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File 145277092324.png - (1.04MB , 1280x720 , anime screencap2016-01-14-03h26m43s101.png )
25280 No. 25280 [Edit]
very cute    
Expand all images
>> No. 25281 [Edit]
File 145277333944.png - (805.12KB , 1280x720 , anime screencap2016-01-14-04h07m57s254.png )
fuck yeah pantyshot in the first ep
picked up 100%
>> No. 25294 [Edit]
File 145292863216.jpg - (74.71KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Koukaku no Pandora - 01 [720p]_mkv_.jpg )
well this show sure is off to a good start!
>> No. 25298 [Edit]
File 145297010570.jpg - (47.40KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Koukaku no Pandora - 01 [720p]_mkv_.jpg )
If their technology is so advanced, why can't they hide joints? Covering them with a flexible silicone like substance is all you'd need.
>> No. 25299 [Edit]
technology ppl in the future still fap to rozen maiden
>> No. 25321 [Edit]
File 145310934194.jpg - (128.52KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Koukaku no Pandora - 01 [720p]_mkv_.jpg )
They're all the same though...
>> No. 25390 [Edit]
File 145385457943.jpg - (151.17KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Koukaku no Pandora - 02 [720p]_mkv_.jpg )
Jesus this show... they really aren't holding back one bit are they?
>> No. 25391 [Edit]
File 145385611922.jpg - (107.34KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Koukaku no Pandora - 01 [720p]_mkv_.jpg )
school uniform, maid uniform, pe outfit, china dress, aerobics outfit, shrine maiden, bunny suit...
but no nurse, lolita, idol, or magical girl cosplay?
>> No. 25393 [Edit]
File 145388264893.jpg - (122.61KB , 1280x720 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
It's been a while...
>> No. 25406 [Edit]
File 145404423810.jpg - (121.73KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Koukaku no Pandora - 02 [720p]_mkv_.jpg )
I'm not sure how I feel about them having a mascot with a literal third leg.
>> No. 25417 [Edit]
I am pretty sure I heard it somewhere a season or two ago.
>> No. 25445 [Edit]
File 145482653275.jpg - (125.82KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Koukaku no Pandora - 03 [720p]_mkv_.jpg )
I guess her being nearly killed repeatedly is going to be a running gag, but something about it feels a bit fucked up. Guess the joke just isn't as funny when she's shown laying next to dead bodies.
>> No. 25457 [Edit]
I really like the OP, ED and OST.
>> No. 25458 [Edit]
The OST is outright bizarre, but that's what makes it fun.
>> No. 25491 [Edit]
File 14553592616.jpg - (163.29KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Koukaku no Pandora - 04 [720p]_mkv_.jpg )
Are you fucking serious?
>> No. 25493 [Edit]
seriously cute
>> No. 25541 [Edit]
File 145617261852.jpg - (122.15KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Koukaku no Pandora - 05 [720p]_mkv_.jpg )
This is another reason why they should have synthetic skin.
>> No. 25543 [Edit]
File 145618490224.jpg - (81.65KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Koukaku no Pandora - 05 [720p]_mkv_.jpg )
Oddly enough they do have it around the chest area, with realistic breast physics too.
>> No. 25558 [Edit]
File 145655543431.jpg - (97.05KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Koukaku no Pandora - 06 [720p]_mkv_.jpg )
You'd think she'd be used to getting molested by now, they do it every ep after all.
>> No. 25568 [Edit]
File 145665838999.jpg - (179.83KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Koukaku no Pandora - 06 [720p]_mkv_.jpg )
Sometimes I suspect they draw Clarion like that as a way of avoiding drawing a character with that detailed of a design as much as they can.
>> No. 25571 [Edit]
its a placeholder cause they couldn't meet the deadline
it will be fixed on the BD
>> No. 25572 [Edit]
Using place holders for characters seems like it would be a good way of boosting BD sales.
>> No. 25584 [Edit]
I really doubt it, looks like it's a deliberate stylistic choice.
>> No. 25585 [Edit]
File 145673792255.jpg - (73.91KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Koukaku no Pandora - 06 [720p]_mkv_.jpg )
I get the stylistic choice they're going for, but it feels like they're taking it a bit far sometimes. In recent ep it almost seems like she spends more time in that form than her normal form.
>> No. 25616 [Edit]
File 145723995853.jpg - (110.32KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Koukaku no Pandora - 07 [720p]_mkv_.jpg )
Remind me, who was the one that knocks?
>> No. 25648 [Edit]
File 145768206329.jpg - (79.93KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Koukaku no Pandora - 08 [720p]_mkv_.jpg )
Do they really need any oxygen? I thought they were fully cybernetic, does this mean they still have a few organic parts?
>> No. 25651 [Edit]
File 145768440652.jpg - (87.26KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Koukaku no Pandora - 07 [720p]_mkv_.jpg )
If she has an apartment that big with a view like that, I'm surprised she's struggling as much as she is.
>> No. 25734 [Edit]
File 145834976491.gif - (1.92MB , 450x450 , 4ea66ba7e29b46d132e17a13a151dde4.gif )
Does this anime really take place in the Ghost In The Shell universe?
>> No. 25735 [Edit]
File 145834990130.jpg - (69.93KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Koukaku no Pandora - 07 [720p]_mkv_.jpg )
I find it more surprising she stands completely naked in front of her window every morning for the whole city to see.
>> No. 25739 [Edit]
Many signs point to that.
>> No. 25750 [Edit]
What would make you think that?
>> No. 25751 [Edit]
Masamune Shirow's involvement in both projects is enough by itself. The show keeps dropping sublte hints every now and then. Technology in both anime (Tachikomas) is very similar. The biggest giveaway so far is that the neck 'port' is allegedly identical in both GitS and Pandora (I didn't bother to look for images to compare but it did feel that way to me as well).

I don't pay enough attention to this but I'm sure there's much, much more.
>> No. 25762 [Edit]
File 145855285845.jpg - (61.96KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Koukaku no Pandora - 09 [720p]_mkv_.jpg )
Even waterboarding can be made moe!
>> No. 25766 [Edit]
Nene is too awesome.
>> No. 25770 [Edit]
File 145859054956.jpg - (88.99KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Koukaku no Pandora - 09 [720p]_mkv_.jpg )
How do you go from something like GitS to this?
>> No. 25801 [Edit]
The art/setting is by Shirow Masamune. The writer is Kōshi Rikudō (the guy who did Excel Saga).
>> No. 25805 [Edit]
Shit, why didn't you tell me that earlier? Now I'm gonna be late for the party.
>> No. 25807 [Edit]
File 145898175213.jpg - (95.45KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Koukaku no Pandora - 10 [720p]_mkv_.jpg )
Ghost in the shell wishes it could be this pure.
>> No. 25811 [Edit]
File 14590628814.jpg - (95.78KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Koukaku no Pandora - 10 [720p]_mkv_.jpg )
>> No. 25842 [Edit]
File 145958442826.jpg - (92.85KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Koukaku no Pandora - 11 [720p]_mkv_.jpg )
They need to make a life size pillow like this!

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