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File 14255337197.jpg - (4.71KB , 160x120 , 142342928421s.jpg )
22288 No. 22288 [Edit]
there is no good anime on wedsnay night this season and that actually is kind of pissing me off right now
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>> No. 22290 [Edit]
I assume you've seen every anime on the planet then.
>> No. 22295 [Edit]
That's what backlogs are for.
>> No. 25849 [Edit]
File 145966592465.jpg - (13.21KB , 480x171 , g20160420.jpg )
yep. Like pic related. Ep 11 now.
>> No. 25850 [Edit]
Don't watch everything the day it gets released and instead spread it out over the week.
>> No. 25856 [Edit]
u r not the boss of me
>> No. 25865 [Edit]
File 145993234784.gif - (2.91MB , 1080x1080 , gchess.gif )
Yes, I am. Ohohohohohohohooo
>> No. 25871 [Edit]
File 146011410155.jpg - (179.84KB , 640x996 , g20160503.jpg )
Got some SHAFT anime saved for this reason..
>> No. 25946 [Edit]
>> No. 26078 [Edit]
File 146183563585.jpg - (59.55KB , 850x559 , g20160518.jpg )
Watching Japanese animation
>> No. 26206 [Edit]
File 146329620544.jpg - (88.65KB , 1280x720 , g20160616.jpg )
Studio that did 進撃の巨人 (Shingeki no Kyojin, lit. "Advancing Giants") does a similar show with zombies instead of titans
>> No. 26207 [Edit]
One day we'll all realize that Hina Ichigo was probably Alice

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