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File 146854798214.jpg - (114.23KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!.jpg )
26562 No. 26562 [Edit]
Like GA or Sketch Book but with 100% more waifu drawings.
Expand all images
>> No. 26569 [Edit]
Good thing they're not pandering to otaku stereotypes, should be a really interesting & creative show

OOOP! dropped it by accident oh well nothing to be done about now
>> No. 26573 [Edit]
File 146868912756.jpg - (71.78KB , 1280x720 , 162.jpg )
Actually nothing like GA or Sketchbook, heh.

This was one of the 50/50 shows I had interest in but didn't pick up in the end. If not for your thread/screencap I'm pretty sure I would've never given it a chance and it's really fun. Right after I finished ep 1 I downloaded ep 2 and watched that as well.

So yeah, it's actually pretty neat. Sure, it's a tad formulaic thanks to Uchimaki but it doesn't really bother me.
Ozawa Ari really carries the show. There's not even much to elaborate on - tsukkomi lines, tsundere lines, cutesy lines, all of them feel spot on.
Speaking of seiyuu, they actually got Sakura Ayane to voice Ribbon-chan - who I imagine might not even have any more lines - and the villain was voiced by Hiyama. That was damn cool.
Last but not least I was wondering if they legit got a Mizuki Nana OP without having Mzuki Nana in the show but it turns out she'll show up later voicing a side character.

The decision to just break down the show into three segments, each seemingly adapting one chapter of the manga, might seem crude at first glance but it works. I think doing it this way is better than trying to interconnect them at all costs, even if it ends up feeling disjointed.

Anyway, totally recommended.
>> No. 26575 [Edit]
File 146869869032.png - (757.76KB , 1280x720 , 2077629048_c6283240_1_PNG.png )
So I see Touno Karin, decided to leave the KKK and join an art club instead.
>> No. 26581 [Edit]
Nice to see a fellow Klansman on this site.
>> No. 26582 [Edit]
File 146874974074.jpg - (15.96KB , 221x228 , images.jpg )
Moe pride world wide.
>> No. 26612 [Edit]
File 146914620789.jpg - (108.72KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!.jpg )
That's a very good question.
>> No. 26613 [Edit]
File 146914949245.jpg - (106.64KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!.jpg )
Considering all she ever draws are apples, does she really have any right to criticize his art?
>> No. 26615 [Edit]
File 146915949026.jpg - (105.39KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!.jpg )
This is a very quotable anime.
>> No. 26645 [Edit]
File 146941453879.jpg - (653.79KB , 1280x1440 , redrum.jpg )
How did he manage to hit that chair while laying on that couch?
>> No. 26704 [Edit]
File 146969737511.jpg - (112.92KB , 1280x720 , Riajuu.jpg )
Is indirect kissing an anime concept or a Japanese concept? I honestly lived through my teens without even being aware of it and I'm pretty confident I would've never heard of it if not for anime.
>> No. 26720 [Edit]
I doubt it is. I didn't know anything about japan when I was a kid but I thought drinking from someone else's drink was gross, and I'm sure I'm not alone in that. Someone's germs and saliva would be all over it, so calling it an indirect kiss isn't much of a leap.
>> No. 26722 [Edit]
File 146987277732.jpg - (60.59KB , 1280x720 , 2.jpg )
Well I can sorta understand that, not that it never occured to me but it didn't bother me that much. When I was a kid people would often wipe the bottle after getting it from someone but I thought it's kinda rude so I tried not to.

But despite doing it a ton of times the idea of indirect kissing never occured to me, and I simply have never even heard of it. It seems pretty silly all around.

Anyway, in more anime related news.
Mizuki Nana made her debut this week. Unfortunately her character is one I won't grow to like, even though I adore the 'teacher trying hard to get along with the students' archetype. She's just too meek and whatnot. Shame. I kinda hope she won't appear all that much.

Also, once again the foreign girl is the shortest one. Is this some kind of complex Japan has about this? It seems that literally a majority of foreign girls in anime are around ~140cm. It's not a recent trend, either, it starts at least with Becky from Pani Poni (probably earlier even) and keeps happening regularly (Alice in Kimoza and Hina in Hanayamata just off the top of my head). I wonder what's up with that. I could understand them simply ignoring the height difference and making the foreigners equally tall because a foreign girl with somewhat realistic height would be too tall for many people but why reverse it and make them midgets?
>> No. 26726 [Edit]
You think anime just pulled it from thin air?

I only know that public affection is not normal in Japan, things like kissing and holding hands is just something that's not done in public by couples. I guess it gives you an idea into the mindset.
Of course, this was before Emperor Showa died, Japan has become Americanised much more nowadays.
>> No. 26731 [Edit]
File 14699233713.jpg - (114.40KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!.jpg )
Stay dry, anonymous

I'll see you tomorrow
>> No. 26733 [Edit]
>You think anime just pulled it from thin air?
What I meant is: dDo teenagers in Japan actually think 'oh, someone is drinking from my bottle, that's totally an indirect kiss', or is it something that only ever happens in anime. I assume more people in Japan (compared to like, places that aren't Japan) might be somehow aware of the concept at least.
I'm pretty sure nobody even heard of it where I live, much less was concious of it when it happened.
But this is kinda off topic so maybe it's better to just end this conversation here.
>> No. 26735 [Edit]
>once again the foreign girl is the shortest one.
Now that you mention it that really does seem to be a pretty common thing. If I had to guess it's probably more to do with people finding it cute and treating them like dolls, rather than Japanese having a complex about it.
Adult foreigners seem to often be around the same high as the Japanese in anime, or only show up for a single scene while being depicted as a scary giant for the sake of a joke, but I haven't noticed much of a middle ground there.

Houkago no Pleiades and gochuumon had them too I think, but at least Ikoku Meiro got it right from what I remeber.
Ana from IM would probably be made shorter than the rest of the group if it ever got another installment.
>> No. 26737 [Edit]
File 146996145059.jpg - (70.09KB , 848x480 , Gaijin da.jpg )
>If I had to guess it's probably more to do with people finding it cute and treating them like dolls, rather than Japanese having a complex about it.
I understand how they arrive from 'short' to 'cute', what I find weird is how they pick the foreigner to be the shortest character regularly. Alice (Kinmoza) is 139 and not really growing anymore. That's legit midget.

>Adult foreigners seem to often be around the same high as the Japanese in anime
Which I can live with. It's not like I'm looking for realism, it's just that I can't help but think it's off when they reverse the existing trend.

>Ikoku Meiro got it right from what I remeber.
Yune was really short even by Japanese standards and even then Alice around the same height as Yune.

>Ana from IM would probably be made shorter than the rest of the group if it ever got another installment.
Anya probably doesn't count as Russia occupies a different spot in Japanese worldview compared to English speaking countries.
Case in point, she's not blonde and I find it hard to think of (m)any characters from English speaking countries who aren't blonde, whereas I could probably name at least 20 blonde ones just off top of my head.
>> No. 26748 [Edit]
File 147007996048.jpg - (210.49KB , 850x1202 , sample_35d0cf9fccfc07717b98136e294b8f05.jpg )
>what I find weird is how they pick the foreigner to be the shortest character regularly.
I would assume part of it is how much of an oddity foreigners are to them, and the blond hair blue eye thing in itself might be something they see more with dolls than actual people and so they associate it with dolls. Since dolls are typically small that might be why they make these girls short I guess?
Could also be because Japanese are already short, a short short person wouldn't be as fun, cute, or interesting as a short foreigner.
>> No. 26764 [Edit]
File 147034874445.jpg - (69.16KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!.jpg )
So today was the pool episode, so that was cool.
>> No. 26766 [Edit]
File 14703604657.jpg - (68.02KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!.jpg )
This is why anime characters always have parents who are dead or away on vacation.
>> No. 26770 [Edit]
This might be a weird choice but Bijutsu's ED is my favorite ED in recent memory. It's catchy.
>> No. 26781 [Edit]
It's certainly a very unique and interesting song.
>> No. 26813 [Edit]
File 147098682072.jpg - (171.41KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!.jpg )
what a horrible teacher.
>> No. 26814 [Edit]
File 147098839465.jpg - (140.67KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!.jpg )
Feels a little weird how anti-3D characters are typically found in anime that are filled with cute and nice girls. You'd expect them to be in anime with ugly slutty bitchy women wouldn't you?
>> No. 26819 [Edit]
it's to make ugly women feel better about themselves. they get to live the delusion that 2d-only people are just crazy/mentally ill
>> No. 26821 [Edit]
If this anime-style guy's drawing anime-style women in the context of an anime style, wouldn't that mean his pictures are actually realistic art, similar to paintings like the Mona Lisa?
>> No. 26832 [Edit]
No, that's stupid.
>> No. 26833 [Edit]
File 147158056064.jpg - (126.03KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!.jpg )
It's honestly kind of annoying to see someone complain about 3D when they have all these cute girls around. Even the new otaku chick who showed up this ep was rocking twin tails and killer ZR, in the real world that girl would be 500lb with a vag so worn out it drags on the ground behind them.
This prick doesn't know how lucky he is.
>> No. 26834 [Edit]
That contradiction always throws me off when I watch these types of anime too. I get it, the cute 2D girls we see are 3D girls in his eyes, but it's hard not to feel ambivalent about the things he says when the "3Ds" he's talking about are actually 2D (and mostly rather cute at that).
>> No. 26837 [Edit]
Yeah I get that of course, but what I'm trying to say is by 3D standards all the women around him would be nothing short of incredible. None of them are fat or particularly bitchy and all seem mostly friendly. Why someone would harbor such resentment for 3D in a world like that makes no damn sense to me. It gives off the impression that their reasons for being 2D only are extremely vain and superficial. While there is an issue of perspective obviously, as far as I can tell what makes 2D girls more appealing to him than "3D" girls is stuff like cat eats/tails, school swimsuits, cute outfits, and "maybe" slightly large eyes. Since it's japan we're talking about here I doubt it would be hard to find "3d" girls around him who might be into that stuff. With that said I'd really love to see him actually go into detail and explain why he doesn't like his version of "3D".
>> No. 26838 [Edit]
>I don't actually like 2D and I don't see how anyone ever could, I just prefer drawings of nice 3D girls to less nice 3D girls.
>> No. 26839 [Edit]
who are you quoting?
>> No. 26840 [Edit]
Huh? when did I say anything like that?
>> No. 26852 [Edit]
(Obviously haven't read the manga, if any of you did, please tell me if I'm wrong but) I bet that he has no deeper reasons in the story for his 3D hate and that it's entirely because of comedy reasons (same with chuunigrill, I don't think or at least hope that there won't be any chuunikoi stuff in this).
Even if he did have story reasons for it, it still wouldn't make any sense since the 3Ds are acting exactly like 2D characters (because they are 2D of course and that's what sells and for a lot of us probably one of the bigger reasons for watching chinese cartoons) unless their version of 2D is completely different from ours which it really doesn't seem to be considering the stuff we've seen so far (like the moe characteristics you've already mentioned and the chuuni-stuff).

Nevertheless it's a fun show.
>> No. 26866 [Edit]
File 147203150973.jpg - (65.47KB , 1280x720 , 1.jpg )
Colle is cute! Cute!
Last week I've caught myself thinking that I'd like Konobi to spend more time on actual art club activities. Not all of it, just a bit. You know, trying different artstyles and techniques without going into minute detail.
But what we're getting is perfectly fine too.
>> No. 26881 [Edit]
File 14722605691.jpg - (100.28KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!.jpg )
Fantastic ep.
>> No. 26884 [Edit]
File 147233345629.jpg - (119.89KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!.jpg )
She knows what she was doing.
>> No. 26894 [Edit]
File 147280159671.jpg - (97.80KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!.jpg )
Isn't the thing with being trapped in a storage room considered overly cliche and in bad taste even by anime standards?
>> No. 26936 [Edit]
Remember when that one random girl was rejected by what's his face, then what's his face was checking out her little sister's key chain which made them think the guy was checking her out and might be a pedo? we're getting near the end and they still haven't followed through with that. Did everyone just forget that ever happened or is that something they're saving for the very end?
>> No. 26939 [Edit]
File 147339994648.jpg - (119.09KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!.jpg )
How are dirty mags still a thing in the age of the internet?
>> No. 26940 [Edit]
those scans have to come from somewhere.
>> No. 26950 [Edit]
Sure, but I doubt your average teenage boy has that in mind.
>> No. 26961 [Edit]
I believe your average jap isn't very good with a computer.
>> No. 26973 [Edit]
File 147410236753.jpg - (117.65KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!.jpg )
Some guys are into that sort of thing...
>> No. 26978 [Edit]
Screens tire your eyes. The only reason to not read the paper version is not having it available.
>> No. 26989 [Edit]
File 147471122185.jpg - (100.97KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!.jpg )
I'm surprised they were allowed to sell soda/pop at school. I tried selling candy at school when I was a kid and got into a lot of trouble for it.
>> No. 27159 [Edit]
File 147651930032.jpg - (148.23KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!.jpg )
Pretty sure this is exactly why most girls in cute/moe anime don't have boyfriends, or even have guys around at all.
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