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File 141289285157.jpg - (108.87KB , 757x426 , ShiroBako.jpg )
20878 No. 20878 [Edit]
Anime about making anime. What more could you ask for?
Expand all images
>> No. 20879 [Edit]
What kind of anime do they make?
>> No. 20880 [Edit]
First half of ep 1 involved a generic battle shounen in a fantasy setting. Second half involved a moe anime that looked a lot like vivid red.
>> No. 20883 [Edit]
I was a bit impressed by the first ep. my only complaint would probably be from throwing out so many characters all at once and making it hard to keep track of everything but that's a minor complaint at best. I love how they zipped past the high school club shit in the first five minutes and went to the main character's life after leaving school. These days I feel like giving anything that doesn't take place at a high school an automatic thumbs up. I was a bit put off by the P.A. brand but thought I'd take the gamble. So far it doesn't seem likely to dissolve into a gloomy boring melodrama like some of their other stuff.
>> No. 20904 [Edit]
File 141304847076.jpg - (693.42KB , 1920x1080 , vroooom.jpg )
That race scene was great. Gave me some serious initial-d vibes.
>> No. 20943 [Edit]
File 141353041681.jpg - (808.84KB , 1920x1080 , 23567.jpg )
I don't care if she never says anything or does anything. I don't even care that she doesn't match the aesthetic style of the series and feels immeasurably out of place. I can't get enough of this character and hope we get to see more of her.
>> No. 21126 [Edit]
File 14141314117.jpg - (76.73KB , 1270x716 , [HorribleSubs] Shirobako - 03 [1080p].jpg )
That is one mother fucking ugly mascot.
>> No. 21128 [Edit]
Looks like a Nendoroid got raped by one of those Bratz dolls.
>> No. 21129 [Edit]
That sounds like an accurate assessment.
>> No. 21172 [Edit]
File 141471467347.jpg - (126.68KB , 1318x742 , [HorribleSubs] Shirobako - 04 [1080p].jpg )
So that's why the majority of anime is so childish...
>> No. 21223 [Edit]
I really like this.
>> No. 21227 [Edit]
File 14154325991.jpg - (363.12KB , 1920x1080 , Shirobako - 03 [1080p].jpg )
PA sure loves their butt slaps.
>> No. 21229 [Edit]
File 141546875492.png - (524.29KB , 1329x908 , 1415376630899.png )
>> No. 21230 [Edit]
God that guy is such an annoying twat.
>> No. 21233 [Edit]

He seriously talk too mych and can't do shit.
>> No. 21265 [Edit]
Why would an animation studio have a jail cell in their office? and why wouldn't you make sure the bars go all the way to the ceiling?
>> No. 21266 [Edit]
File 141596512519.jpg - (76.91KB , 1280x720 , destroytarou.jpg )
>> No. 21267 [Edit]
File 141597471426.png - (412.29KB , 1023x552 , 1415974079570.png )
>> No. 21268 [Edit]
Best character beating up the worst character. This I hope we see more of.
>> No. 21269 [Edit]
Maybe it's a cheap makeshift jail, and sloppily constructed/designed due to that.
>> No. 21272 [Edit]
At what point are they gonna go into the process of outsourcing to Korea?
>> No. 21274 [Edit]
Thats a given, but why would it already be there? This was fatty's first time directing in years. what could they have possibly needed it for before now?
>> No. 21275 [Edit]

>what could they have possibly needed it for before now?

>> No. 21276 [Edit]
Yeah okay that makes sense.
>> No. 21304 [Edit]
An anime about an anime making an anime;
>> No. 21320 [Edit]
File 141653224826.jpg - (73.17KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Shirobako - 07 [720p]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
>> No. 21321 [Edit]
More like metanimeception then.
>> No. 21341 [Edit]
File 141670595342.jpg - (43.02KB , 589x241 , fShieobako.jpg )
Circular referencing: the Anime
>> No. 21344 [Edit]
Thats pretty neat. I suspected some of the characters might have been based on real people but wasn't sure. I wonder who Gothic lolita-chan is based on?
>> No. 21346 [Edit]
File 141673881937.jpg - (62.31KB , 1280x720 , 1416577518379.jpg )

Gothloli-sama is the embodiment of anime.
>> No. 21381 [Edit]
File 141708890333.jpg - (38.08KB , 582x405 , 1417087801436.jpg )
>> No. 21439 [Edit]
File 141774112946.jpg - (33.18KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Shirobako - 09 [720p]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
>> No. 21440 [Edit]
File 14177474743.jpg - (650.17KB , 1920x1080 , Shirobako - 08 [1080p].jpg )
The best part of this show is the few seconds each ep when we get that all too rare glimpse of her grace Rinko-sama.
>> No. 21441 [Edit]
File 141777616926.jpg - (231.27KB , 800x1122 , 1415515942026.jpg )

She's the best.
>> No. 21515 [Edit]
File 141834931022.jpg - (110.75KB , 1245x701 , kill all the phonies.jpg )
hahaha, she's going insane!
>> No. 21516 [Edit]
File 141839381219.jpg - (136.51KB , 1280x720 , 1417950409056.jpg )

Everyone is slowly going insane.
>> No. 21518 [Edit]
File 141840659810.jpg - (1.46MB , 1280x815 , 1418388732165.jpg )
>> No. 21526 [Edit]
File 141850693620.gif - (1.40MB , 640x360 , 1418376169921.gif )
>> No. 21527 [Edit]
It's funny to me how some of them look semi realistic while others are completely out there.

Post edited on 13th Dec 2014, 4:09pm
>> No. 21528 [Edit]
Thats just how you tell which ones are based on real people.
>> No. 21546 [Edit]
File 141872931119.png - (0.99MB , 928x1000 , 1418643779364.png )
>> No. 21553 [Edit]
File 141897672239.jpg - (167.01KB , 1619x909 , i feel the need to root.jpg )
I wonder if her quieting was what resulted in that over priced demo Great Finish 5 prolog.
>> No. 21554 [Edit]
File 141898591351.jpg - (134.08KB , 1440x810 , 1418919822891.jpg )
Stupid Tarou.
>> No. 21566 [Edit]
File 141910997967.jpg - (455.41KB , 1039x1465 , 1419095128546.jpg )
>> No. 21572 [Edit]
I like how they don't shy away too much from how horrible and soul crushing working life can be.
>> No. 21599 [Edit]
File 141955490860.jpg - (94.54KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Shirobako - 12 [720p]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
This episode was excellent.
>> No. 21600 [Edit]
What company is "The bone" supposed to be?
I'm guessing Bones but I'm not sure.
>> No. 21601 [Edit]
File 141958884916.jpg - (148.67KB , 1440x810 , 1418937178441.jpg )

Yeah, it's probably Bones.
>> No. 21604 [Edit]
Hey, even they have fun sometimes...
>> No. 21605 [Edit]
File 141963792849.gif - (1.68MB , 640x360 , 1419606004003.gif )
>> No. 21610 [Edit]
File 141966640435.jpg - (164.70KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Shirobako - 11 [1080p]_mkv_snapshot.jpg )
I was really hoping to see their parody of kyoto animation. I guess kyoani has fallen so far they're not even worth mentioning at this point?
>> No. 21620 [Edit]
File 141976526956.jpg - (380.60KB , 656x923 , 1419750657320.jpg )
>> No. 21646 [Edit]
>> No. 21647 [Edit]
File 142007539546.gif - (1.34MB , 500x843 , 1419669159141.gif )

>> No. 21648 [Edit]
File 14201654179.jpg - (160.80KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Shirobako - 12 [1080p]_mkv_snapshot.jpg )
Ep 12 was great, Rinko-sama got tons of screen time!
>> No. 21649 [Edit]
File 142018005519.jpg - (98.46KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Shirobako - 12 [1080p]_mkv_snapshot.jpg )
I was expecting more incoherent babbling.
>> No. 21650 [Edit]
File 142021641998.gif - (730.98KB , 636x349 , 1419702864683.gif )
>> No. 21651 [Edit]
sorry, is that an Anno parody?
worth watching?
>> No. 21652 [Edit]
File 142022903981.jpg - (143.98KB , 1440x810 , 1419520660755.jpg )

>> No. 21653 [Edit]
File 142022920021.jpg - (149.75KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Shirobako - 12 [1080p]_mkv_snapshot.jpg )
It's just a two minute or so long cameo.
>> No. 21659 [Edit]
File 142026174730.jpg - (161.31KB , 1116x618 , learning to make sense.jpg )
OK, I watched the episode. It really was good. I enjoyed Aoi Honoo better but I liked how they portrayed Anno's straightforwardness and otaku passion (man, that horses idea really looked ridiculous; but fantasy it's all about hyperbolic stuff anyway). Also, I loved how they stressed the importance of classical drawing studies in order to make sense in designs and anime; if only /jp/ could get that through their heads already their "cute" OC wouldn't be such crap...

Post edited on 2nd Jan 2015, 9:13pm
>> No. 21660 [Edit]
File 142026197277.jpg - (163.16KB , 1112x616 , give them a chance.jpg )
... Anyway: good stuff. Btw, Anno is in fact been trying to give indie animators a chance lately, so arthouse anime without commercial pressure can bloom again:
>> No. 21684 [Edit]
when will some japs make anime about making an anime about making anime?
>> No. 21696 [Edit]
File 142062926369.jpg - (141.52KB , 800x600 , 1420622190775.jpg )
>> No. 21697 [Edit]
>> No. 21703 [Edit]
File 142076549116.jpg - (353.15KB , 1920x1620 , 1420757580646.jpg )
The new OP and ED are AWESOME.
>> No. 21704 [Edit]
File 14207660087.jpg - (225.30KB , 986x2161 , 1420732190554.jpg )
>> No. 21788 [Edit]
File 142137125055.jpg - (292.95KB , 1440x810 , 1421342372547.jpg )
Poor Shizuka.
>> No. 21869 [Edit]
File 142195500766.jpg - (110.76KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Shirobako - 15 [720p]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
Manga editors should die.
>> No. 21873 [Edit]
Yeah seriously.
>> No. 21874 [Edit]
File 142197679218.jpg - (217.29KB , 1920x1080 , Shirobako - 14 [1080p]_mkv_snapshot_23_54_[2015_01.jpg )
Is this based on a real studio?
>> No. 21875 [Edit]
File 142197680032.jpg - (71.58KB , 720x810 , 1421966321585.jpg )
Shit is getting real.
>> No. 21876 [Edit]
probably kyoto animation, lol
>> No. 21878 [Edit]
...took me a second to see what you did there. heh.
>> No. 21945 [Edit]
Shiro Bako is making jabs at the jap anime industry? USO DA!
>> No. 21989 [Edit]
File 14225663699.webm - (884.30KB , let me show you the dance of my people.webm )
Nice episode.
We even got goth loli's backstory.
>> No. 21995 [Edit]
File 142258037823.jpg - (772.33KB , 1440x1166 , 1422549377741.jpg )
>> No. 21996 [Edit]
File 142258054259.jpg - (152.80KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Shirobako - 13 [1080p]_mkv_snapshot.jpg )
Rinko-sama is the only reason I still watch this anime!

...and she's been been a no show for the last couple ep

>> No. 22000 [Edit]
File 142263620018.jpg - (356.82KB , 1280x720 , 1422633207331.jpg )
>> No. 22001 [Edit]
pretty much
>> No. 22002 [Edit]
oh gawd, that's great.
>> No. 22019 [Edit]
File 142279527124.jpg - (131.28KB , 1024x768 , 1422794156634.jpg )
>> No. 22053 [Edit]
File 142322281737.jpg - (892.23KB , 2100x2362 , 1423211205847.jpg )
>> No. 22143 [Edit]
File 142379043676.png - (97.97KB , 188x688 , 1423757311122.png )
>> No. 22149 [Edit]
File 142384968989.jpg - (167.39KB , 1277x716 , e7830536d3[1].jpg )
Why do animators use stopwatches like this when they do things? I saw it in the ghibli documentary too.
>> No. 22151 [Edit]

For time management and efficiency calculations as required for his boss to send up to higher management.

It's mainly for resource allocation of future projects and earned value projections of the current project.
>> No. 22163 [Edit]
File 142407849670.jpg - (190.99KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Shirobako - 16 [1080p]_mkv_snapshot.jpg )
I'd watch it, and I'd love it.
>> No. 22218 [Edit]
Sort of, in the sense that if you don't do it you'll find yourself looking for a job shortly.
>> No. 22249 [Edit]
I keep getting further behind on this show. It's just so hard to stay interested, especially when Rinko isn't around.
>> No. 22291 [Edit]
File 142557396764.gif - (1.23MB , 800x484 , 1425472725531.gif )
>> No. 22293 [Edit]
the retardgirl is the worst. Not like the anime itself is that great in the first place but godamn.
>> No. 22391 [Edit]
File 142614833994.jpg - (9.76KB , 200x160 , z20150313.jpg )
>Not like the anime itself is that great
You shut your mouth. Shirobako is <3 !
>> No. 22394 [Edit]
File 142616246198.jpg - (129.36KB , 1440x810 , 1425725287584.jpg )
>> No. 22434 [Edit]
I'm curious how someone like that could ever land a job like that when they can barely say their own name.
>> No. 22483 [Edit]
File 142657021882.jpg - (153.22KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Shirobako - 20 [1080p]_mkv_snapshot.jpg )
>> No. 22536 [Edit]
File 142683321731.jpg - (95.82KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Shirobako - 17 [1080p]_mkv_snapshot.jpg )
I think I rather be watching this anime, even if the blond seems annoying as fuck.
>> No. 22538 [Edit]
File 142683403171.jpg - (157.50KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Shirobako - 21 [1080p]_mkv_snapshot.jpg )
A lot of the anime I've seen makes me think there's no way in hell real studios go trough half this much research into the stuff they're working on.
>> No. 22549 [Edit]
File 142693438187.jpg - (132.97KB , 1440x810 , 1426868401610.jpg )
This felt sooo good.
>> No. 22559 [Edit]
I'm glad Zuka succeeded in her attempts of voice acting.
>> No. 22599 [Edit]
File 142754005526.jpg - (584.85KB , 1280x720 , 1427535277814.jpg )
It's over.

I loved it.
>> No. 22653 [Edit]
Just began watching the 2nd episode. It's good.
>> No. 22676 [Edit]
File 142820613983.png - (730.47KB , 800x1200 , 47370075_p0.png )
Glad I'm not the only one who likes it.
>> No. 22712 [Edit]
File 142850788525.png - (1.95MB , 1210x1916 , ep23.png )
Episode 23 was so great. It wasn't melodramatic but still made me cry and feel with Miyamori. I'll watch the last episode now, but I think I can say that this anime is a 10/10.
>> No. 22996 [Edit]
File 143052222196.jpg - (637.90KB , 1440x1440 , Shirobako - 16.jpg )
I love this series! I wish I'd picked it up while it was airing.
I keep waiting for Taro to have his own episode, where redeems himself somehow and I'll think, "Ah, so that's why he hasn't been fired!". But I'm on ep. 17 now and he hasn't really done anything but drive people around and be annoying.

Apart from that, this show is almost too good.
>> No. 22998 [Edit]
That baseball ep kinda ruined my image of Rinko...
>> No. 23013 [Edit]
File 143067207316.jpg - (411.86KB , 1280x1440 , 81E1FDD4.jpg )
It just made me confused as to whether she's right- or left-handed.
True ambidexterity?

Post edited on 3rd May 2015, 9:57am
>> No. 23014 [Edit]
If the way she trows her pitches is any indication, I'd say the creators simply don't have a very good grasp on baseball.
>> No. 23015 [Edit]
People can have difference dominant hand for different tasks. My dad writes with his left but bats and throws with his right
>> No. 23016 [Edit]
I see that mostly with left-handed people, since equipment specific for left-handed people is difficult to find and can pose a complication if right-handed people might also use it.

Never saw something like a right-hander that uses the mouse on the left hand, for instance.
>> No. 23017 [Edit]
I'm right handed and I do some things with the left, like drinking and some operations in laboratory (chem student here).
>> No. 23133 [Edit]
File 143161758923.jpg - (69.76KB , 1280x720 , Shirobako - 24.jpg )
Parts of the last two episode seemed a bit much, especially the sequence where Seiichi enters the Blackhawk building. I liked a lot of the fantastical action sequences earlier on, but felt they worked well because they were kept shorter.

I loved everything else about the ending, though.

Does anyone know how popular this was in Japan? It really deserves another season.
>> No. 25852 [Edit]
File 145967094320.jpg - (107.30KB , 640x466 , g20160422.jpg )
>> No. 25903 [Edit]
File 146045234559.jpg - (82.29KB , 640x360 , g20160505.jpg )
Project Management: the Anime
>> No. 25904 [Edit]
I just now noticed the couch colors in that scene. Nice touch.

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