humor because it was so organic.

i'm really curious to see how other fans thought this stacked up.

i would fucking kill to cuddle her
>> No. 27582 [Edit]
File 148284354570.jpg - (74.07KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Stella no Mahou - 10 [720p]_mkv_sna.jpg )
>> No. 27651 [Edit]
File 148383314131.jpg - (75.45KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Stella no Mahou - 12 [720p]_mkv_sna.jpg )
It's sad to see this end. I can only hope someday we'll get another season.
>> No. 27685 [Edit]
File 148420629797.jpg - (83.00KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Stella no Mahou - 12 [720p]_mkv_sna.jpg )
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