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File 146144014855.jpg - (92.40KB , 800x1146 , flying-witch-5747518.jpg )
26048 No. 26048 [Edit]
if you're not watching flying witch then you know literally nothing about anime
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>> No. 26049 [Edit]
What is this "anime" thing you speak of?
>> No. 26051 [Edit]
File 146144655042.png - (1.16MB , 1920x1080 , Screenshot_2016-04-16-23-44-19.png )
>> No. 26064 [Edit]
File 146166026196.png - (1.24MB , 1280x738 , Making the OP better.png )
I love the OP to this show so much. It makes me happy inside.

I like the show so far.
>> No. 26067 [Edit]
Funny, I saw pheasant for probably the first time just a while ago.

When she used to crow summoning spell I was sure something will go wrong. I fully expected her to summon a pheasant.

Good show, with it's folklore countryside setting it reminds me of Natsume.
>> No. 26095 [Edit]
Would you prefer something like " My broom that I use for flying on as a witch can't be this cute!?!" like all the hip and cool anime?
>> No. 26164 [Edit]
this is the best SoL i've seen in years
>> No. 26168 [Edit]
You haven't seen much sol have you?
>> No. 26172 [Edit]
File 146304450268.png - (518.68KB , 1280x738 , Makoto looking at her stuff.png )
I like Makoto.
>> No. 26173 [Edit]
I find the guy to be exceptionally boring but the show is fun otherwise.
>> No. 26375 [Edit]
anime at it's finest, well nearly. too much shorts not enough skirts
>> No. 26387 [Edit]
Anyone else put off by the nose warts? I know witches and all but...
>> No. 26442 [Edit]
I like this show, Makoto, Makoto's butt, and the OP. ♡

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