No. 19211
Everything seems to be killing me, only because I like having conversation with a handful of nice people on irc... with every nice person I might want to be with, there's about 50 memespewing idiots and assholes joking about whatever is killing me. They might not be literally killing me, but it's shit when your only escape is ran by you and you have to deal with assholes giving you shit for it, and no one seems to keep it up, so then there's the whole "What's the point?"... I don't know, maybe I'm better off just leaving this world or something... it's not worth living if you're going to have to wait months for those nice internet friends you always like having conversations with, the only people you really bother to live for, the people you're dependent on. During that wait, you have to deal with people shitting on you for what you enjoy, and all you can say is "I just want to have fun" or whatnot, but it doesn't matter, you're a joke... Why do I bother living on if my life is dependent on others? I can't live for myself because I'm too pathetic...