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File 147547762138.png - (725.34KB , 1366x768 , windy autumn day.png )
27019 No. 27019 [Edit]
less than a minute in to the autumn anime season and i get this.
makes life worth living almost
Expand all images
>> No. 27020 [Edit]
File 14754802577.png - (361.17KB , 826x581 , puffy nipples.png )
first ep was excellent of course you've got to expect the cockblock ending
>> No. 27021 [Edit]
File 147548035022.png - (1.02MB , 1280x738 , gonna go fap.png )
i have no idea why the mc is so adamant about withholding semen from his wife
>> No. 27022 [Edit]
File 147548041969.png - (0.99MB , 1280x738 , faping in the bath.png )
but he clearly does, maybe they explained it last season i forget
>> No. 27023 [Edit]
File 147548060360.png - (544.50KB , 1280x738 , good.png )
oh well
>> No. 27024 [Edit]
File 147548067532.png - (515.28KB , 1280x738 , nice bulge.png )
i'd hit it with some sort of preposterous hyperbole
>> No. 27026 [Edit]
Nice control bar bro.
>> No. 27030 [Edit]
Those are some fantastic pantsu
>> No. 27034 [Edit]
Never thought this would get an S2. Still can't fap to this though.
>> No. 27038 [Edit]
>Still can't fap to this though.

u gay for 3D or something?
>> No. 27051 [Edit]
File 147570600320.gif - (925.53KB , 500x281 , sleepy.gif )
so is this a decent show, or is this just another "romance" anime with no actual sex but a parade of the usual frustrating and boring ecchi cocktease?

i'm probably revealing my stupidity and naivete by even having a tiny hope this is real romance and not the usual anime garbage
>> No. 27052 [Edit]
File 147570638228.png - (361.83KB , 503x558 , Spoiler Picture.png )
god i fucking hate anime sometimes...

>> No. 27053 [Edit]
That's what porn is for.
>> No. 27063 [Edit]
Well if they did that, it might as well be an h-anime. I think they have rules about censors and such so they get as racy as they possibly can without going full hentai like what HxH does.
>> No. 27070 [Edit]
Yes, the strict censorship regulations that Tokyo Governor Shintao Issihara instated about 5 years ago are still enforced even though Issihara is long gone from office. As a result broadcast shows have standards they need to comply with. I don't know if the rest of you have noticed, but the ecchi of 10 years ago is a lot more ecchi than contemporary ecchi
>> No. 27072 [Edit]
Is that the same law that also makes every incest anime/manga 'not blood-related'? Boy, do I hate that law.
>> No. 27076 [Edit]
Are you sure about that? I actually had the feeling that the censoring lessened.
I remember watching Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei and Rosario + Vampire, for example, and they would never show uncensored pantsu. Nowadays they never get censored anymore.
Before then you are right, but I don't feel any censorship regulations 5 years ago did much.

Post edited on 7th Oct 2016, 2:08am
>> No. 27077 [Edit]
File 147583336773.gif - (1.40MB , 720x480 , a0e84e30947a23e946f7014974e51d65.gif )
If you go back a little further you'll find gratuitous amounts of pantie shots being common place in older anime.
>> No. 27079 [Edit]
You're right, but I meant to refer to "the strict censorship regulations that Tokyo Governor Shintao Issihara instated about 5 years ago".
>> No. 27088 [Edit]
And morons will tell you fanservice and moe are recent things in anime.
>> No. 27090 [Edit]
File 147590838028.jpg - (174.98KB , 1200x450 , qjVSGxH.jpg )
I know right?
>> No. 27249 [Edit]
File 147765066523.png - (671.63KB , 1280x738 , bags of salty milk screencap2016-10-28-03h28m00s67.png )
>> No. 27396 [Edit]
File 147938288187.png - (649.49KB , 1280x738 , anime pantycap2016-11-17-03h38m02s907.png )
angry pantyshot
>> No. 27569 [Edit]
File 148266858355.jpg - (87.36KB , 1280x738 , anime%20screencap2016-12-23-03h32m11s056.jpg )
damn, cockblocked again. season ended with no on-camera penis in vagina or cumshots or anything.
well i guess this is as good as it gets for contemporary broadcast anime, what a tease.
>> No. 27578 [Edit]
... anime? deliver more than a cocktease?

are you new to anime?
>> No. 27586 [Edit]
>are you new to anime?
No, I've been watching it for two centuries so far. Anime hasn't been static forever with respect to is permissiveness, the Shintaro Ishihara era was a recent decade long setback in the sphere of 25 o'clock eroticism, but the long term trend is toward total nudity and uncensored fully graphic sexual content in television anime.
>> No. 27589 [Edit]
Whether or not anime is generally static in regard to the content it permits differs, I believe, between nudity and sexuality. Although I would agree that the general trend in anime is to allow more graphic nudity, I challenge you to provide examples of anime moving to more advanced depictions of sexuality itself. >>27569 There is an upswing in nudity featured in anime (like this), however (like in this instance) the sexuality is static. Anime features men in sexually charged situations with voluptuous, and often overtly horny women, but does not feature intercourse. Anime is obsessed with titillating viewers with sexually charged but innocuous scenarios that bring up sexual themes without ever leading the the act of sex.

A little supposition:

My belief is that this is due anime being marketed to a perceived, juvenile audience. In their lives, most teenagers are sexually inexperienced. Scenarios in which men are thrown into situations with sexual charge speaks to the limited experience of a teenager while giving them a vicarious sexual thrill. Teenagers are less interested in shows exploring the ways sex changes or works in relationships or how it functions in the greater framework of your life (or how it changes that framework) because this touches on experience and issues that they have not had, do not understand, or do not know exist. As a result, intercourse itself is absent from anime.

Unfortunately this leaves adult anime fans like myself bored and frustrated.
>> No. 27591 [Edit]
I thought non-virgins weren't allowed here!
>> No. 27592 [Edit]
>Teenagers are less interested in shows exploring the ways sex changes or works in relationships or how it functions in the greater framework of your life (or how it changes that framework) because this touches on experience and issues that they have not had, do not understand, or do not know exist.
These assertions only really apply to Japanese culture, and to an ever-lessening extent even there. Virginity has not been seen as a virtue nor has sex been viewed as anything but physical pleasure for at least a few decades by the majority of countries in Western culture.
>> No. 27593 [Edit]
i want to fcuk an anime girl
>> No. 27594 [Edit]
File 148317014131.png - (620.45KB , 631x705 , Screen Shot 2016-12-04 at 11_14_12 PM.png )
You've mistaken tohno-chan with wizard-chan.

You literally missed the entire point of my post. I didn't once mention virginity as a virtue or delve into western views of sexuality...

Donald Trump will make anime real, it was a part of his campaign. Soon we can all fuck anime girls.
>> No. 27595 [Edit]
>literally missed the entire point of my post

As opposed to metaphorically missing the point of your post? As in, your English metaphorically sucks dick?
>> No. 27599 [Edit]
attacking someone's command of the language in an advanced image board setting only convinces lurkers that person being attacked had posted something that is indisputably correct.
>> No. 27600 [Edit]
>> No. 27601 [Edit]
I'm not terribly concerned if some random pseudo-intellectual- much less one that honestly thinks futaba boards are "advanced settings"- finds a point that I wasn't even arguing against "indisputably correct".
>> No. 27602 [Edit]

I used the word "literally" for emphasis, which on a superficially technical level would make it inappropriate. However, this is commonplace vernacular that makes language more informal. (I am petty enough to respond to this accusation)

I didn't mean my response to >>27592 to come across as an attack. I was just irritated that, as usual, no one addressed any of the points I made. As a result I was rather curt with the poster who did respond to my post but missed the points I was making. I should have been more grateful that someone responded seriously at all.

I can't help wondering if posters here eschew serious discussion.
>> No. 27610 [Edit]
>I'm not terribly concerned if some random pseudo-intellectual
if someone disagreeing with you invalidates that person's intellectual capacity then is there any point in posting on the internet at all?
hurling insults at opposing points of view is your first instinct, like a shit flinging monkey. why is that? do you lack the ability to compete intellectually on a more substantial level?
our only way to judge you is by your posts and you are making a very strong case that you're vapid and immature and not much else. please do the rest of us a favor and either change your style or treat the site as read-only.
>> No. 27612 [Edit]
>I was just irritated that, as usual, no one addressed any of the points I made
You know, that's fair enough. I wouldn't say the users here always "eschew serious discussion", but... well, it is a futaba imageboard, and one for people with mostly atrocious social skills.

>do you lack the ability to compete intellectually on a more substantial level?
No. I lack the caring to communicate with you on a more substantial level than name-calling in this thread. While I fully understand why this seems lowbrow, I'm not particularly concerned about that either.

This is not my common "style", and I'm sure we'll get along in other threads, unbeknownst to each other.
>> No. 27614 [Edit]
Somehow I feel an Okusama thread isn't exactly the best place for "serious discussion".
>> No. 27615 [Edit]
Just because it isn't a serious anime doesn't mean we shouldn't have a meaningful or fruitful discussion. You don't have to join in if you don't want to thought.

Serious image board users, in my experience, have poor social skills but are fairly intelligent.
>> No. 27617 [Edit]
Okusama is an important groundbreaking anime. It may not seem serious to you because its "just a cartoon", but it covers important and controversial topics related to the reproductive rights of 2D anime girls.
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