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File 145230172587.jpg - (149.94KB , 1280x720 , [Mori] Dagashi Kashi - 01 [7CD8C64B]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
25205 No. 25205 [Edit]
something something candy shop something something who cares just watch it!
Expand all images
>> No. 25206 [Edit]
>> No. 25207 [Edit]
I like that its about a dagashi-ya but the characters and the rest of the story are uninteresting to me.
>> No. 25211 [Edit]
File 145233028485.jpg - (129.79KB , 1280x720 , [Mori] Dagashi Kashi - 01 [7CD8C64B]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
Other than Hotaru the characters are fairly bland and generic for sure, but Hotaru is more than enough to carry this show and I don't know how anyone could call someone that eccentric 'uninteresting'.
>> No. 25217 [Edit]
good anime, shitty thread. thank god for the hide button
>> No. 25225 [Edit]
Thanks for letting us know you don't like the thread, rather than trying to make it better. And you're welcome for replying
>> No. 25226 [Edit]
I think Hotaru is kind of annoying, I only liked the kid (his name started with a K? I forgot). But then again I only read the manga so maybe theyre different in the anime.
>> No. 25231 [Edit]
yeah but this anime isn't try hard dark and edgy.
>> No. 25232 [Edit]
Chaika didn't strike me as particularly dark and edgy. Just regular fantasy shounenshit.
>> No. 25233 [Edit]
Did you forget about the flying torture dungeon powered by the blood of little girls, Or are you just faining ignorance to further derail this thread and get it deleted?
>> No. 25238 [Edit]
I didn't get that grimdark vibe of Chaika either.
>> No. 25240 [Edit]
File 145244436378.jpg - (67.34KB , 676x380 , [Mori] Dagashi Kashi - 01 [7CD8C64B]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
Well it was powered by blood of virgins girls, which isn't terribly unusual given the gothic theme of the Chaika and the concept of magic and mythology it's cribbing from (I can think of a hundred other fantasy settings where flying bondage fortress wouldn't be a stretch, at least one of which is written by the same author). Foul necromancy and all of that. But yeah, topic, derail, etc; instead, let's discuss how Dagashi is making me really hungry! What's your favorite type of junk food TC?
>> No. 25241 [Edit]
File 145244484297.jpg - (90.64KB , 1280x720 , [Mori] Dagashi Kashi - 01 [7CD8C64B]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
The girls in this show are pretty cute.
>> No. 25242 [Edit]
File 145244519631.png - (950.02KB , 1280x720 , vlcsnap-2016-01-10-14h29m01s27.png )
Greasy Greek gyros with fries and tzatziki truly is the best.
>> No. 25243 [Edit]
Here's my Dagashi Ranking

Great: Fusen gum, Dice caramel, パチパチばくだん (nothing about it on the internet in English), Tirol chocolates but it could be demoted to Good depending on what kind, any kind of gummy candy, little individually wrapped puddings, those little rice cake tile things that come with the toothpick

Good: Tamagoboro, giant long sticks of gum, Neriame, Chocolate marshmallows, tiny fake cake slices made of chocolate, strawberry mochi, Liska super big chocolate, those jelly fruit cube things

OK: ヤッター!めんは (Nice racist cartoon on the lid), Babystar ramen, chocolate coins, chocolate cream dorayaki.

Bad: Gum with ramune inside, Umaibo (used to be Good but i bought them in bulk and got totally sick of them, now theyre disgusting), パチコーラ (only if you follow the directions, if you eat them straight they are good)

Awful: Any sort of dried seafood snack that doesn't come prepackaged, those individually packaged sour plums, packaged peeled chestnuts
>> No. 25254 [Edit]
File 145250094968.png - (459.82KB , 1280x720 , anime screencap2016-01-11-00h27m22s227.png )
fuck yeah, ecchi harem is the best genre
>> No. 25257 [Edit]
What harem?
>> No. 25269 [Edit]
I've totally fallen in love with the eyes.
>> No. 25270 [Edit]
File 145271355238.jpg - (105.09KB , 1280x720 , [Mori] Dagashi Kashi - 01 [7CD8C64B]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
I love how MC got cock blocked by her husbando.
>> No. 25329 [Edit]
File 145318895880.jpg - (130.65KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Dagashi Kashi - 02 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
well tc? wanna?
>> No. 25334 [Edit]
File 145320633333.png - (867.53KB , 1280x720 , anime screencap2016-01-19-04h24m15s27.png )
>> No. 25345 [Edit]
fuck no
>> No. 25368 [Edit]
this girls tits are fucking great
>> No. 25371 [Edit]
the flattie is fine too
>> No. 25386 [Edit]
File 145379342093.jpg - (116.99KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Dagashi Kashi - 03 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
I like how her outfit in each ep is a slightly different variation of the original.
>> No. 25392 [Edit]
File 145386783328.jpg - (145.38KB , 960x1080 , a terrible mistake.jpg )
I noticed that in the first ep when Coconuts asks for more coffee he lifts only his cup to the counter, but when Saya starts pouring coffee in a cup sitting on a plate is shown. But Coconuts didn't in any moment took his plate from the lower counter, only the cup. The plate shouldn't be there.
I'm trying to get in touch with the producers so that they fix this for the BD release.
>> No. 25394 [Edit]
File 145388349439.jpg - (107.69KB , 1280x720 , [Mori] Dagashi Kashi - 01 [7CD8C64B]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
was it really necessary for the fish to be cgi?
>> No. 25414 [Edit]
File 145423646966.png - (766.06KB , 1280x720 , anime screencap2016-01-31-02h33m26s90.png )
oh yeah
>> No. 25423 [Edit]
File 145439429870.jpg - (145.18KB , 1280x720 , [Mori] Dagashi Kashi - 04 [1767DF66]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
God this ep...

They know their audience I'll give em that much.
>> No. 25446 [Edit]
File 145482676728.jpg - (210.24KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Dagashi Kashi - 03 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
I love the ED, but something about that dancing animation feels really weird. Could be the dead eyed stares.
>> No. 25454 [Edit]
File 145500944489.jpg - (121.67KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Dagashi Kashi - 05 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
How is that even possible? That should statistically be impossible with the amount she consumes.
>> No. 25459 [Edit]
Glad it's not just me. Lots of things feel weird about it. The way it flows, the characters' proportions and colors, everything about it feels a bit off.
>> No. 25460 [Edit]
I agree, it's almost creepy.
>> No. 25544 [Edit]
File 14561871629.jpg - (157.83KB , 1280x720 , [Mori] Dagashi Kashi - 06 [472CA1CB]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
I'm inclined to agree.
>> No. 25559 [Edit]
File 145655556490.jpg - (160.54KB , 1280x720 , [Mori] Dagashi Kashi - 06 [472CA1CB]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
Don't you know that can kill you!?
>> No. 25577 [Edit]
File 145671278970.jpg - (177.74KB , 1920x1080 , cap_[HorribleSubs] Dagashi Kashi - 07 [1080p]_00:0.jpg )
>> No. 25578 [Edit]
File 145671286145.jpg - (245.90KB , 1440x1355 , sayashi.jpg )
Damn, she's too cute in a kimono.
>> No. 25601 [Edit]
File 145681784039.jpg - (128.62KB , 1280x720 , [Mori] Dagashi Kashi - 07 [4E442887]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
It's a bit ironic one of the sweetest episodes would be one that focuses the least on candy.
>> No. 25609 [Edit]
File 145702096311.jpg - (115.86KB , 1280x720 , [Mori] Dagashi Kashi - 07 [4E442887]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
I get the impression Hotaru has lived a very sheltered life and is possibly very sad and lonely deep down beneath that eccentric personality she projects.
I wouldn't be surprised if she was a borderline hikimori before the events of this anime on top of being a candy otaku who's only now able to explore the outside world and interact with real people for the first time.
>> No. 25612 [Edit]
File 145716960678.jpg - (118.60KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Dagashi Kashi - 05 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
You would think he'd be more freaked out about a girl who looks exactly like his drawing showing up out of nowhere and being obsessed with what his family business sells.
>> No. 25632 [Edit]
File 145746286570.jpg - (370.24KB , 800x2250 , toastinmouth.jpg )
That was what I thought too. I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out she isn't even the heir to some dagashi baron and is just some random girl coconuts' father convinced to help convince him to take over the shop.
>> No. 25633 [Edit]
File 14574707797.jpg - (51.70KB , 1280x720 , [Mori] Dagashi Kashi - 08 [10B21372]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
>just some random girl coconuts' father convinced to help convince him to take over the shop.
Rather than a "random girl" it'd be more likely to be a distant cousin in that scenario. Could have even sent her photos of his manga drawings which would explain >>25612
>> No. 25641 [Edit]
File 145763252950.jpg - (182.39KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Dagashi Kashi - 08 [1080p]_mkv_snap.jpg )
>> No. 25644 [Edit]
Is she really though?
>> No. 25647 [Edit]
File 145768176490.jpg - (88.43KB , 1280x720 , [Mori] Dagashi Kashi - 08 [10B21372]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
I was starting to wonder what was up with the reference stuff. They had one in the first two ep, as well as the OP but seemed to drop it for the last couple episodes (as far as I can tell).
Although they seems a bit out of place all the same.
>> No. 25682 [Edit]
File 145786354865.jpg - (154.56KB , 1280x720 , [Mori] Dagashi Kashi - 08 [10B21372]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
>> No. 25684 [Edit]
That fishbowl is way too small for two fish.
>> No. 25685 [Edit]
I'm sure the big fish thinks the same thing and will eventually take care of the issue.
>> No. 25696 [Edit]
File 145802778657.jpg - (120.73KB , 1280x720 , [Mori] Dagashi Kashi - 09 [75CE8527]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
I'm inclined to agree.
>> No. 25697 [Edit]
It's too small for even one. It's inhuman to keep them in bowls that small.
>> No. 25698 [Edit]
File 145802827796.jpg - (527.37KB , 1280x1056 , candy shop.jpg )
They -really- know their audience...
>> No. 25700 [Edit]
File 145803195826.jpg - (89.94KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku .jpg )
no.. THIS show knows it audience.
>> No. 25704 [Edit]
File 145809175155.png - (1.11MB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2016-03-10-01h56m57s118.png )
how'd u get it to switch out of 3rd person view to FPS?
>> No. 25712 [Edit]
File 145819868355.jpg - (372.91KB , 1920x1080 , cap_[HorribleSubs] Dagashi Kashi - 09 [1080p]_00:2.jpg )
Today I learned Hotaru is M as fuck
>> No. 25713 [Edit]
File 145819885279.jpg - (145.19KB , 1280x720 , [Mori] Dagashi Kashi - 09 [75CE8527]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
Seems to be the case, but isn't really 'that' surprising.
>> No. 25790 [Edit]
File 145880066552.jpg - (123.10KB , 1280x720 , [Mori] Dagashi Kashi - 10 [7BD10386]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
Willy Wonka has nothing on her.
>> No. 25813 [Edit]
File 145907818836.png - (396.05KB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2016-03-27-04h28m41s762.png )
a talking butt
>> No. 25815 [Edit]
File 145912875118.jpg - (120.02KB , 1280x720 , [Mori] Dagashi Kashi - 10 [7BD10386]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
Jesus.. Maybe it's because I'm a city boy but holy fuck, I don't see how anyone could get used to having that many bugs around.
>> No. 25816 [Edit]
they're mostly moths, there. Moths are cute.
>> No. 25819 [Edit]
Not when they're eating your stuff.
>> No. 25820 [Edit]
if by "stuff" you mean "semen" then you're woefully wrong
>> No. 25821 [Edit]
Moths eat your semen?
>> No. 25822 [Edit]
no, moths are always cute.
>> No. 25823 [Edit]
semen-eating moe moth anime when
>> No. 25837 [Edit]
File 145941564573.jpg - (140.11KB , 1280x720 , [Mori] Dagashi Kashi - 11 [6A78CF38]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
This over ten cent gum?
Holy shit, what a little cunt. He'd be better off without a bitch like that.
>> No. 25846 [Edit]
Your daily reminder that 2DPD exists too.
>> No. 25848 [Edit]
File 145965527196.jpg - (143.34KB , 1280x720 , [Mori] Dagashi Kashi - 11 [6A78CF38]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
Yeah no kidding...
>> No. 25853 [Edit]
File 145968033059.png - (924.36KB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2016-04-03-03h42m17s326.png )
>> No. 25855 [Edit]
That's what a waifu is for silly.
>> No. 25892 [Edit]
File 146043839520.jpg - (181.72KB , 1280x720 , [Mori] Dagashi Kashi - 12 [650AAF4D]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
Being popular in what seems to be a one horse town doesn't seem like much of an accomplishment.
>> No. 25893 [Edit]
it might be a small town, but it seems to be filled with hot anime girl so you're wrong
>> No. 25894 [Edit]
Two hot girls (one which is just staying temporarily) hardly makes the town full of hot anime girls.
>> No. 25897 [Edit]
File 146044306347.jpg - (125.85KB , 1280x720 , [Mori] Dagashi Kashi - 12 [650AAF4D]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
>> No. 26022 [Edit]
File 146114764849.jpg - (74.61KB , 1280x720 , Saya.jpg )
Saya is cute! Cute!

Visually she's basically everything I dislike and her personality is a simple girl-next-door with a dash of tsundere. And yet there's something about it that made me grow to really like it over the course of the series.

That was one weird 12th ep though. Aside from the obligatory 'it starts raining and clears up by the end of the ep' sequence there was absolutely nothing indicating it's the last ep. Vey abrupt ending and my release didn't even contain any end card.
>> No. 26023 [Edit]
File 146114766614.jpg - (57.10KB , 1280x720 , 148.jpg )

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