No. 22027
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Princess? She wants to be a princess? How lame! Why not be a prince instead?
I don't know if it's just a by-effect of airing directly after Happiness Charge but I thought ep 1 was really good. But just like you should never judge a book by it's cover you should never judge an anime by it's first ep.
There are several reasons to be cautiously optimistic and a couple to keep that optimism contained for now. The latter include 3DCG being back, excessive focus on toys being back (this started in Dokidoki, no? I don't remember Smile being that obnoxious about it), deliciously brown prince (I don't think I can take more lame romance after HaCha), lack of overarching theme yet again and a lame enemy general. PreCure is that much more enjoyable when enemy generals are cool.
Despite that I feel I can grow to like Haruka (who seems to have some personality unlike Megumi), they are trying several new interesting things (dorminatory setting, Haruka's best friend/roommate isn't a Cure), gokigenyou~, the transformation sequence was pretty (albeit worryingly lengthy), the projectiles are seemingly gone (thank God), the fight was nice.
For now I'll choose to stay optimistic. I'd really like PreCure to be enjoyable again.