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File 135800715128.jpg - (306.35KB , 1280x720 , shot0001.jpg )
13339 No. 13339 [Edit]
Tohno-chan loli edition the Anime.

3 minute long episodes. I'm pretty mad.
Expand all images
>> No. 13340 [Edit]
>Hikasa Youko
>Asumi Kana
>Ogura Yui

>Iguchi Yuka

Thanks but not thanks.
>> No. 13353 [Edit]
Please do not misuse spoilers
>> No. 13361 [Edit]
That was proper usage, spoiler police.
>> No. 13362 [Edit]
Tell it to the judge.
>> No. 13423 [Edit]
File 135821514653.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , shot0213.png )
Man that sucks ass, I once had this happen once to me once. I didn't brake a leg but it gave my brain damage once.
>> No. 13428 [Edit]
once once once
>> No. 13754 [Edit]
File 135959340432.jpg - (124.40KB , 1024x576 , 1359134535439.jpg )
This is a very cute little show. If you're not watching it, pick it up.
>> No. 13755 [Edit]
File 135959549091.jpg - (411.69KB , 1893x1075 , Ill take both.jpg )
Yes, it is very cute.
>> No. 13895 [Edit]
File 136018366122.jpg - (244.89KB , 1712x1074 , 2645325.jpg )
Best girl. Also, I felt that the art direction was rather different this episode compared to the previous ones.
>> No. 13907 [Edit]

Oh, you noticed Apple's viral marketing too? I think she also had an iPhone.

10/10 show could have been one of best this season if it was full eps. Atleast best SoL. (Winner by default I think?)
>> No. 13938 [Edit]
File 13606338596.jpg - (74.46KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Yama no Susume - 04 [720p]_mkv_snap.jpg )
>> No. 13958 [Edit]
File 136081127751.jpg - (174.36KB , 1003x706 , 76585645.jpg )
These guys in the magazine look fucking happy. Maybe I should go mountaineering sometimes and see if it is so nice as this animes makes it look to be.
>> No. 13959 [Edit]
I like mountaineering, it's pretty nice, it would be way nicer with a cute girl like her though
>> No. 13976 [Edit]
File 13609412351.jpg - (64.24KB , 1280x720 , 432234234.jpg )
This is the kind of backpack your fellow mountaineers would be jealous of.
>> No. 14001 [Edit]
File 136102726081.jpg - (179.73KB , 1269x707 , Untitled-2.jpg )
>> No. 14002 [Edit]
Today I learned this is directed by the same director as the one who did Welcome to NHK!
>> No. 14044 [Edit]
File 136138743338.jpg - (185.32KB , 1066x713 , two girls going up a mountain.jpg )
>> No. 14046 [Edit]
File 136140180014.jpg - (665.62KB , 1280x1440 , tomowned.jpg )
>> No. 14181 [Edit]
File 136200243895.jpg - (268.11KB , 1283x1034 , ACTION FILLED ANIME.jpg )
>> No. 14369 [Edit]
File 136276053383.jpg - (116.15KB , 1023x571 , BEsyWKTCQAAXvdh_jpg:large.jpg )
Only 3 more episodes left! I really hope this gets turned into a full length series at some point.
>> No. 14379 [Edit]
This anime is fucking adorable.
>> No. 14485 [Edit]
File 136342551098.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , moe.png )
>> No. 14542 [Edit]
File 136382336191.jpg - (63.81KB , 1280x720 , 54854675.jpg )
AOTY 2013. Can't wait for the two hour movie.
>> No. 14546 [Edit]
I'm glad you enjoyed it so much, but it isn't even spring yet. Hold those horses, buddy.
>> No. 14681 [Edit]
File 136460194838.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , shot0295.png )
This show is just so...
>> No. 14710 [Edit]
Somehow I thought the anime would involve a bit more mountain climbing... not that I'm complaining or anything.
>> No. 15487 [Edit]
File 136823579492.jpg - (166.12KB , 1088x719 , Yama no Susume.jpg )


>> No. 15489 [Edit]
File 13682393575.jpg - (112.73KB , 1280x720 , So Cute.jpg )
That was strange, I was just listening to the theme song when I saw this post.

The bonus episode looks pretty great, that wall was terrifying. I hope the DVD sells well enough for us to get more Yama no Susume.

Post edited on 10th May 2013, 7:32pm
>> No. 15511 [Edit]
But if the preview has a 51 seconds preview, then that means half of the episode is already gone!
>> No. 19944 [Edit]
File 140501631693.jpg - (297.75KB , 1610x897 , 125234643784365.jpg )
>> No. 19945 [Edit]
Is the new season running now?
>> No. 19946 [Edit]
File 140501660268.jpg - (187.04KB , 1614x906 , hammer_the_pug.jpg )
Also, I wish there was a gif of Aoi hammering the peg.
>> No. 19947 [Edit]
Yes. The first episode of the second season was released today.
>> No. 19951 [Edit]
Looks pretty fucking spacious to me.
>> No. 19955 [Edit]
high school grils is not loli
this show was shit
people who watch this should not be posting on this board
>> No. 19958 [Edit]
I would argue that what is and isn't loli is largely in the art style. We all know age is often nothing but a number in many anime.
Sorry if you think the show is shit, but that is no reason why people who like it shouldn't be allowed to post on this board.
>> No. 19960 [Edit]
But, but, people should not be allowed to like things I don't like.
>> No. 19961 [Edit]
truer words have never been spoken
>> No. 19977 [Edit]
File 140523894555.jpg - (59.26KB , 457x634 , yamanosusume.jpg )
2014 July
>> No. 19981 [Edit]
File 140526666123.png - (322.72KB , 636x357 , awwright.png )
It's awwwrriight.
>> No. 20014 [Edit]
File 140544446455.jpg - (0.96MB , 1024x768 , 4c4c7107862dd68dfc816c343861d1d7.jpg )
I'm glad this finally got a legit season. sure the eps are still half the length of a normal show, but there's supposed to be 24 of em so it evens out. Naturally feels a bit slower paced but no mind. not sure how I feel about them continuing on from the 3 minute version. On the one hand they could have redone it over the course of a few ep without it being as rushed, but then on the other hand it'd be kinda lame watching the same thing again but dragged out.
>> No. 20015 [Edit]
I prefer the 24 x 10 minute episodes over traditional 12 x 20.
>> No. 20036 [Edit]
File 140554837284.jpg - (71.82KB , 1280x720 , [Lazy Lily] Yama no Susume - 01 [BD][720p][EB2DC56.jpg )
So today I figured I should watch the first season of this show so I could start and keep up with what's currently airing. This show was really, really nice. I enjoyed it a lot and am definitely looking forward to keeping up with the current season.
>> No. 20037 [Edit]
Did you not watch the first season?
>> No. 20038 [Edit]
I didn't watch it when it aired, no.
>> No. 20081 [Edit]
File 14057268817.jpg - (387.36KB , 1920x1080 , what_is_this_supposed_to_be.jpg )
The second episode was cuter than the first. Also,they really went all out with the OP this time; it was very nice.
>> No. 20141 [Edit]
yeah it was nice. I was a little worried the half assed one they used for the first ep would be used from then on. I'm glad it wasn't. It reminds me a lot of a-channel's op.
>> No. 20166 [Edit]
File 140621305373.jpg - (249.39KB , 1280x1277 , 06cf1b6af94631eb001e7668b04bfcc6.jpg )
This episode was adorable.
>> No. 20168 [Edit]
File 140621844452.jpg - (171.08KB , 1269x715 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
I liked that in this episode Aoi showed that she hasn't stopped being somewhat bad in physical activites, as you would expect of someone of her habits, and ended up being pressured because of it.
>> No. 20251 [Edit]
File 140661537987.jpg - (131.58KB , 1279x722 , [Doki] Yama no Susume Second Season - 03 (1280x720.jpg )
Nice to see some actual hiking & mountain climbing this season.
>> No. 20252 [Edit]
File 140662769776.jpg - (62.65KB , 471x657 , yamanosusume.jpg )
2014 August
>> No. 20258 [Edit]
Asumi Kana is actually the best
>> No. 20259 [Edit]
No argument there.
>> No. 20306 [Edit]
File 140693679027.jpg - (149.23KB , 1276x712 , 325475483462345.jpg )
Aoi is great.
>> No. 20497 [Edit]
File 140893241442.jpg - (68.11KB , 1280x720 , [Doki] Yama no Susume Second Season - 05 (1280x720.jpg )
Well /an/, Would you have pulled her skirt down?
>> No. 20498 [Edit]
Aoi is the epitome of cute
>> No. 20533 [Edit]
File 140965073226.jpg - (90.79KB , 1280x800 , yamanosusume.jpg )
>> No. 20535 [Edit]
File 140967337057.jpg - (734.95KB , 1280x720 , [Doki] Yama no Susume Second Season - 07 (1280x720.jpg )
What an odd path design. These really doesn't look very safe at all.
>> No. 20536 [Edit]
File 140968131753.jpg - (606.31KB , 1280x853 , dadce664.jpg )
It's a real location
>> No. 20537 [Edit]
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>> No. 20538 [Edit]
File 14096813782.jpg - (677.89KB , 1280x853 , 2.jpg )
>> No. 20539 [Edit]
Who said it wasn't?
>> No. 20540 [Edit]
Nobody. I just wanted to throw that out there.
>> No. 20541 [Edit]
>> No. 20684 [Edit]
File 141133068539.jpg - (427.26KB , 1920x1078 , 124-032895-23.jpg )
>> No. 20759 [Edit]
File 14121548501.jpg - (82.05KB , 1280x800 , yamanosusume.jpg )
10/10 moe
>> No. 20827 [Edit]
File 14124646958.jpg - (73.98KB , 563x800 , yamanosusume.jpg )
Got rid of the black space
>> No. 20864 [Edit]
So will there be a second season?
I want to see them going to more mountains and look at the milky way
>> No. 20865 [Edit]
wasn't this already a second season?
>> No. 20888 [Edit]

>> No. 20890 [Edit]
File 141298166454.jpg - (618.56KB , 1920x3224 , 0923850932486094376.jpg )
This week's episode was more than incredible. I don't what happened to the art direction or studio, but it was really something.
>> No. 20891 [Edit]
File 141298171921.jpg - (476.82KB , 1920x2148 , 21039580932680346.jpg )
>> No. 20900 [Edit]
Holy shit the second season is airing right now and it's at the 14th episode!
>> No. 20901 [Edit]
looks like it's only being subbed by the commies though

Commie is stuck at episode 08 and that anon subs group skipped every episode from 7 to 12 and subbed 13, what the fuck

Post edited on 11th Oct 2014, 6:10am
>> No. 20903 [Edit]
Doki is on it too and is up to ep 13
>> No. 20905 [Edit]
Thanks, I didn't think of checking doki's site
>> No. 20906 [Edit]
No one ever does lol
>> No. 20908 [Edit]
yeah, doki is banned from nyaa because commie owns nyaa and doki refused to put epic memes from 4chan into their subs like commie does and wants to force everyone else to
>> No. 21453 [Edit]
File 141786063061.jpg - (79.68KB , 566x800 , z20141207.jpg )
2014 Dec
>> No. 21505 [Edit]
File 141829464324.jpg - (256.82KB , 1400x961 , z20141208.jpg )
>> No. 21511 [Edit]
>> No. 21589 [Edit]
Is it "Encourage of a climb?" Worth watching?
>> No. 21592 [Edit]
File 141946686286.jpg - (219.75KB , 1272x707 , 437347345.jpg )
Damn, this show was pretty fun. I wish it didn't had to end though. Still, probably an OVA or two ahead before it's all really over.
>> No. 21642 [Edit]
File 142006337134.jpg - (34.14KB , 654x311 , z20141228.jpg )
Wake me up before you go-go
>> No. 25443 [Edit]
File 145481967839.png - (1.30MB , 2048x841 , yamanosusume.png )
>> No. 25550 [Edit]
It's exactly what the title suggests, and its brilliantly done. Go watch it and start saving for your next mountain climbing.

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