No. 24193
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That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Cavalier" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Akkarin, the Spider Cavalier deserves much better than that. Much, much better than that.
I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine sword spider in Menzoberranzan for 4 platinum tricrowns (that's about 20 gold lions) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even climb vertical walls on the back of my sword spider.
Drow spider breeders spend years taking care of every single sword spider and feed them up to million rats to produce the finest mounts known in all of Faerûn.
Sword spiders can move thrice as fast as horses and can leap ten times as high for that matter too. Anything a horse can trample, a sword spider can trample better. I'm pretty sure a sword spider's sharp leg could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash.
Ever wonder why humans never bothered conquering Menzoberranzan? That's right, they were too scared to fight Akkarin, the Spider Cavalier and her sword spider mount of destruction. Even during Siege of Menzoberranzan, Scoured Legion targeted the drows with sword spider mounts first because their killing power was feared and respected.
So what am I saying? Akkarin, the Spider Cavalier is simply the best cavalier in the history of anime and manga, and thus, requires better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Akkarin, the Spider Cavalier:
Sword Spider Mount
Monstrous Hunting Spider
CE Huge magical beast (augmented vermin)
Init/Senses: +5/darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft. (unlimited in web); Listen +1, Spot +1
AC: 24, touch 13, flat-footed 19; uncanny dodge (–2 size, +5 Dex, +9 natural, +2 armor)
HP: 69 (10 HD)
Resist: evasion
Fort/Ref/Will: +11/+12/+3
Speed: 150 ft. (30 squares), climb 30 ft.; Fleet of Foot, Run
Melee: claw (piercing) +15 melee (4d6+8 plus poison) or
trample +15/+10/+5 melee (2d6+4)
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 20, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14
Feats: Fleet of Foot, Improved Natural Attack (claw), Run
Skills: Climb +23, Hide +8, Jump +25, Spot +16.
Female human
CE small humanoid
Feats: Protagonist
Skills: Hide +20, Move Silently +20
Now that seems a lot more representative of the destructive power of Akkarin, the Spider Cavalier in Yuru Yuri, don't you think?
tl;dr = Akkarin, the Spider Cavalier needs to be more powerful in d20, see my new stat block.