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File 141324520671.png - (878.16KB , 1280x720 , anime scrrencap2014-10-13-11h31m53s41.png )
20922 No. 20922 [Edit]
is that supposed to be a banana or a fish?
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>> No. 20923 [Edit]
fish, it has a fin.
>> No. 25107 [Edit]
My xmas lunch?
>> No. 25113 [Edit]
The trick is to only eat a spoon full of anything you are offered.
>> No. 25125 [Edit]
Try to remember that anime people aren't human and all have incredibly high metabolisms. Even by their standards heavy eaters just get a tad chubby at best. In the anime world there's a disease that causes their metabolisms to almost completely shut down, but this is rare in women and typically seems to effect men more often and the risk factor of contracting it seems to increase with age. From what I've read some researchers who study anime people believe there might even be a link between this disease and the the rise in sex drives of overweight middle aged men which often turns them into rapists, but there's no hard proof yet to support these claims.
>> No. 25129 [Edit]
now that i think about, it seems impossible that 2d food could hold calorie content because it would always be 0 density.
>> No. 25156 [Edit]
File 145154625952.gif - (469.86KB , 500x293 , asagohan.gif )
Smells so good.
>> No. 25157 [Edit]
Why does anime food always look so appetizing?
>> No. 25158 [Edit]
because it is cute and 2d
>> No. 25159 [Edit]
why is everything anime always look so appetizing?
>> No. 25223 [Edit]
Because it's drawn that way?
>> No. 25579 [Edit]
File 145672892055.jpg - (138.46KB , 1280x720 , c20160228.jpg )
>> No. 25617 [Edit]
File 145724558734.gif - (933.85KB , 500x281 , crockpot.gif )
>> No. 25718 [Edit]
File 145828392897.jpg - (116.42KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Nurse Witch Komugi-chan R - 10 [720.jpg )
Anime food sparkles so much...
>> No. 25731 [Edit]
File 145834105210.gif - (797.21KB , 500x269 , csteak.gif )
You eat this with sparkling (soda) water.

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