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File 143953850132.jpg - (132.19KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Joukamachi no Dandelion - 04 [720p].jpg )
23758 No. 23758 [Edit]
The power to unite men under one flag.
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>> No. 23759 [Edit]
File 143954317573.jpg - (86.78KB , 1280x720 , 27.jpg )
I wanted to say 'this is a pretty nice show'... but then when I tried to explain what makes it good I couldn't come up with anything. Picked it up because of the unique premise and I don't regret it at least.

Would definitely vote for Hikari. Akane worst.
>> No. 23761 [Edit]
>when I tried to explain what makes it good I couldn't come up with anything
Professional critics don't just decide to become pro on a whim.

Akane a cute. HanaKana as her voice actor works very good.
>> No. 23763 [Edit]

>Professional critics don't just decide to become pro on a whim.

What I meant to say that if I try to look at it somewhat objectively I honestly can't find a single good thing about it really. (Some of) The characters are kinda likeable I guess?
Rather than saying it's good I'd just say I enjoy it despite it being medicore at best.
>> No. 23764 [Edit]
What I meant was that professional critics are professional because they are above the commoner in their ability to objectively look at entertainment, mostly due to knowledge in the field.
I'm talking film critics that write for papers and stuff, not game reviewers.

To judge something objectively, you would look at things like pacing, directing, writing (not story) etcetera, things that cannot, or to the least possible extent, hold personal bias.

Nobody likes something that is rushed, this would be considered objectively bad. This is because it would be the same across all genres, a horror fan would not like a rushed horror film and a slice-of-life fan would not like a rushed SoL film, the pacing is 'bad', so this is objective.

This is different to 'fast' or 'slow' paced, since some do enjoy fast-pace and some do not, this would be subjective.

That's about as objective as you can get for entertainment, most of it is subjective.
>> No. 23804 [Edit]
File 143999981216.jpg - (84.70KB , 1280x720 , [Doki] Joukamachi no Dandelion - 05 (1280x720 Hi10.jpg )
The face of a fair leader.
>> No. 23809 [Edit]
File 144023612421.jpg - (191.77KB , 1280x720 , [MPT] Joukamachi no Dandelion - 08 (TBS 1280x720 x.jpg )
>> No. 23847 [Edit]
But Edward VIII was a Nazi sympathiser!
>> No. 23872 [Edit]
File 144084050349.jpg - (134.96KB , 1280x720 , [MPT] Joukamachi no Dandelion - 09 (TBS 1280x720 x.jpg )
Great endcards.
>> No. 23956 [Edit]
So the guy at Doki been shafting me on some dank endcards.
Like, I don't even understand why you would deliberately leave them out.
>> No. 23969 [Edit]
File 144213588461.jpg - (108.11KB , 1280x720 , [MPT] Joukamachi no Dandelion - 10 (TBS 1280x720 x.jpg )
>> No. 23976 [Edit]
File 144222484851.jpg - (116.72KB , 1280x720 , [MPT] Joukamachi no Dandelion - 11 (TBS 1280x720 x.jpg )
>> No. 24001 [Edit]
File 144287858844.jpg - (99.33KB , 1280x720 , [MPT] Joukamachi no Dandelion - 12 (TBS 1280x720 x.jpg )
>> No. 24003 [Edit]
Why doesn't Akane just wear pants. The school would let her wear pants, I bet. That's what I think when I watch this show, and Charlotte, where the teleporting guy needs to wear a helmet.
>> No. 24008 [Edit]
File 144299167057.jpg - (94.38KB , 1280x720 , kanade53.jpg )
because in case you haven't noticed, the only way this thing got popular enough to be adapted was due to SHABs in risque outfits
>> No. 24010 [Edit]
>The school would let her wear pants
Not unless it is the school's pants, which I would believe she does not have.

She pulled bloomers out of her bag on her way to school since that's the physical education uniform, which you would be carrying if you had physical education that day; who randomly carries pants around with them?
>> No. 24011 [Edit]
She can get the school's pants.
>> No. 24012 [Edit]
Can any of you give me a good reason not to pick this up and save me 6 hours of my time on this planet?
>> No. 24016 [Edit]
No offense, but it has all the signs of being the kind of anime I pick because of the cute girls but drop on ep 4 because it's just a highschool romcom/ecchi/harem without substance.
>> No. 24017 [Edit]
> it's just a highschool romcom/ecchi/harem without substance.

looks like i'm gonna have to pick this one up
>> No. 24018 [Edit]
You mean at school? She might as well get a skirt in that case.

>the kind of anime I pick because of the cute girls
>drop...because...just a highschool romcom/ecchi/harem without substance.
You managed to contradict yourself in a single sentence.
>> No. 24023 [Edit]
Not him but you can have cute girls without it being romcom/ecchi/harem. Just look at slice of life anime. I'll give you the substance part at least, cute girls in anime with real substance are as rare as an MC who doesn't have a window seat.
>> No. 24025 [Edit]
>cute girls in anime with real substance are as rare
Hardly. Most series will usually have at least one token cute girl.
>> No. 24026 [Edit]
Aren't you guys getting a little too meta here?
>> No. 25464 [Edit]
File 145508098435.jpg - (165.29KB , 1280x720 , [Doki] Joukamachi no Dandelion - 05 (1280x720 Hi10.jpg )
So her clones are the seven capital vices.

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